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Parker Dell
Real Age Test:
Overall the Real Age Test helped show me that I am living a healthy lifestyle. My results make
my real age three years younger than what I really am. The factors that helped reduce my real age were
my active life style of working out vigorously. Through working out daily and placing cardio into my
workout, the test reveals that I am making healthy life choices. My decent flexibility also adds to my
Under the category of feelings, my stress management helps to “make me younger.” In general I
have good stress management techniques and don’t get stressed out easily. I guess this is just part of my
easy going personality that helps me stay calm in stressful situations. Other subcategories within
feelings that help promote my healthy lifestyle are my strong sense of purpose and my strong support
Under the diet category, My strengths revolves around eating a healthy breakfast every day and
eating nuts and fruits. My weaknesses in this category consist of eating too much junk food and breads
and not enough veggies. I don’t think that I am eating too much junk food. I only have an occasional slice
of cake or bowl of ice-cream maybe 3 times a week tops. Overall I feel that I do a good job of straying
away from junk food.
Within the health category of the test I didn’t have any weaknesses. The test also suggested that
the seven hours of sleep I was receiving is enough sleep for my age. It also claimed that I have a good
waist line. Everything else on this category said I was on track. For example my blood pressure was
where it should be and it also states that I need to get my cholesterol checked so I can see where I am
In general, the Real Age Test helps to show that I have current good health and that I am on
track to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Overall to keep a healthy lifestyle where I am at now in my life I will
need to continue to eat healthy, receive a good night’s sleep and continue to exercise daily.
Super Tracker:
The Food Tracker potion of this website helped show that overall, I am eating healthy. I consume nine
percent more than the recommended amount of grain. This small percentage isn’t significant enough to
mean anything. If anything this percentage allows for variation. I consume 81 percent more than the
recommended amount of milk and yogurt. I figured this would be higher than normal. I try to have three
glasses of 2% milk at breakfast in the morning. I do this because I eat right after I work out and I use the
protein from the milk to help add to my gains. With proteins in general I consume 15 percent more than
the recommended amount. The protein I consume is normally healthy. I try to have a good serving of
eggs in the morning. A turkey and cheddar sandwich for lunch and normally a chicken wrap for dinner.
The chicken I pull for the wrap is grilled. The areas of improvement in my diet revolve around eating
more fruit and vegies. According to the tracker I only consume 40% of the recommended amounts.
The “My Plan” portion of the website gives a much more detailed food plan than the “Real Age
Test”. The Test only told me to eat more or less of a food group. The My Plan website on the other hand
gives me a detailed chart telling me how much to eat and examples of what I can eat and the proportion
of what I can eat/consume to maintain a healthy diet. So for me, to meet my veggies and fruit
requirements I need four cups of veggies and examples of how I can achieve this are 2 cups of salad
leaves or 1cup of cooked vegies. To meet my fruit requirements I need 2.5 cups per day. To achieve this I
can drink 1cup of 100% fruit juice and ½ cup of dried fruit and a cup of raw fruit.
Fitness Test:
The fitness test added addition support to the “Real Age Test” which helped to reveal I am in
good health condition. My score on the mile and a half run placed me in the top 95 percentile for my
age which means I did really well. On the sit-up and pushup test I was placed in the 75 percentile which
is also really good. My flexibility is also really good, being at the 85 percentile. Overall my fitness scored
placed me in the 85 percentile for my age. This test helped to show that I am physically fit. My BMI was
25, which the site places me as overweight as a result. This result may be inaccurate due to muscle
mass from my frequent workouts. Over all this test helps support the choices that I have made that
show I am living a healthy life style.
I passed the flexibility tests with flying colors. In football as our cool down stretch we always did
the hamstring and quadriceps stretch prescribed to us. From performing this stretches multiple times in
the past I gained decent flexibility as I was able to meet the passing criteria for these stretches. I also
passed the balance test as well. I have decent balance due to all the years of sports I have done.
Overall, all these tests helped reveal that I am living a healthy lifestyle. It also reveals that I do
not need to make significant changes besides increase my fruit and veggie intake. So overall I need to
maintain the healthy life style I have developed. Sometimes I do play games with the way I think.
Sometimes I’ll say I will make up for my lack of fruit intake tomorrow through taking double servings. I
don’t find it challenging to eat healthy at college because if the cafeteria serves food I don’t like I will
simply go made a grilled chicken wrap which I add lettuce tomatoes and other veggies into it. When it
comes to working out the hardest part is motivation especially since I lift in the mornings. It is so easy to
just sleep in instead of waking up to workout. To help motivate myself I work out with my friend. This
provided motivation through both of us providing encouragement and dragging the other out to the
gym in the morning. In conclusion all the test I took over the past week helped reveal that I am living a
healthy lifestyle and that I don’t need to make any significant changes but instead I need to simply
maintain the healthy lifestyle that I have developed.