weight promoting - Belle Hall Elementary School

Feed Your Kids Right!!
From Dr. Ann Kulze
1. Limit Junk Food
 This includes processed foods, convenience foods and fast
foods- examples: sugary junk cereals, cookies, candy, chips,
donuts, fast food burgers, chicken nuggets, hot dogs,
lunchables, etc.
 Junk foods are bad because they:
1. Provide little to no nutritional value
2. Almost always contain excessive calories and ingredients
that contribute to poor health (trans fats, saturated fats,
high fructose corn syrup, refined flour, excessive sodium)
3. Crowd out other nutritious, healthy promoting foods.
4. Perpetuate appetite.
2. Provide your child with as much variety of fruits and veggies as
 Ages 5-8 need 3 cups/day, Ages 9-12 need 4 cups/day
 Superstar fruits – berries, cherries, plums, citrus, mangoes,
kiwis, apples cantaloupe, pomegranates.
 Superstar Veggies – broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel
sprouts, kale, collards, tomatoes, carrots, onions, garlic,
asparagus, spinach, and sweet potatoes.
 A serving of fruit = ½ cup cut up fruit, 1 medium sized piece
of fruit, ¾ cup of juice
 A serving of vegetables = ½ cup of cut up vegetables
3. Provide your child the RIGHT fats! The type of fat in the diet is a
major determinant of health!
 Strictly avoid trans fats: partially hydrogenated oils
(everywhere in processed and fast foods) sticks of
margarine, and shortening
 Minimize saturated fat: fatty cuts of beef, pork , lamb,
 Provide the majority of fats from healthy oils: extra virgin
olive oil, canola oil, nuts/seeds, and avocados.
4. Provide your child the RIGHT Carbs!
 Minimize refined “bad” white carbs – white flour, white rice,
white potatoes, and sugar
 These “bad” carbs promote obesity, increase cardiovascular
risk, promote diabetes, promote certain cancers, and lead to
fluctuations in blood glucose.
 Provide the majority of carbohydrates from the following 4
categories: 100% whole grain, beans/legumes, fruits and
vegetables. (the “right” carbs)
5. Provide protein in the “healthiest packages” – poultry, fish,
shellfish, beans, nuts/seeds, omega 3 eggs, soy, low-fat dairy
products and lean red meats.
 Limit fatty cuts of red meat – beef, pork, lamb. Especially
processed meats such as bacon, sausage, and bologna.
 Limit whole dairy products- whole milk, full fat cheese
6. Limit beverages to water, 100% fruit or vegetable juice, low
fat/skim milk, and calcium fortified soy milk.
 Soft drinks, “Sugar fortified” fruit drinks, and sports drinks
have no nutritionally redeeming qualities and are a major
source of weight promoting, liquid calories. They should be
consumed sparingly.
 Sports beverages are a choice when engaging in vigorous
physical activity lasting more than 1 hour.
 100% fruit juice should be limited.
7. Limit TV
 TV viewing has emerged as the most powerful predictor of
 The more TV your child watches, the more fat, calories,
sugar and sodium they consume, and the less calcium, fruits
and veggies they consume.
8. Move More!
 To maintain healthy a child’s body requires the following:
Accumulate at least one hour or more of moderate to
vigorous physical activity daily.