For very detailed information regarding Diatomaceous Earth Just

Diatomaceous Earth is Nature’s building block for beauty, immunity and detoxification for you and your pet.
Diatomaceous Earth is a little known secret that supplements the important silica needed for great health. In this
time of processed foods and soil depletion it is now no longer found in ample amounts naturally in our diets. Food
Grade Diatomaceous Earth eliminates parasites in both humans and animals. It will also safely eliminate
garden/household pests such as bedbugs, fleas, ticks and many others pests that have an exoskeleton. Safely – no
harsh chemicals! For humans it is known to boost your immune system and detoxify your body. These are just some of
the many benefits of using Diatomaceous Earth. The following pages detail the benefits and advantages of adding
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth to your environment, your diet and your pet’s diet every day.
Contact: Diatomaceous Earth ‘n’ Natural Products Out West
Sheena Walker, Owner/Manager
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth
First, what is and how is Diatomaceous Earth made?
Did you know that all the waters of the Earth are inhabited by billions of Diatoms? These
Diatoms are so small that one drop of water could contain hundreds. These tiny plants are
the food supply for the higher forms of life in all the oceans and lakes around the world.
Diatoms take the minerals from the water and build themselves a protective shell or skeleton.
As they die, these shells sift to the bottom of the lake or ocean and over many eons build up
large deposits that fossilize into chalk-like material. These deposits are called diatomaceous
earth (DE) and man has discovered over 1500 uses for the material and that it is over 85%
There is no life without Silica!!
When we were young, our tissues soaked up and maintained high levels of silica—allowing our
bodies to stay flexible, resilient, and energetic. Unfortunately, as we get older, our silica levels
steadily drop. Also attributing to decreased levels is the lack of silica in our once plentiful soil.
Our soil is now depleted due to industrialized farming and lack of crop rotation. Foods that
once contained plenty of silica (alfalfa sprouts, beets, brown rice, bell peppers, soybeans, leafy
green vegetables, root vegetables, cooked dried beans and peas, and whole grain breads and cereals)
no longer contain the amounts we need to maintain a healthy body and immune system. In
fact, it has been suggested that silica supplementation may be a critical factor in helping us
maintain a healthier, more youthful, and pain-free body. In addition, it may reduce the body’s
natural recovery time. Research shows that without sufficient silica, the body cannot sustain
optimum skin elasticity, strong hair, nails, teeth and gums. Silica enriches the strength and
functioning of connective tissue and it is through connective tissue that nutrients are absorbed
and wastes are expelled. When silica is in attendance in the tissues in ideal amounts, these
developments happen effectively, so the tone of the tissues will be improved, with greater
vitality and less toxins. Your skin will be better hydrated (as long as you are drinking plenty of
clean water), your hair will have more luster and you nails will be stronger.
It is important to make sure what kind of silica you choose. It comes in many forms and from
many sources. A lot of the silica supplements that are on the market today come in tablet
form and are not easily absorbed by the body. It is necessary to secure a form that starts with
highly purified mineral silica, is pH neutral and easily absorbed by the body. This is what
Diatomaceous Earth is and does!
As we get older, the source of silica in our bodies becomes exhausted, resulting in wrinkles,
dry skin, dull lifeless hair, and brittle nails and bones. Maintaining collagen underneath the
skin augments elasticity and beauty. Collagen owes that attribute to Silica, which provides a
beautiful complexion that is more than skin deep. Silica has been regarded as nature’s
building block and is our answer to healthier, younger looking, more radiant skin, hair and
nails. It is a universal element in the human body that can be found free and soluble in
water or combined with proteins and lipids, and has an exact relationship to mineral
absorption. Its most important purpose is of immune nature, because the Silica partakes in
the manufacturing process of antibodies/antigens and it encourages the conversion of LB
(Lymphocyte B) into LT (Lymphocyte T).
The typical human body holds roughly seven grams of silica, a quantity far exceeding the
numbers for other key minerals such as iron. Both iron and silica are body essential,
meaning they are necessary for carrying our ongoing metabolic processes that are vital to
life. Both elements must be continuously supplied. With Silica, strength and life, which often
vanish as the years accumulate, can be naturally sustained or even restored to your skin.
Silica Supplementation for Healthy Bones
Osteoporosis is an indicator of the aging process. As the calcium in our body structure
leeches, our bones become brittle and weak. Using only a calcium supplement cannot remedy
or stop this threatening and crippling disease because the body cannot absorb and make use
of the calcium without the presence of Silica. Data suggests that, instead of affecting healing,
supplemental mineral calcium, in contrast, speeds up the leeching away of bone calcium and
thus accelerates the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar diseases that affect the
connective tissues in the human body.
In the case of osteoporosis, Silica can alleviate the pain and may restore the body’s self repair
process. Osteoporosis indicators attack women primarily after menopause, but the
deterioration process starts much earlier in their younger days. Countless women are dying of
fractures caused by osteoporosis compared with cancer of the breast, cervix and uterus
Silica as a Source of Youth
It is important to know that in osteoporosis, thinning of the
bones takes place due to the insufficient manufacturing of the
surrounding protein medium in which calcium salts first deposit.
An insufficient amount of calcium in the bone matrix causes an
enlargement of canals and spaces in the bones, giving the bones
a porous, thinned look. The weakened bone develops into a
fragile state and can be broken by a minor injury. The bones
may even fracture from ordinary pressure or stress. For
objectives of re-mineralization in damaged bones, it is advised
that a sufficient Silica supplement be taken daily. Bones are
composed of mainly phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, but
they also include Silica. Silica deposits minerals into the bones,
especially calcium. It hastens the healing of fractures and also
diminishes scarring at the location of a fracture. A good deal of
research evidence indicates that through a transmutation
process, Silica is turned into calcium when it is needed. It is for
that reason that some scientists mention Silica as a precursor to
calcium. Even when calcium is insufficient, the body can turn
Silica into calcium that the bones need.
Tissue deterioration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue cultivates an increasing
inability to hold on to moisture when left without help. Connective tissue consists of collagen,
elastin, mucopolysaccharides, and mucous carbohydrates which aid in moisture retention.
Their capacity to hold on to moisture keeps the connective tissue resilient and has apparent
importance in the prevention of premature aging. All these valuable molecules house large
quantities of Silica. Collagen, mainly made up of Silica, is the “glue” that holds us together. If
our body has enough silica glucosaminoglycane, the collagen will make us look younger. The
skin is the largest organ in the body and, along with hair and nails, forms the living cover that
shows on the outside how well we are within. The presence of silica in our bodies can maintain
the luster in our hair, the strength in our nails and the tone of our skin.
If you consistently follow a Silica regimen, your skin will retain its youthful
look. However, do not assume instant results. It is a good idea to begin silica
supplementation long before the collagen in your body has declined to the
point where it shows in the wrinkles on your face and body. Human hair is
just as plentiful in silica as healthy bones, which contain 100 mcg per gram.
A good quality Silica supplement should be part of your ongoing hair care
course of therapy.
Additionally, scientists and researchers have long hypothesized that
Alzheimer’s disease is linked to a build-up of aluminum in the brain, and links
between aluminum in drinking water supplies and Alzheimer’s have now been
ascertained. A factor that is overlooked is that silica reduces the
accumulation of aluminum. When researchers added silica to aluminum-laced
water supplies, it inhibited the aluminum from being absorbed. It also caused
a proliferation in the excretion of aluminum in urine and lowered aluminum
concentrations in the brain, liver, bone, spleen and kidneys.
Silica is one of those elements whose catalog of benefits just keeps mounting as time passes. Silica is
the second most widespread element on earth, following oxygen. In its crystalline form, silicon (or
quartz), is the most plentiful element in the earth’s crust. When obtained from plant life, it is called
Silica. Diatomaceous Earth is obtained from fossilized plant life and contains Silica abound. Silica is
crucial in bones, tendons, skin, cartilage and blood vessels. Silica is even located in blood itself, and in
such important organs as the liver, heart and lungs. Silica is one of the most abundant minerals on the
planet, but there are very few foods that contain an adequate amount to supply the quantity your body
needs. Silica is easily absorbed via the intestinal wall and is also rapidly excreted, so consistent daily
supplementation is important. Because it is water soluble, it does not accumulate in the body. Studies
have not found any negative side effects from too much Silica. Its extensive range of uses and its
safety make it an exhilarating—One treats all—alternative. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is “One
Natural Product Treats All”.
All of us need Silica, regardless of our age. It is as important to provide the body dietary
sources of Silica early in life as it is during the aging process when Silica levels in tissue
usually drop off steeply. Silica has an exact absolute influence on absorption of all minerals
that the body requires to maintain health. It adds to the quality of life!
In 1939, the Nobel Prize winner for chemistry, Professor Adolf Butenant, proved that life
cannot exist without Silica. In the 2003 book "Water & Salt" Dr. Barbara Hendel states: "Silica
it the most important trace mineral for human health!" Silica plays an important role in many
body functions and has a direct relationship to mineral absorption. The average human body
holds approximately seven grams of silica, a quantity far exceeding the figures for other
important minerals such as iron.
Let’s look at some more of the benefits of Silica:*
Of the thousands of people that are using Diatomaceous Earth, everyone that has high blood
pressure has reported that it has gone down. It has been so thrilling to talk to people all over
the United States and have them tell their stories. I am not just talking a few points---I am
talking about LIFE-CHANGING numbers. Doctors are amazed--customers are amazed---You
will be too. Just as Diatomaceous Earth has been lowering blood pressure--it has also been
lowering cholesterol! I have not talked with one person that has high cholesterol that has not
had lower numbers after taking Diatomaceous Earth. Most are reporting 40-60 points lower
after only 2 weeks on DE. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it works!
Osteoporosis is a symptom of the aging process. As calcium in our body system depletes, our
bones become brittle and weak. Taking only a calcium supplement cannot correct or stop this
threatening and crippling disease because the body cannot assimilate and make use of the
calcium without the presence of silica. Evidence suggests that, instead of affecting healing,
supplemental mineral calcium, on the contrary, accelerates the leaching away of bone calcium
and thus hastens the degenerative process of osteoporosis and similar diseases that affect the
supportive and connective tissues in the human body.
For osteoporosis, silica can stop the pain and even restore the bodies self repair process.
Osteoporosis symptoms attack women primarily after menopause but the degenerative
process starts much earlier in their younger days. More women are dying of fractures caused
by osteoporosis than of cancer of the breast, cervix, and uterus combined.
Silica is responsible for the depositing of minerals into the bones, especially calcium. It speeds
up the healing of fractures and also reduces scarring at the site of a fracture. More and more
research evidence shows that through a transmutation process, silica is turned into calcium
when it is needed. That is why some scientists refer to silica as a precursor of calcium. Even
when calcium is insufficient, the body can turn silica into calcium that the bones need.
Some of the 1500 Known Benefits of Diatomaceous
Earth and Silica:
•Silica can hinder the effects of coronary disease by fortifying
blood vessels.
• Silica aids in the repair and maintenance of vital lung tissues
and defending them from pollution.
• Silica decreases swelling due to its positive effects on the
lymphatic system.
• Silica assists in the prevention of kidney stones and heals
infection of the urinary tract. It is a natural diuretic, which can
encourage excretion by 30%.
• The presence of adequate Silica in the intestines will diminish
inflammation of the intestinal tract. It can cause disinfection in
the case of stomach and intestinal catarrh and ulcers. Silica
can avert or clear up diarrhea and its opposite, constipation.
• Silica can assist in normalizing hemorrhoidal tissues, while
lessening lower back pain.
• Silica works as a supportive treatment for inflammation of
the middle ear.
• Silica may normalize circulation and regulate high blood
• Silica can assist diabetes by encouraging synthesis of
elastase (an enzyme) inhibitor by the pancreas.
• Silica improves mobility by improving the elasticity of the
• Silica may hinder the pain of osteoarthritis and rheumatism.
• Silica may stimulate cell metabolism and division.
• Silica delays the aging process.
• Silica beautifies hair with luster, elasticity and vigor.
• By taking part in the synthesis of elastin and collagen, Silica
regenerates skin and the vascular walls.
• Silica may assist in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by
inhibiting the body from absorbing aluminum and may flush
our aluminum from the tissues.
Nature's Internal Cosmetic!
In Europe and Asia Diatomaceous Earth is used extensively as a health and beauty product for
hair, skin, nails, bones, and joints. They have no FDA.
Tissue degeneration accelerates due to aging when connective tissue develops an increasing
inability to retain moisture when left unassisted. Silica can help slow the degenerative process
of connective tissue. With silica, vitality and life, which are often lost as the years accumulate,
can be naturally maintained or even restored to your skin. Silica also helps with skin problems
and injuries including itching, rashes, abscesses, boils, acne, calluses, warts, eczemas, burns,
frostbite, benign skin sores, insect bites and bed sores.
Teeth and Gums! By hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth.
Silica also prevents bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession that cause the loosening of
teeth, which could ultimately lead to tooth loss. Silica effectively fights ulceration and the
decay of bones, teeth and also lessens inflammation.
Even More Benefits!
Silica lowers bad cholesterol and raises good
Silica fades age spots
Silica stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels
Diatomaceous earth has a negative charge and bacteria have a positive charge. It is
believed that diatomaceous earth sweeps bacteria out of the body by trapping it in its
honeycomb shaped skeletal form.
Silica supplementation helps repair and maintain vital lung tissues and protects them
from pollution. By maintaining or restoring the elasticity of lung tissues, silica reduces
inflammation in bronchitis.
It acts as a cough decreasing agent. Silica tones the upper respiratory tract (nose,
pharynx, and larynx) and reduces swelling because of its positive action on the lymphatic
Silica supplementation keeps menopause free of stress and helps to prevent many
unwanted side-effects of menopause
Cancer cannot survive in cells that have the correct levels of Silica.
Silica works with other antioxidants to prevent premature aging and to preserve
Silica can help prevent kidney stones and heal infections of the urinary tract. It is a
natural diuretic which can increase excretion of urine by 30 percent, thus flushing the waterexcreting system and restoring normal function to these vital organs.
The presence of sufficient silica in the intestines will reduce inflammation of the
intestinal tract. It can cause disinfection in the case of stomach and intestinal mucus and
ulcers. Silica can prevent or clear up diarrhea and its opposite, constipation.
Silica proves effective with female discharge, abscesses and ulcers in the genital area
and cervix, as well as mastitis (especially for breast feeding mothers).
Because of the beneficial effectiveness on the lymphatic system, silica can be used for
swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat.
Has anti-inflammatory disinfecting, absorbing and odor binding effects.
Silica can decrease vertigo, headache, tinnitus (buzzing of the ears) and insomnia.
Silica can help diabetes by promoting synthesis of elastase inhibitor by the pancreas.
Silica can help prevent Tuberculosis.
By improving the elasticity of the joints, silica helps rheumatism.
Silica has inhibitory effects on coronary diseases.
Daily silica needs of humans are 20-30 mg. In Years past, our bodies would get enough silica
from our diet. Supplemental use of Perma-Guard Diatomaceous Earth is essential to total body
Mix your Diatomaceous Earth with fruit juice or water to be most effective on an empty
stomach. Perma-Guard Diatomaceous Earth is Food Grade and very pure. There is no
unpleasant taste. It was created in water and therefore will not dissolve; stirring several times
while drinking will prevent settling. Some have experienced higher energy levels, so it is
probably better not to take it right before sleeping. No worry about getting too much--any
excess silica not needed by the body is automatically eliminated through the blood stream,
kidneys and intestines.
Horitcultural, Livestock and Household Uses for Food Grade Diatomaceous
So you have pests! In your gardens, flower beds, field crops, grain storage, and on livestock
and pets. So many people turn to chemical alternatives that only serve to deplete the
environment, lower immune systems and harm animals. Diatomaceous Earth is Mother
Nature's product with no harm to the environment, pets or to people. As mentioned,
Diatomaceous Earth is not an earth, it is the fossilized remains of microscopic fossil shells
created by one celled plants called DIATOMS. Diatomaceous Earth kills by physical action, not
chemical, by puncturing the insect’s exoskeleton and absorbing its body fluids, thus posing no
harm to warm-blooded life. Moreover, on any surface, these natural pesticide products have a
remarkable repellency factor. As long as it is present, insects tend to stay away, making a
serious infestation unlikely. Also, the more it is used, the more an environment is created that
tends to make insects feel unwelcome.
Use Diatomaceous Earth for control of roaches, silverfish, ants, bedbugs, flies, fleas, box elder
bugs, scorpions, crickets, moths and many others. Diatomaceous Earth can be used in and
around the home, yard, animal housing, etc.
Our best friends come in all shapes and sizes. Protect them with Diatomaceous Earth. When
lightly rubbed into their coats it is very effective against fleas, ticks, lice, and other pests on
your pet dogs, cats, and their premises. It can also be used as an organic de-wormer and will
kill any worms or parasites the pets may have. When using as a de-wormer, mix the
Diatomaceous Earth into your pets food. Mix well into kibble and wet food. Ask your vet how
much for your size pet. However, do not always expect a favourable response on the part of
your vet when using a non-chemical de-wormer.
Recommended Dosages:
Dairy Cattle
Dogs under 50lbs
Dogs over 50lbs
Dogs over 100lbs
2% by weight of dry ration
4 grams in morning (if you
start them young they will eat
it straight out)
2% by weight of dry ration
5% in feed
1% in grain
2% of weight in feed ration
½-1 cup in daily ration
1% in ground grain
½ teaspoon (not for
continuous use)
2 teaspoons
1 Tabelspoon
2 Tablespoons
*Note: For smaller cats and dogs please do not use continuously.
For control of aphids, white fly, beetles, loopers, mites, leaf hoppers, spider mites and others.
Use Diatomaceous Earth inside your home, greenhouse or outdoors on fruits, vegetables,
flowers, grains and grass, up to and including day of harvest. For dry application of
Diatomaceous Earth use a duster and cover entire plant, apply to both top and bottom of
leaf. For young plants, as little as two pounds per acre may be adequate. For larger plants,
five lbs per acre is probably sufficient. Diatomaceous Earth will need reapplication after a
rain. Applies best when there is dew or after a light rain. It is a long lasting, effective powder.
The insects can not build up resistance.
All livestock, horses, cows, pigs, sheep, goats, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese and others will
benefit from the use of Diatomaceous Earth. It is completely safe and nontoxic. Some of the
benefits are; Control of fleas and ticks, stimulates basic metabolism, converts feed better,
reduces odor and moisture in barns and stalls, results in better coat and hoof condition, keeps
fly larvae from developing in manure, noticeably reducing the fly population, reduces annual
vet bills, controls worms and internal parasites without chemicals, better egg production,
stronger eggs, and reduces overall animal stress. Diatomaceous Earth can be mixed right in
with the animals feed. Cows/Horses get 1-2 oz per day, Sheep/Goats/Hogs get 1/2 oz per
day, For Chickens and other livestock you need to weight the feed and add 2% of that weight
in Diatomaceous Earth. Your livestock will also get the benefit of over 14 trace minerals that
make up Diatomaceous Earth.
Stored Grain:
Anti-Caking Agent: Modern formulas of bird and animal feed contain substances such as
molasses that contain the substances such as molasses that cause the feed particles to stick
together. These clumps not only make the feed hard to pour, but also to become moldy.
Diatomaceous Earth, mixed in the feed, coats each particle, making it difficult to stick to other
particles. This allows the feed to “flow” better and protects it from mold. By separating the
particles of feed, the digestive enzymes are able to completely surround each particle. This
results in more complete digestion, meaning that the farmer gets more benefit for his feed
dollar. All regulated products are sold by the information on the label Perma-Guard.
Just add 7-10 lbs. of Diatomaceous Earth to each ton of grain as it is conveyed into the
storage. When added to grain, Diatomaceous Earth kills any bugs that are present, and
protects grain from any further invasions.
Bugs cannot become immune and they are killed by physical action, not chemical.
When using diatomaceous earth regularly and/or in large amounts, wear a dust mask, gloves
and a good set of goggles.
PET & ANIMAL POWDER Your best friends come in
all shapes and sizes. Protect them with PermaGuard! It is effective against fleas, ticks, lice, and
other pests on pet dogs, cats, their premises, and
other warm-blooded animals subject to these
Perma-Guard Pet & Animal product is licensed to be used in and
around the home, yard, animal housing, etc. It can be applied as a dry
dust, or mixed with water at the rate of 2 oz. (56 grams) per quart (0.95
L) and sprayed as a liquid.
When applying anything to your pet’s skin or your own for that matter, it’s always a good idea to try
just a little in one area first, to make sure there’s no adverse reaction to the product, be it a hand
cream, powder, shampoo or soap. No matter how natural something is, everyone is different and
can have allergic or just adverse reactions to things.
Dry Application
o Cover the affected area with Perma-Guard Pet & Animal Powder at the rate of 8 oz. to 16
oz. per 1,000 sq. ft.
Fleas, Ticks, and Lice
o Lightly work the material into the hair of the animal. Use brush or comb to work the
material down to the skin. Pay strict attention to places where the animal cannot reach,
such as the scalp. Dust the ears of the animal with care. Dust the animal's bedding and
areas where the animal sleeps, as well as cracks and crevices adjacent to them. Repeat
once a month or as necessary. Individual ticks observed on the animal should be dusted
Premise Application
o For animals confined to a specific area infested with fleas and ticks, dust the entire area
with Perma-Guard Pet & Animal Powder.
Large Application Areas
o Use any hand application designed for the purpose of discharging powder. If using a
small lawn fertilizer spreader, mix equal parts of dry sand with Perma-Guard Pet & Animal
Powder for even flow. Dust thoroughly the first time and then periodically reapply as
Wet Application
o Mix with water at the rate of 2 oz. per quart of water (one oz. is about 8 level
teaspoons). To help keep it in suspension, add one teaspoon of mild detergent and
agitate the sprayer now and then while applying.
o Prevent re-infestation by keeping Perma-Guard Pet & Animal Powder in the pet or
animal's coat as a repellent.
Special Notes: This stuff works very well and is non-toxic. However, it is a mineral dust and
it’s not something you want to breathe in on a constant basis or in large amounts. Once you
think you have the problem under control, you can vacuum up the dust and dead insects and
throw away the bag or empty the canister of the vacuum cleaner. It’ll clean out the vacuum
cleaner too!
If you have a chronic problem with fleas, ticks and other pests, you can apply this material
in a more permanent manner by doing the following. Apply it to the sills of the building and
around the perimeter of the building, where people and animals don’t go that often. These
are entry areas for the bugs. They can live in the basement in cracks in the slab and in the
sill area undisturbed. Diatomaceous Earth will make these areas uninhabitable over the long
You can drill holes in the walls of your house or building using a small drill bit and apply the
Diatomaceous Earth, through the hole using a puffer bottle. Then, putty or spackle up the
hole so the stuff is in there for good, killing any bug that tries to lay eggs or live in there.
Applying the Diatomaceous Earth by these methods will give you permanent protection and
help keep the dust level down in the house and reduce undesirable, chronic, long term
Wet or Dry? Sometimes it is simply quicker and easier to dust the powder around on the
ground. In other situations the spray can get into cracks and seep into underground cavities.
When mixing with water is is important to remember that the Diatomaceous Earth doesn't
dissolve, so agitation is necessary for even distribution. In order to keep the product in
suspension it is helpful to add 1 tablespoon of mild detergent per gallon. This also helps to
carry the product into cracks that water alone won't take it.
Diatomaeous Earth is a natural product which is safe when used as directed.
However, this does not mean that you or anyone else won't have a personal allergic
or negative reaction. Always use good practice by testing small amounts first and
observing to see if there are any negative reactions present like, reddened skin,
difficulty breathing etc.