WUTHERING HEIGHT Raffaella Mannori classi 5 2014-2015 1. Make a comparison between the ideal Victorian woman and the character of Catherine Earnshaw in Wuthering Heights, specifying her Victorian and anti-Victorian sides 2. Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff belong to the same natural principles. Illustrate the characteristics of natural symbolism in Wuthering Heights. 3. Illustrate the meaning of the words : “ He is more myself than I am” used by Catherine to convey the particular nature of her feelings for Heathcliff. 4. Illustrate the differences between the type of love Catherine professes for Heathcliff and Edgar, referring to the figurative language she uses in the passage in which Catherine talks to Nelly Dean 5. It is generally agreed that Wuthering Heights does not comply with the conventional features of the Victorian fiction but rather the novel expresses typical Romantic aspects. Illustrate some Romantic features which are present in the novel . 6. Wuthering Heights shows a revolutionary structure . Give reasons. 7. Wuthering Heights has been defined as “ a cry from the heart and the soul “ . Give reasons. 8. Discuss the Romantic and the Gothic elements present in Wuthering Heights , pointing out the characteristics of the natural symbolism 9. The novel combines Romantic and Victorian features . Give reasons. 10. Why can we say that the novel Wuthering Heights is based on Doubles? Give at least 3 examples JANE EYRE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Explain why Jane Eyre is a novel which is critical of Victorian England strict social hierarchy In Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë introduces a modern view of the role of women, especially in relation to the idea of marriage . Give reasons. Illustrate the Gothic elements present in the novel and explain their function in the novel. Explain how the theme of male supremacy over women is treated in Jane Eyre. Although Bertha Manson is a minor character in the novel, she acquires deeper meanings. Explain how we can interpret her role in the novel. Illustrate why Jane Eyre can be considered a novel which mingles three different genres. In terms of characterization, Jane Eyre can be considered both a conventional and an unconventional heroine. Give reasons. The figure of Mr. Rochester has been compared to the typical Byronic hero. Give reasons referring to the passage in which Jane describes her first meeting with Mr. Rochester. What is the symbolic meaning of the read room? What is its function in the novel? Jane Eyre shows a first person narration. Explain the function of this choice , referring to her description of the boarding school where she was sent. Explain why Jane’s experiences during her childhood may have conditioned her behaviour as an adult. What is the meaning of Jane’s dream the night before her wedding? What is the symbolic meaning of the mirror in her description of the nocturnal apparition ? LORD OF THE FLIES by W. GOLDING 14. Why can LORD OF THE FLIES be considered an allegorical novel? 15. “Maybe there is a beast ….maybe it’s only us”. Simon’s words exemplify the essential truth which is at the basis of the novel. Explain 16. What is the conception of nature in Lord of the Flies? Give reasons in relation to Wordsworrth’s idea. 17. What do Ralph and Jack represent 18. Can you explain why Simon can be considered a Christ –like figure? 19. Illustrate the symbolic meaning of the conch and the signal fire . 20. What is the function of the figure of Piggy inside the story? 21. Explain Jack’s words from chapter 8 “ This head is for the beast . It’s a gift” 22. In the final chapter Ralph is chased by a snake-like chain of savages . What kind of interpretation does this Raffaella Mannori classi 5 2014-2015 image evoke?What kind of interpretation does this image evoke? Raffaella Mannori classi 5 2014-2015