THE PARTNERSHIP’S PLAN 2010–2015. THE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE LAKE DISTRICT NATIONAL PARK 2010-2015. SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL 1. BACKGROUND A Sustainability Appraisal (SA) is a systematic analysis of a plan and its policies and / or actions to identify any potential negative outcomes on the environment, economy or community of an identified area. We (the Lake District National Park Authority) are legally required to carry out a Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment of our strategic plans for the Lake District National Park. This includes the Local Development Framework (the development plan) and the Partnership’s Plan (the management plan). The Sustainability Appraisal meets the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment. This report focusses on the Partnership’s Plan 2010-2015 at the core of which is the 2030 Vision for the Lake District National Park ‘An inspirational example of sustainable development in action’ and four key outcomes, namely: Prosperous economy, World class visitor experiences Vibrant communities Spectacular landscape, wildlife and cultural heritage 2. IDENTIFIED TASKS Several discrete tasks were identified in the Sustainability Appraisal of the Partnership’s Plan. These are outlined in the following sections. 2.1 DEVELOPING SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OBJECTIVES The Sustainability Appraisal of our plans has, to date, been based on a common set of SA objectives. This ensures that we continue to work, through our policies and actions, towards the same sustainable outcomes, which are unique to the Lake District National Park. The process we adopted to develop the SA objectives is outlined below: The issues facing the Lake District National Park were identified (for example freshwater habitats suffering from pollution caused by agricultural run-off). A set of SA objectives was developed based on the identified issues (for example, we decided that there should be an SA objective ‘to improve water quality’). The development of SA objectives was done in collaboration with other local planning authorities in Cumbria. A scoping paper, outlining the issues and proposed SA objectives, was sent to statutory consultees (English Heritage, Natural England, Environment Agency) for comment. The feedback from the consultees was used to inform the final set of SA objectives. Sixteen SA objectives were identified: 1. To increase public participation in the democratic process 2. To improve access to services, facilities, the countryside and open space 3. To provide everyone with a decent home 4. To improve the level of skills, education and training 5. To improve the health and well-being of people 6. To increase vibrant, active, inclusive and open minded communities with a strong sense of local history 7. To protect and enhance biodiversity and geo-diversity 8. To preserve and enhance and manage landscape quality and character for future generations 9. To improve the quality of the built environment 10. To improve local air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions 11. To improve water quality and water resources 12. To restore and protect land and soil 13. To manage mineral resources sustainably and minimise waste 14. To retain existing jobs and create new employment opportunities 15. To improve access to jobs 16. To diversify and strengthen the local economy These SA objectives have been used to assess the Local Development Framework Core Strategy and Land Allocations Development Plan Document (SA scoping and full reports available on ) and the Partnership’s Plan 2010-2012 (SA report available on request from the LDNPA offices, Murley Moss). If, at some future date, we decide that the issues facing the National Park are changing significantly, then we can review the SA objectives. 2.2 IDENTIFYING CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS PARTNERSHIP PLAN We decided to appraise only those actions which are new to the Partnership’s Plan 2010-2015. In order to do this, we established which actions have been carried over from the previous Partnership’s Plan 2010-2012. Annex 1 and Annex 2 track all the ‘Strategic Activities’ and ‘Actions’ of the Partnership’s Plan 2010-2012 and record which actions have been carried forward as ‘Delivery Aims’ and ‘Actions’ into the Partnership’s Plan 2010-2015. The analysis establishes that there are seven new delivery aims, and twenty nine new actions reflecting all four themes of the vision. These new delivery aims and actions have been the subject of this SA. The ‘sub actions’ have not been appraised separately. A professional judgement has been made in relation to positive, negative or uncertain outcomes, and the relevance of actions in achieving SA objectives. 2.3. ANALYSING THE NEW DELIVERY AIMS AGAINST THE SA OBJECTIVES The following tables indicate, for each new delivery aim, whether there is a potential positive or negative outcome in relation to the SA objectives, whether this impact is certain, and whether the delivery aim would directly affect the SA objectives. It is acknowledged that most of the delivery aims will indirectly affect most SA objectives. PROSPEROUS ECONOMY SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective No. PE2 PE6 Delivery aim Connect the special qualities of the National Park, including landscape features and cultural heritage, to the economy through imagination approaches, including use of traditional skills Encourage small businesses and entrepreneurial P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect SO1 NDE SO2 NDE SO3 NDE SO4 P SO5 NDE SO6 P SO7 P SO8 P SO9 P SO10 NDE SO11 NDE SO12 P SO13 NDE SO14 P SO15 NDE SO16 P NDE NDE NDE P NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P P aspirations to develop by providing appropriate support WORLD CLASS VISITOR EXPERIENCE SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective Delivery aim no. VE1 VE4 P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect Delivery aim SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15 SO16 Promoting a welcoming National Park for all, which encourages people to visit again Celebrate and protect what is special about the Lake District by promoting and restoring its rich cultural heritage and wildlife, local traditions and products NDE P NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE P P P P NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE ?P VIBRANT COMMUNITIES SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective Delivery aim no. VC1 P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect Delivery aim SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15 SO16 Develop and deliver balanced employment and housing opportunities that enable people to live and work in the community NDE P P NDE ?P P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P P VC2 VC3 Ensure effective access to a broad range of lifelong learning opportunities Enable communities to influence and work with others to support the retention of local services and ensure access to essential services such as health, information technology, childcare and support for the elderly NDE P NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE ?P P P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE ?P SPECTACULAR LANDSCAPES There were no new delivery aims for spectacular landscapes 2.4. ANALYSING THE NEW ACTIONS AGAINST THE SA OBJECTIVES The following tables indicate, for each new action, whether there is a potential positive or negative outcome in relation to the SA objectives, whether this impact is certain, and whether the action would directly affect the SA objectives. It is acknowledged that most of the actions will indirectly affect most SA objectives. PROSPEROUS ECONOMY SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective Action No 2 P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect Action SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15 SO16 Through the ‘cultural edge’ project explore priority opportunities that strengthen the link NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE P ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE ?P NDE P 4 5 6 7 between special qualities and the economy Maximise economic and environmental benefits of land management in the NP with current Common Agricultural Policy Prepare for sustainable land management in the NP for the future (CAP ending 2014) Support farmers to adapt to the changing economic situation, helping identify and resolve issues Agree how our woodlands and forestry within the NP should be managed over the long term and influence Government thinking NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE P ?N NDE NDE ?P P NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P ?P NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE ?N ?N NDE NDE NDE P NDE P NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE WORLD CLASS VISITOR EXPERIENCE SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective Action No 12 13 P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect Action SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15 SO16 Raise the quality of visitor accommodation for all sectors through the Tourism Connect accommodation improvement programme Deliver a network of modern visitor facilities NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE ?P NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE ?P NDE NDE 14 15 19 21 22 throughout the NP Deliver a priority project on low carbon tourism Support sustainable food and drink across the NP Promote and develop a range of sport and adventure opportunities in the NP, which encourage competition, participation and sporting excellence during the 2012 Olympic Games year Maintain, improve and promote both land and water related access and recreational opportunities across the NP Deliver an agreed strategy to increase investment opportunities which will contribute to the sustainability of the NP NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE ?P P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE P NDE ?N ?N NDE NDE ?N ?N NDE NDE NDE ?P NDE P NDE NDE P NDE ?N ?N NDE NDE ?N ?N NDE ?P NDE ?P NDE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P VIBRANT COMMUNITIES SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective Action No 23 24 P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect Action SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15 SO16 Facilitate the delivery of new housing opportunities throughout the NP Ensure we have an up to NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE ?N ?N ?P NDE NDE ?N NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE 25 26 28 29 30 date (within 5 years) housing needs survey across the NP Consider proposal to prevent further depletion of existing housing stock and help address the balance Improve the co-ordination and delivery of the range of NP learning messages (residents and visitors) currently being undertaken Deliver a skills based programme for farmers, foresters and land based contractors and others working or based within the NP or Cumbria Help communities develop up to date plans for all rural service centres, villages and cluster communities to identify and deliver actions using community led planning as the foundation Work with public, private and third sector partners to develop a shared set of priorities for transport and travel options to and NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P ?P P P ?P NDE P P ?P NDE P NDE NDE NDE ?P P NDE P NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE 31 32 33 34 35 around the central and south east and southern distinctive areas (Beacon Area) for all transport users (residents, visitors and business) Deliver projects against schedule defined in Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) bid Identify options for longer term transformation of how to travel to the Lake District including strategic entry points and required services Develop transport initiatives and projects across other areas of the NP from learning lessons from the Beacon Area (see action 30) Establish a Windermere and Bowness Business Improvement District (BID) Deliver an area based energy efficiency scheme for households in the LD NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE NDE ?N P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P P P NDE NDE P NDE NDE NDE SPECTACULAR LANDSCAPES SO=Sustainability Appraisal Objective Action No 39 P=positive N=negative ?=uncertain NDE=no direct effect Action SO1 SO2 SO3 SO4 SO5 SO6 SO7 SO8 SO9 SO10 SO11 SO12 SO13 SO14 SO15 SO16 Implement the NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE NDE P P P NDE NDE NDE 40 41 43 47 Government’s Natural Environment White Paper Understand and plan for a changing coastline Prepare a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy with an emphasis on working with natural processes Develop and deliver priority projects which celebrate and protect our special qualities Raise awareness about climate change issues in the NP NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE NDE ?P P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P P NDE NDE P P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE ?P NDE NDE NDE P P P P NDE P P NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE NDE P ?P P P NDE NDE NDE 2.5. IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL NEGATIVE OUTCOMES The above analysis shows that for all delivery aims and actions there are many positive outcomes. However, for a few actions there are some potential negative outcomes: Action No. 4 Action Sustainability objective - potential negative outcome Maximise economic and environmental benefits of land management in the NP with current Common Agricultural Policy Preserve, enhance and manage landscape character and quality (SO8) 6 Support farmers to adapt to the changing economic situation, helping identify and resolve issues Protect and enhance biodiversity and geo-diversity (SO7) Preserve, enhance and manage landscape character and quality (SO8) 19 Promote and develop a range of sport and adventure opportunities in the NP, which encourage competition, participation and sporting excellence during the 2012 Olympic Games year Protect and enhance biodiversity and geo-diversity (SO7) Preserve, enhance and manage landscape character and quality (SO8) Improve water quality and water resources (SO11) Restore and protect land and soil (SO12) 21 Maintain, improve and promote both land and water related access and recreational opportunities across the NP Protect and enhance biodiversity and geo-diversity (SO7) Preserve, enhance and manage landscape character and quality (SO8) Improve water quality and water resources (SO11) Restore and protect land and soil (SO12) 23 Facilitate the delivery of new housing opportunities throughout the NP Protect and enhance biodiversity and geo-diversity (SO7) Preserve, enhance and manage landscape character and quality (SO8) Restore and protect land and soil (SO12) 35 Deliver an area-based energy efficiency scheme for households in the LD Preserve, enhance and manage landscape character and quality (SO8) 3. ADRESSING THE SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL FINDINGS The potential negative outcomes are all related to environmental factors: Landscape character and quality Biodiversity and geo-diversity Land and soil Water resources We have a number of safeguards in place that aim to conserve and enhance these factors including: Local Development Framework Core Strategy Policies, in particular Policies CS01 (National significance and distinctive nature of the Lake District), CS11 (Sustainable development principles), CS25 (Protecting the spectacular landscape), CS26 (Geo-diversity and biodiversity) and CS28 (Lakeshore development) The Lake District National Park Landscape Character Assessment (2008) Sustainability Appraisal of Allocations of Land Development Plan Document (2012) Codes of practice relating to recreational activities (see We will investigate, further, ways in which the impacts of 1) changes in agricultural practices and 2) land and water-based recreational activities can be managed to minimise environmental impact and monitor our progress. ANNEX 1 TABLE COMPARING THE PARTNERSHIP’S PLANS 2010-2012 AND 2010-2015 SA=Strategic Activity, DA=Delivery Aim, Figures in brackets refer to the 2010-2015 plan i.e. the most recent plan. PROSPEROUS ECONOMY (PE) SA1 SA2 SA3 (DA PE1) SA4 (DA PE3) SA5 (DA PE4) SA6 (DA PE5) SA7 1.01 2.04 3.06 (10) 4.07 (3) 5.08 6.13 1.02 2.05 (8) 5.09 (4) 6.14 5.10 6.15 (9) 7.16 (28 of Vibrant Communities) 7.17 (28 of Vibrant Communities) 7.18 (28 of Vibrant Communities) 7.19 (28 of Vibrant Communities) 7.20 (28 of Vibrant Communities) 7.21 (28 of Vibrant Communities) 1.03 (1) 5.11 5.12 WORLD CLASS VISITOR EXPERIENCE (WCVE) SA8 (DA VE2) (DA VE6) 8.22 (11) 8.23 (13) 8.24 (12) 8.25 8.26 (12) 8.27 (12) 8.28 (12) SA9 SA10 (DA VE5) SA11 (DA SL6) SA12 SA13 (DA SL6) SA14 (DA VE3) SA15 9.33 10.34 (17) 10.35 (20) 11.36 (21) 11.37 11.38 (21) 11.39 12.40 12.41 12.42 12.43 12.44 13.45 13.46 13.47 (16) 13.48 14.49 (15) 14.50 (22) 15.51 (18) 15.52 (18) 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 VIBRANT COMMUNITIES (VC) SA16 SA17 16.53 16.54 (23) 16.55 (23) 16.56 16.57 (24) 17.58 17.59 17.60 17.61 (25) SA18 (DA VC6) 18.62 (29) 18.63 18.64 18.65 18.66 18.67 18.68 SA19 19.69 SA20 (DA VC3) 20.70 SA21 (DA VC4) 21.71 21.72 21.73 21.74 21.75 21.76 21.77 21.78 SPECTACULAR LANDSCAPES (SL) SA22 SA23 (SL4) SA24 (SL1) (SL2) (SL3) SA25 SA26 SA27 SA28 SA29 SA30 (SL5) SA31 (SL5) SA32 (SL5) 22.79(45) 22.80 22.81(46) 22.82 22.83 22.84 22.85 23.86(46) 23.87(38) 24.88 24.89(37) 24.90 24.91(38) 24.92(38) 24.93(38) 24.94(38) 24.95(37) 24.96 24.97 24.98 25.99 25.100 25.101 25.102 26.103 26.104 26.105 27.106 27.107 28.108 29.109(44) 29.110 29.111(43) 30.112(42) 30.113 30.114(42) 31.115 32.116 32.117(48) ANNEX 2 TABLE SHOWING PARTNERSHIP PLAN 2010-2012 (ACTIONS ABANDONED / COMPLETED AND ON-GOING) AND PARTNERSHIP PLAN 2010-2015 (ACTIONS NEW) PROSPEROUS ECONOMY Actions abandoned / completed 1.01 1.02 2.04 3.06 4.07 5.08 5.10 5.11 5.12 6.13 6.14 Actions on-going (figures in brackets=20102015 plan) 1.03 (1) 2.05 (8) 3.06 (10) 4.07 (3) 5.09 (4) 6.15 (9) 7.16 (28 Vibrant Communities) 7.17 (28 Vibrant Communities) 7.18 (28 Vibrant Communities) 7.19 (28 Vibrant Communities) 7.20 (28 Vibrant Communities) 7.21 (28 Vibrant Communities) Actions new Actions on-going 8.22 (11) 8.23 (13) 8.24 (12) 8.26 (12) 8.27 (12) 8.28 (12) 10.34 (17) 10.35 (20) 11.36 (21) 11.38 (21) Actions new 12 13 14 15 19 21 22 2 4 5 6 7 WORLD CLASS VISITOR EXPERIENCE Actions abandoned / completed 8.25 8.29 8.30 8.31 8.32 9.33 11.37 11.39 12.40 12.41 12.42 12.43 12.44 12.45 13.46 13.48 13.47 (16) 14.49 (15) 14.50 (22) 15.51 (18) 15.52 (18) VIBRANT COMMUNITIES Actions abandoned / completed 16.53 16.56 17.58 17.59 17.60 18.63 18.64 18.65 18.66 18.67 18.68 19.69 20.70 21.71 21.72 21.73 21.74 21.75 21.76 21.77 21.78 Actions on-going 16.54 (23) 16.55 (23) 16.57 (24) 17.61 (25) 18.62 (29) Actions new 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Actions on-going 22.79 (45) 22.81 (46) Actions new 39 40 SPECTACULAR LANDSCAPES Actions abandoned / completed 22.80 22.82 22.83 22.84 22.85 24.88 24.90 24.96 24.97 24.98 25.99 25.100 25.101 25.102 26.103 26.104 26.105 27.106 27.107 28.108 29.110 30.113 31.115 32.116 23.86 (46) 23.87 (38) 24.89 (37) 24.91 (38) 24.92 (38) 24.93 (38) 24.94 (38) 24.95 (37) 29.109 (44) 29.111 (43) 30.112 (42) 30.114 (42) 32.117 (48) 41 43 47