9th Grade Tortuguero Trip * PERMISSION SLIP * (Due date:

9th Grade Punta Mona and Pacuare River Rafting Trip PERMISSION SLIP
(Due date: Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016)
Please read closely
My son/daughter,
, has my permission to attend the Country Day
School 9th grade field trip to Punta Mona and Pacuare River Rafting from February 24-26, 2016 coordinated
by Adventures Under the Sun. I have reviewed the field trip policies and the recommended packing list and I
will go over these with my son or daughter and assure that they are prepared for the program. I am aware of
the trip cancelation policies and refunds for cancelations. If my son/daughter should require any emergency
medical attention while on the trip, I understand that I am to reimburse the individual or representative that
covered the incured costs if any. I have been informed that CDS school teachers will be chaperoning the trip;
if my son or daughter seriously violates any school or field trip rules or policies during the trip, it is my
responsibility to pick up my child from the program at my own expense.
I hereby allow the trip coordinators and organizers to take and utilize non-incriminating photographs of my
son/daughter for trip updates and future marketing efforts.
Outdoor Education Field Trip Policies and Guidelines
All school policies apply to outdoor education field trips and include the following:
 No drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or weapons of any kind are allowed at any time.
 No coupling or sexual activity is allowed.
 Shoes or sandals must be worn at all times.
 Students must remain seated, wear seat belts and keep keep all body parts and personal items in the
bus at all times.
 Please abstain from sending your child with extra junk food and candy and encourage them to indulge
on a healthy, outdoor and active adventure. Your trip fee includes all meals which are healthy and
 Please do not send your child with a cel phone or any electronics. These trips are coordinated to
encourage outdoor appreciation and stimulate greater interactions and exchanges with other
 Students must stay within designated boundaries while at the lodge. When hiking or doing activities,
students must stay with the designated group.
 Students may not enter other students’ rooms.
 Established curfew must be respected.
 Disruptive or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated.
 Any destruction or disruptive behavior towards the lodge, the area, wildlife or other guests/staff will
not be tolerated and will be considered grounds for dismisal.
 Students need to follow the instructions of their instructor/teacher/leader. Failure to do so can
jeopardize the students' and others safety.
 Students are responsible for following the same rules on this trip as they do when at school, according
to policies and behavior expectations described in the School Family Handbook.
 Students are responsible for their own belongings. No one other that the students will be held
responsible for items lost due to damage, theft or misplacement.
 Please review these policies with your son/daughter. Failure to follow school, or field trip policies is
grounds for dismissal from a trip, suspension or expulsion.