PG Diploma Cardiology for Practitioners with a Special

Programme Specification
Awarding institution:
Teaching institution:
Final award:
Programme title:
Programme accredited by:
Programme approved by:
Recommendation by:
Date revised:
University of Bradford
Bradford and Airedale teaching Primary Care Trust
PG Dip/PGC [FHEQ level M]
PG Dip in Cardiology for Practitioners with a Special Interest
PGC in [specified module(s)] for Practitioners with a Special
Normally 18 months part-time, but up to five years
Royal College of General Practitioners;
Royal College of Physicians (September 2003)
the Primary Care Cardiovascular Society
August 2009
This course is one of a series of courses which is taught by the Bradford and Airedale teaching
Primary Care Trust (B&AtPCT) and awarded by the University of Bradford. The courses fall under the
collaborative provision regulations, so although the courses are taught wholly from within the NHS,
quality assurance and assessment are governed by University of Bradford regulations.
( ordinance 5 and regulation 6)
This part-time diploma course contains a large element of work-based and shared learning. As
attendance in Bradford only requires a total of 7 study days on 4 separate occasions throughout the
18 months, the course is accessible to students nationally. It enables Practitioners with a Special
Interest to gain a formally recognised standard of competence in the area of cardiology as a special
interest. It is the first postgraduate competence-based course for PwSIs to offer national accreditation
in this subject, and is run from within the NHS and taught by consultants and Practitioners with a
Special Interest. In this regard, the course has been well received by key professional medical bodies.
The course structure is specifically designed to encourage the development of the specialist
practitioner role, by encouraging collaborative clinical work-based training between the practitioner
and the consultant. However, it does not necessarily provide you with a formal registration to practice
as a GPwSI. The course links the practitioner's training with the host Primary Care Trust (PCT)
service, in order to try to ensure that newly acquired skills are put to appropriate use within the PCT
after qualification.
Programme Aims for the PG Certificate
The programme is intended to:
develop the subject-specific knowledge and skills to enable GPs and other
practitioners to practice subject-specific cardiology at a higher level and to deal with
complex clinical situations systematically;
develop a subject-specific understanding of the role and responsibilities of consultant
specialists and the multidisciplinary team in secondary care and to establish
appropriate relationships with these professionals;
position practitioners at the forefront of their subject-specific area of cardiac care to
develop and establish the most appropriate integrated care pathways for that area
between primary and secondary care for the patient within current NHS guidelines;
engage practitioners in life-long learning through the enhancement of key skills, a
thorough knowledge of critical appraisal and reflective practice;
provide practitioners with a special interest with transferable nationally recognised
training in cardiology.
Programme Aims for the PG Diploma
The programme is intended to:
develop wider specialist knowledge and skills to enable GPs and other practitioners
to practice cardiology at a higher level and to deal with complex clinical situations
develop a thorough understanding of the role and responsibilities of consultant
specialists and the multidisciplinary team in secondary care and to establish
appropriate relationships with these professionals;
position practitioners at the forefront of their area of cardiac care to develop and
establish the most appropriate integrated care pathways between primary and
secondary care for the patient within current NHS guidelines;
engage practitioners in life-long learning through the enhancement of key skills, a
thorough knowledge of critical appraisal and reflective practice;
provide practitioners with a special interest with transferable nationally recognised
training in cardiology.
Programme Learning Outcomes for the PG Certificate
These learning outcomes indicate what you will know, understand and be able to do on the successful
completion of this Certificate. The outcomes are compatible with the Framework for Higher Education
Qualifications and the Academic Infrastructure.
On successful completion of this award, you will be able to:
Subject knowledge and understanding
B1.1.1 critically analyse and apply current and emerging knowledge at the forefront of the
subject- specific area(s) of study with regard to the pathophysiology and epidemiology
of that subject;
B1.1.2 contribute to the development of clinical protocols and practice within the subjectspecific care pathway linking primary and secondary care in line with current
B1.1.3 make strategic and appropriate clinical decisions within the relevant subject-specific
care pathway with regard to the treatment and referral of patients.
Discipline skills
B1.2.1 Diagnose and manage/refer patients whose symptoms may be due to cardiac disease
in the subject-specific area(s) studied.
B1.2.2 Critically reflect and make sound clinical judgments on the most appropriate treatment
modality for patients who present with cardiac disorders in the subject-specific area(s)
studied and treat or refer accordingly;
B1.2.3 Communicate complex clinical conclusions clearly to patients and the clinical team;
B1.2.4 Critically appraise and update your own clinical knowledge and skills in the subjectspecific area(s) studied.
B1.2.5 Evaluate the PwSI role and its implications for the whole patient pathway and current
techniques for improving the delivery of patient care.
Personal Transferable Skills
B1.3.1 Act autonomously and collaboratively in a multidisciplinary context.
B1.3.2 Communicate effectively.
B1.3.3 Critically reflect on and evaluate a wide range of information, and make complex
decisions as a result of this process.
B1.3.4 Use information technology as a medium for communication and presentation of data.
B1.3.5 Gain the skills to enable continuous professional development.
Programme Learning Outcomes for the PG Diploma
These learning outcomes indicate what you will know, understand and be able to do on the successful
completion of this Diploma. The outcomes are compatible with the Framework for Higher Education
Qualifications and the Academic Infrastructure.
On successful completion of this award, you will be able to:
Subject knowledge and understanding
B2.1.1 critically analyse and apply current and emerging knowledge at the forefront of the
discipline with regard to the pathophysiology and epidemiology of cardiac disease;
B2.1.2 contribute to the development of clinical protocols and practice within the care
pathway linking primary and secondary care in line with current recommendations;
B2.1.3 make strategic and appropriate clinical decisions within the relevant care pathway
with regard to the treatment and referral of patients.
Discipline skills
B2.2.1 Diagnose and manage/refer patients whose symptoms may be due to cardiac disease.
B2.2.2 Critically reflect and make sound clinical judgments on the most appropriate treatment
modality for patients who present with cardiac disorders and treat or refer
B2.2.3 Communicate complex clinical conclusions clearly to patients and the clinical team;
B2.2.4 Critically appraise and update your own clinical knowledge and skills.
B2.2.5 Evaluate the PwSI role and its implications for the whole patient pathway and current
techniques for improving the delivery of patient care.
Personal Transferable Skills
B2.3.1 Act autonomously and collaboratively in a multidisciplinary context.
B2.3.2 Communicate effectively.
B2.3.3 Critically reflect on and evaluate a wide range of information, and make complex
decisions as a result of this process.
B2.3.4 Use information technology as a medium for communication and presentation of data.
B2.3.5 Gain the skills to enable continuous professional development.
The Curriculum
Each of the three clinical modules lasts six months. The fourth module is the Applied Methodologies
module (AM) which can be taken alongside one or more of the other modules, over a maximum period
of 18 months.
Each module is worth 30 credits, amounting to a total of 120 credits. For the Postgraduate Diploma, all
30-credit modules are core modules. For the Postgraduate Certificate, the only core module is the
Applied Methodologies (AM) module. One option should be chosen from the clinical modules to form
your programme of study. Any 30-credit module can be studied independently, outside of a
Postgraduate award. However, it is recommended that you study for the diploma in order to gain the
value of a broad education, and the course provides flexibility to enable this. The curriculum is
summarised in the following table:
Module title
Certificate Diploma
Applied Methodologies
Hypertension, Arrhythmias and Conduction
Ischaemic Heart Disease
Heart Failure and Valvular Disease
C = Core O = Optional you must pass one optional module to gain a Certificate
18 months
6 months
6 months
6 months
Teaching Learning and Assessment Strategies
The Postgraduate Diploma is run by Bradford and Airedale teaching Primary Care Trust (B&AtPCT)
and the award is made through the University of Bradford. It articulates with the Postgraduate
requirements and assessment is carried out under University of Bradford rules and regulations
(including Mitigating Circumstances Panels, Assessment Committees and Examination Boards) and
chaired by a senior member of the Division of Service Development and Improvement.
A variety of teaching and learning methods is employed in the programme, to enable you to fulfil
the varied modular learning outcomes. The learning within the programme is gained through:
face-to-face tuition: this occurs at the beginning of each module in Bradford. Tutors are
available by email if required during placement periods to handle learning queries. Tutors are
clinical practitioners (consultant specialists and PwSIs).
work-based learning: this forms the central part of the programme of study, in the form of
clinical placements – each six month module should contain at least 14 weeks of hands-on
practical study in a secondary care environment. This learning is undertaken on placement in
the locality, under the supervision of a clinical mentor. You will approach the mentor in the first
instance: they must be a GMC registered consultant in cardiology whose name appears on a
national register of practitioners, and who has teaching experience. The clinical mentor will
receive a specific Mentor Guide including advice and support from the course management
team in fulfilling the role of mentor.
guided reading (given by tutor and mentor): this complements the placement and enables you
to fulfil the theoretical background necessary for your placement activities, and prepares you for
your written and presentational assignments.
e-learning: the virtual learning environment gives access to the peer group and tutors during
placement, facilitating learning through clinical discussion, as well as providing support.
local research and application: The AM module involves working within the healthcare
community to apply 3 different methodologies; learning takes place during the activities of
researching and reading information, planning, preparation and application of these.
Assessment is designed to enable you to have a rounded measurement of the skills needed
for your role in the healthcare community.
Clinical competence is verified through mentor signature after observation (by mentor and where
appropriate other relevant clinical professionals) and discussion during the placement periods. The
issues of ethics and informed consent are an integrated part of the students’ daily practice, and it is
implicit in all the modules that there is conformity to the usual standards and guidelines in these
All written work and the case study presentation must be submitted on assessment day, in
order for you to progress to the next module, unless an extension has been granted. The results of
assessments will normally be made known in the six weeks following assessment day. Assessments
will be marked in accordance with the University of Bradford, Division of Service Development and
Improvement, Master's level marking criteria.
The learning outcomes are fulfilled as described in the following table:
Learning Outcomes
1 Subject Knowledge and
B1.1 Critically analyse and apply
Clinical case studies and
Teaching day;
current and emerging knowledge at the presentations
Assessment day (listening to
forefront of the discipline with regard to
other presentations).
the pathophysiology and epidemiology
Reading list;
of cardiac disease.
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
B1.2 Contribute to the development of Applied Methodologies PIM Teaching day;
clinical protocols and practice within
and PPI essays.
Reading list;
the care pathway linking primary and
Clinical placement with
secondary care in line with the current
mentor observation and
Own clinical environment.
B1.3 Make strategic and appropriate
Clinical case studies and
Teaching & assessment day
clinical decisions within the relevant
Clinical placement with
care pathway with regard to the
Verified clinical competency mentor observation and
treatment and referral of patients.
forms; Learning diary
2. Discipline skills
B2.1 Diagnose and manage/refer
patients whose symptoms may be
due to cardiac disease.
Clinical case studies and
Verified clinical competency
Learning diary recording
B2.2 Critically reflect and make sound
clinical judgments on the most
appropriate treatment modality for
patients who present with cardiac
disorders and treat or refer
B2.3 Communicate complex clinical
conclusions clearly to patients and the
clinical team.
Clinical case studies;
Verified clinical competency
Learning diary recording
B2.4 Critically appraise and update
own clinical knowledge and skills;
Verified clinical
Verified clinical competency
Learning diary recording.
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
Reading list;
Teaching and assessment
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
Reading list;
Teaching and assessment
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
discussion, and interaction
with others.
Own clinical environment.
Clinical placement and own
clinical environment;
Learning diary recording;
Case studies;
Teaching day;
Assessment day;
Reading lists.
Applied Methodologies
Applied Methodologies
teaching sessions;
Clinical placement.
B3.1 Act autonomously and
collaboratively in a multidisciplinary
Verified clinical
Learning diary recording.
B3.2 Communicate effectively.
Verified clinical
Case studies.
B3.3 Critically reflect on and evaluate a
wide range of information, and make
complex decisions as a result of this
Verified clinical
Case studies;
Learning diary recording
Case studies;
Word processed clinical
competencies sheets;
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
Own clinical environment
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
Own clinical environment;
Assessment day
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
Own clinical environment.
B2.5 Evaluate the PwSI role, and its
implications for the whole patient
pathway and current techniques for
improving the delivery of patient
Personal transferable skills
B3.4 Use information technology as a
medium for communication and
presentation of data.
B3.5 Gain the skills to enable
continuous professional
Written case studies;
Verified clinical
Learning diary recording.
Throughout all modules;
Assessment days.
Clinical placement with
mentor observation and
Own clinical environment;
Teaching and assessment
Admission Requirements
To be accepted onto the Diploma, and to benefit from this course of study:
 you must be a suitably qualified registered primary or secondary care practitioner,
demonstrating successful study skills at level 3 with at least two years relevant work
 GPs are required to provide their GP Qualification details and GMC registration number. It is
desirable, but not essential, for GPs to be members of the Royal College of Practitioners.
 you must obtain support from the local NHS hospital trust consultant (GMC Registered) in
Cardiology for mentorship and the provision of a placement;
 you must obtain support from the local Primary Care Trust, for approval and direct or indirect
support for training. Without this evidence of support, you cannot be admitted to the
 it is desirable for you to have experience in postgraduate education.
All applications will be judged on their own merit and prior learning experience.
Admissions Policy
The application process is divided into three parts: 1. Submission of an application form
indicating that you meet the professional/educational criteria. 2. Identification of a suitable mentor.
3. Submission of letters of support showing suitability for you to undertake this course of study.
There will be a maximum of 12 participants per clinical module, all of whom can access the
Applied Methodologies module. The certificate/diploma is offered twice a year, with entry points in
September and March. Groups must usually have a minimum of 6 participants to run. Applications are
welcomed from candidates with disabilities, who will be considered on the same academic grounds as
all other applicants.
As the assessment elements of the postgraduate diploma require a substantial amount of
written work at masters level, in accordance with regulations from the University of Bradford we ask
that non-native speakers complete an IELTS English Language Exam at a minimum of 6.5 before
they begin their studies. Representatives from the university and the Education Programmes Team
will jointly consider requests from students wishing to enter the programme through APL
(Accreditation of Prior Learning)
You are required to pass all components of assessment (except the clinical competence element) for
each module at 40% without compensation. The clinical competence element of the course will not be
awarded a mark, but will attract a pass or fail only and must be passed. The course would normally
last 18 months but may be taken over a three year period, although in exceptional family or other
personal circumstances this may be extended to five years. The PG Diploma will be awarded to those
who complete all 4 modules, while a PG Certificate is awarded to students who successfully complete
the Applied Methodologies module plus one or two other modules.
Student support and guidance
You will be provided with a detailed student handbook which will support you in all aspects of workbased learning and assessment. Tutor support will be available via email. The Education
Programmes co-ordinator handles enquiries of a general nature or allocates queries to tutors. Peer
support is available to assist you with clinical questions through participation in the online virtual
learning environment (Blackboard). It is anticipated that a significant amount of discussion relating to
cases, working arrangements, progress and approaches to study will result from this group. You must
ensure that patient confidentiality is strictly maintained at all times, whether discussing patients online, in print or face-to-face. In addition to Blackboard, students can access other virtual and physical
resources provided by the University through the Learner Development Unit, library and Learner
Support Services.
Support that can be expected from the mentor is outlined in the mentor guide. Mentors have
the responsibility to ensure your appropriate induction, in order to identify any learning needs and
direct the programme accordingly. Feedback and time for case discussion should be provided,
allowing for confidential and focused discussion of pertinent professional experiences, as well as to
encourage self-appraisal and assessment of clinical competence. The guide also enables mentors to
understand the support they will receive automatically, and can gain if required, from the course
tutors. The team will be in regular mail contact with the mentor throughout each module to provide
support and ensure your progress in the module. Participants will be represented on a Course
Management Committee, and may give feedback about the course through this, in addition to the
paper-based evaluation processes for end of unit (module) and stage (course).
Whilst you are made aware of support offered, you should also be aware of your
responsibilities in the participant course manual: i.e. taking responsibility for organising your own
learning, ensuring placement arrangements are acceptable; returning course forms/assessment
submissions on time; attendance at the first teaching day and the concluding assessment day for
each clinical module and at the initial teaching day for the applied methodologies module; patient
confidentiality; working to a professional code of conduct; and alerting the course tutors to problems
which will affect your training. You are normally also expected to have access to an Athens Password.
Any complaints should be made to the Education Programmes Co-ordinator in the first place,
who will then forward this to the Education Programmes team. The team will review the case,
involving the appropriate tutor and/or mentor at its discretion if necessary. Appeals against
Examination Board decisions should be directed to the Chair of the Examination Board within the
appropriate time restriction, who will invoke the University’s appeals procedure. Copies of all such
appeals will be forwarded to the Education Programmes Team.
Further Information/Disclaimers.
For further details about the course including course dates and costs please email:
Changes in the above specification may be made at any time, but notification will be made to you as
appropriate. Elements of the programme are subject to University conditions including its status as an
approved course. The University reserves the right to alter or withdraw these elements at any time, and
you will be notified should this occur.