INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT PROCUREMENT NOTICE Date: 1st October 2014 Country: KENYA Description of the assignment: CONSULTANCY TO PROVIDE THE SERVICES OF A TECHNICAL ADVISORDEVOLUTION Project name: Democratic Governance Period of assignment/services: 4 (Four Months). Proposals should be sent to the following email address: no later than Tuesday, 14th October 2014. Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by email to the e-mail address indicated above. The procurement office will respond by standard electronic mail and will send the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants. 1. BACKGROUND The adoption of the Constitution of Kenya (CoK 2010) was aimed at fundamentally altering the governance framework through far reaching reforms. Of these, devolution of political power, responsibilities and resources has the most profound and transformative impacts on governance and the management of resources. If effectively implemented, the CoK 2010 in general, and devolution in particular, should lead to a revolutionary transformation of Kenya and facilitate the achievement of the Kenya Vision 2030. The 47 County Governments came into existence following the conclusion of the general election in March 2013. This is a major transformation in the governance of Kenya and in public administration at both national and local levels. The UN must therefore continue to position itself to strategically engage at both national and county levels and work with development partners in supporting the effective implementation of devolution. The UN in Kenya has developed a new United Nations Development Assistance Framework (20142018). Within the UNDAF, Devolution and Accountability is an outcome area under the Transformative Governance Pillar. Further devolution is a crosscutting theme within the UNDAF as the UN will have to implement its programmes within the framework of the devolved governance. There is also a UN Joint Strategy on Devolution that provides an overall framework for UN support to devolution. 2. SCOPE OF WORK, RESPONSIBILITIES AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED ANALYTICAL WORK For detailed information, please refer to the Terms of reference (Annex 1) 3. REQUIREMENTS FOR EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS I. Academic Qualifications: Must hold a Master’s degree preferably in social sciences, policy, development studies,business,law or other related field; II. Years of experience: At least 15 years’ experience III. Competencies: At least fifteen years demonstrated experience in the successful implementation of international development activities; Previous work in devolution/decentralization; Demonstrated skills, abilities and experience to provide technical direction for a complex program, and oversee programming across various technical disciplines; Demonstrated experience in cultivating and sustaining working relationships with government, civil society, communities, and the private sector; Excellent verbal and written communication in English; 4. DOCUMENTS TO BE INCLUDED WHEN SUBMITTING THE PROPOSALS. Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications: 1. Proposal (IC proposal form provided)Annex II (i) Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work (ii) Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work 2. Personal History form (P11) – (template provided) Annex III 3. Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references 5. EVALUATION Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70 points will be considered Criteria Weight Max. Point Technical 100% 100 Masters of Arts Degree in Social or related field 20% 20 At least fifteen years demonstrated experience in the successful implementation of international development activities 20% 20 Previous work in devolution/decentralization 15% 15 Demonstrated skills, abilities and experience to provide technical direction for a complex program, and oversee programming across various technical disciplines Demonstrated experience in cultivating and sustaining working relationships with government, civil society, communities, and the private sector 25% 25 20% 20 ANNEXES ANNEX 1- TERMS OF REFERENCES (TOR) ANNEX 2 – IC PROPOSAL FORM ANNEX 3- P11 TEMPLATE ANNEX 4- INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANT GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS