Life Science – Chapter 10 – Biological Evolution – Notes

Biological Evolution - Chapter 10
Biological Evolution
Evolution the word, has _____________ meanings
Evolution – gradual change to improve or become more complex - _________
Evolution – ________ changes made by _________ to get what we see today – _____ to
_______ (theory of evolution)
Biological Evolution – process of living things going through _______________ through
history to get what we see today
o Evidence interpreted by a ______________  philosophical _______________
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
Evolutionists feel that they can support their theory if they can show how biological
evolution could have happened
o Offspring must first inherit new traits that make them different from their parents
o New traits must improve the offspring's ability to survive
o limitation of information proved by Mendel
 _____________ – became source of ______________
o assume that the new trait is a positive change
 If that animal doesn’t have lots of __________, it won’t be spread
throughout the population
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
Early evolution
o Lamarck – Theory of inheritance of ________________________
o Caused by an organisms ___________________
 Ex giraffe’s long neck
 The longer necked giraffes and legs ___________ to get to the tall leaves
– desired long neck – children inherited this characteristic
 ________ fluid
o Problem
 Traits that an organism acquires ____________ the organisms genetic
o My children will not inherit
 Ear piercing
 My muscular build
 My ______________
 _____________________
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
Darwin’s Theory: Natural Selection
o Every species there are ______________________ than can remain alive,
therefore, some will die
o Individuals in a species will ____________ with one another for the things
necessary for survival such as food, shelter, and mates
o In every species there are some ___________________________ to compete for
things more effectively
o Those individuals that have traits that allow them to win the competition are the
individuals that will live and reproduce. This process is sometimes called the
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
o Those individuals that ______________________________
o ___________ the organisms with the traits _________________________will be
able to reproduce and pass on their traits
o Therefore cause new organism to ____________
All these are observable, but
o Information is ____________ available, not showing an increase of information,
but a _______________ of information
Also assumes that a favorable trait wins out
o If that organism _________________have any babies – __________
o Also _____________ that a favorable trait wins out
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
The peppered moth
o Of Moth’s and Men by Judith Hooper – not a creationist
o “in 25 years of research, I have only ever seen 2 moth’s casually on a tree”
o All pictures are _____________
 Lies perpetuated as truth – __________________
o Industrial melisma – an ____________ of evolution
o Dark colored moths, survive _____________________
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
Origin of Species – written by Charles _______________
o Tries to illustrate natural selection, by describing _______________________
 Man chooses the traits that he wants, and breeds out what he doesn’t want
o __________________________
 So how does evolution take place? _______________
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
De Vries’s Theory: Evolution by Mutation
o Mutations form new genes
 Usual change – chromosomal _____________
 Rearrangement or doubling of ________________
o For new genes to form, a gene mutation must occur
 Mutate once in every _____________ cell divisions
 Majority are somatic mutations – only ____________________________
 _________ mutations pass on to offspring
 Only _________ mutation for biological evolution – usually makes
the organism infertile – less babies
10A How Biological Evolution Supposedly took place
Gene Mutations and Biological Evolution
o Question to ask
 How many gene mutations would need to take place to make a new
 Spider eye, part of a leaf etc
o Hundreds of thousands of mutations, occurring randomly in just the ___________
 ____________________
The Harmful Nature of Mutations
o Remember the loose screw in the clock?
o Most gene mutations will _____________ an organism
o Evolutionists argue that mutations can cause an organism to improve
 Ex:
 Radiation in Fruit flies
 ______________________
 ___________generations
Modern Evolutionary Theory
o Mutation-selection theory – __________________
3 main points
o Mutations supply ________________
o Organisms produce ________________ than can survive
o Selection allows only those with the ____________ to survive
o Requires ______________________ of favorable mutations in the ______
o Favorable _____________ they produce the most babies
o What does the selecting?
10B A Record of Evolution?
Evolutionary family tree
o Made to show relationships
o ___________ evolution
o Show ________________
Missing Links
o ____________________ link but millions
o __________ in the family tree of evolution
o Missing links are still ______________
o No ________ or 20/80
o Creatures found
Homologous structures
o Comparing the ______________ of _____________ animals
o Does a designer always have to use and make totally different creations?
o Do we not see that designers have a certain style?
o What style of clothes do you like?
o God – creates all so there is like
o __________
Evolution and the fossil record
o Some believe it’s “_______________________”
o Should find the oldest layers filled with the ____________ organisms at the
_______of the evolutionary tree
o Should find the youngest layers filled with the ___________ organisms towards
the _________of the evolutionary tree
o ___________________
Fossil Deposits
o Sometimes rock layers contain only _____________ of organisms
o Dinosaur cemeteries
o Herring cemeteries
10B A Record of Evolution?
Fossils, missing links, and common ancestors
o When placed on an evolutionary family tree, most fossils will fit in the
___________ groups of organisms
o Wooly mammoth – basically a ____________________________
o Few fossils, ____________ into the _________________ groups of organisms
o Trilobites – _____________________
 Quite different from spiders, crabs, and insects
10B A Record of Evolution?
o Controversial – missing link? Birds ______ reptiles
o Difference genetically between a feather and a scale, make some evolutionists
believe _____________________________
 ______________ Even know!
10B A Record of Evolution?
___________ “fossils” - organisms supposedly ___________ millions of years ago, but
found today
o Coelacanth
o _________________
10B Record of Evolution?
What the fossil record does support
o Nowhere on earth is there a __________________________ of fossil layers
o Missing links and common ancestors are __________________ by fossils
o Much evidence supports the idea of fossils being laid down over a short period of
time - _______________________
The Ultimate Question
o Miller – ___________ amino acids
o Amino acids – building blocks of life
o _____________ right hand amino acids – death
o How much of this experiment is designed?
 Fact
 ____________________ – destroys amino acids
 Atmosphere proven to have different gases
o (HIGH AMOUNT OF __________________)
Lucy - Australopithecus
o Dated ~ 3.22-3.18 mya
o Supposed proof that hominids ________________
What was the fossil evidence?
This? - NO, this __________ of her bones
Many faces of Lucy
What evidence did they have for the Face?
o People____________________!!!
Lucy is an ________ – look at the bones
Lucy is an Ape, Look at her bones