Academic Assessment Form B: Plan for Program Assessments

Academic Assessment Form B: Plan for Program Assessments
Academic Program:
Student Learning
Outcome # 4:
Set 1 (Required)
What is the first set of data
you will collect which
shows your students can
demonstrate the specified
Set 2 (Required)
What is the second set of
data which shows your
students can demonstrate
the specified outcome?
(Note: It must be collected
with a different instrument
than that for Data Set 1.)
Further Data
List any more data sets
you will collect to show
your students can
demonstrate the specified
Academic Year:
2011 - 2012
Submitted by:
Marilyn Schroer
Psychology graduates are able to understand and apply psychological principles.
A subset of questions on
the multiple-choice test
created by members of
the department will
assess the student’s
knowledge and
application of
psychological principles.
To be administered to
students in their last
semester before
Objective and essay
sections of exams
administered during the
course will assess the
student’s understanding
and application of
psychological principles.
PSY 401
Psychology Majors
Psychology Majors
Nathan Schroer
80% of the students will
answer 70% of the
psychological principles
items correctly.
Nathan Schroer
80% of the students will
earn a grade of C or
better on the objective
and essay sections of
exams administered
during the exams.
Student Learning
Outcome # 5:
Set 1 (Required)
What is the first set of data
you will collect which
shows your students can
demonstrate the specified
Set 2 (Required)
What is the second set of
data which shows your
students can demonstrate
the specified outcome?
(Note: It must be collected
with a different instrument
than that for Data Set 1.)
Further Data
List any more data sets
you will collect to show
your students can
demonstrate the specified
Psychology graduates are able to identify and utilize ethical principles as presented by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Forms required for the
approval of student
research projects by the
Newberry College
Institutional Review
Board (IRB)
PSY 402
Psychology Majors
Marilyn Schroer
Students will design a
research project which
adheres to ethical
principles as presented by
the American Psychological
Association (APA).
Students will submit the
appropriate forms to the
Newberry College
Institutional Review Board
(IRB). 100% of all projects
submitted will be approved.
A subset of questions on
the multiple-choice test
created by members of
the department will
assess the student’s
knowledge of the ethical
principles as defined by
the American
To be administered to
students in their last
semester before
Psychology Majors
Nathan Schroer
80% of the students will
answer 70% of the ethical
principles items correctly.
Student Learning
Outcome # 6:
Psychology graduates are able to demonstrate competence in the ability to use computers and other technology for many purposes.
Marilyn Schroer
80% of the students will
complete statistical
analyses for homework
and projects accurately
by using statistical
Marilyn Schroer
80% of the students will
earn a grade of C or
better on the selection of
appropriate journal
articles from electronic
databases for the review
of the literature for a
major research paper.
Set 1 (Required)
What is the first set of data
you will collect which
shows your students can
demonstrate the specified
Set 2 (Required)
What is the second set of
data which shows your
students can demonstrate
the specified outcome?
(Note: It must be collected
with a different instrument
than that for Data Set 1.)
Further Data
List any more data sets
you will collect to show
your students can
demonstrate the specified
Homework assignment
and statistics projects
A rubric will be used to
evaluate the student’s
ability to use select
appropriate journal
articles from electronic
databases for a review of
the literature for a major
research paper.
SSC 230
PSY 402
Psychology Majors
Psychology Majors
Student Learning
Outcome #___:
Set 1 (Required)
What is the first set of data
you will collect which
shows your students can
demonstrate the specified
Set 2 (Required)
What is the second set of
data which shows your
students can demonstrate
the specified outcome?
(Note: It must be collected
with a different instrument
than that for Data Set 1.)
Further Data
List any more data sets
you will collect to show
your students can
demonstrate the specified
Student Learning
Outcome #___:
Set 1 (Required)
What is the first set of data
you will collect which
shows your students can
demonstrate the specified
Set 2 (Required)
What is the second set of
data which shows your
students can demonstrate
the specified outcome?
(Note: It must be collected
with a different instrument
than that for Data Set 1.)
Further Data
List any more data sets
you will collect to show
your students can
demonstrate the specified
Directions-Form B
Page history last edited by Jennifer Morrison 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Before you begin, you should have completed Form A on which you indicated 3 to 5 program learning outcomes you will assess this year. Please complete Form B
only for outcomes you will assess this year. Before beginning this form, it may be helpful to complete a Form B Worksheet for each program learning outcome
you defined on Form A.
Program Learning Outcome
Write the first Program Learning Outcome (PLO) you indicated that you will assess this year. As you can see from the form, each PLO will need to have at least
two data sets collected for assessment this year.
Assessment Instrument(s)
For each data set, list the assessment instrument that will be used to collect it. An assessment instrument should be appropriate to the kind and purpose of the
data you are collecting. For example, if your PLO is "Physical Educators will learn about and demonstrate choices for healthy living" then data might be collected
through a student self-assessment, professor observations, and/or the differences between a course pre- and post-assessment. There are many options for
assessment instruments: standardized tests (ex., ETS PRAXIS, LSAT, MCAT, GRE, etc.), classroom exams, portfolios, presentations, performances, etc. The most
important consideration is whether the assessment instrument you choose to use is actually able to demonstrate achievement of the learning outcome. For
further help, please see Assessment Methods, which can also be found in the Assessment Manual Resources and Glossary.
For each data set, list the course(s) in which the data set will be collected using the indicated assessment instrument(s).
It is also important to consider which students' data will constitute each set. For each data set, list the primary stakeholders from which the data will be gathered.
For example, will the assessment instrument gather data from all students or just majors? Will the assessment instrument gather data from students in the first
year of your program or the last?
For each data set, indicate the person(s) responsible for administration of the assessment instrument and data collection. The contact for a data set may not
necessarily be the PAC him/herself. To spread responsibility and faculty engagement in the assessment process and discussion, there should be multiple contacts
across all program learning outcomes.
For each data set, consider specifically what results will show that your students are successful in regard to the intended program learning outcome. In other
words, state the standard by which your program will measure successful student learning of the outcome. Be specific. For example, "80% of Physical Education
majors in PHE 310 will create a school health plan scored 'acceptable' or better as assessed on the Community Health Plan Rubric." In this example, a wellwritten rubric will define what performance is above average, acceptable, or less than acceptable. For help with writing rubrics, please see Creating Scoring
Rubrics, which can also be found in the Assessment Manual Resources and Glossary.
Repeat all steps for each Program Learning Outcome you indicated on Form A that you will assess this year.