Fellowship or Scholarship Progress Report

2015 End of Year Progress Report
Reporting period: 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015
 Heart Foundation fellows / scholars must submit a progress report between 1 January 2016 – 31 March 2016
that summarises their research progress for the 2015 calendar year.
 Invoices for this award will not be paid until all milestone requirements are up to date.
 Failure to submit this document may jeopardise any future funding applications.
Please submit report by email to research@heartfoundation.org.au
Privacy Statement
The Heart Foundation respects your privacy and embraces the principles contained in the Privacy Act. The Heart Foundation is the National Heart Foundation of
Australia and all associated Australian State and Territory Heart Foundation Divisions, full details of which can be found in our Privacy Notice. The information
collected on this form will only be used for the purposes of administering the award. Personal details may be provided to third parties where required by law or for
the purpose of facilitating services contracted by us, in so doing your personal information may be disclosed to overseas recipients. The Heart Foundation will not
disclose your information to any third party for their marketing purposes.
If you have any questions about privacy please contact the Research team at Level 12, 500 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000, research@heartfoundation.org.au or
by calling (03) 9321 1581. Our APP privacy policy is set out in our Privacy Notice and details how you may complain about privacy issues and how we would deal with
that complaint. It also explains how you can access, correct or update information we hold about you. A copy of our Privacy Notice is available at
www.heartfoundation.org.au or on request. [HFPSB022-150923]
Form Submission Date:
1. Scholarship/Fellowship Details
Award Details:
Fellowship/Scholarship ID:
Type of Award:
(100 characters max)
Current Administering Institution:
Awardee Details:
First Name:
Supervisor Details:
First Name:
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2. Research Findings
Please use non-technical terms, suitable for the general public. This information may be used by the Heart
Foundation on our website, in our annual review, for fundraising appeals and other marketing material. (We will
seek your permission prior to using the information.)
Can you briefly explain what you are researching? (100 words max)
Why is your research important for Australian’s cardiovascular health? What difference will it make to people’s
lives? (100 words max)
Briefly outline what research you carried out over the past 12 months (100 words max)
What were your most important research findings? And, what do they mean for cardiovascular health? (100
words max)
Were there any challenges or issues? (100 words max)
What are the next steps? (100 words max)
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3. Publications
List any publications which have either been published or are in press in the previous calendar year. Use the
‘Vancouver Style’ as adopted by the Medical Journal of Australia and many others and outlined in Med J Aust 1991;
155: 197-201, e.g.
1. Wonsley J. The satisfaction of producing difficult specifications for secretaries. J Secretarial Practices 1989; 12:
2. Turpin J, Wonsley J, Adams S. The history of manuscript writing. Manuscript writing 1991; 5: 50-51.
4. Other Successful Awards
List any funding from sources other than the Heart Foundation received from the previous calendar year
- detail the funding body, duration of funding, and total amount of funding received.
5. Invited Presentations
List any invited presentations for the previous year calendar year – include name of conference/event, city, date.
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6. Other Professional Activities
Provide details of any patents, awards received, training of students, membership of professional societies and
editorial board, and other contributions to your discipline that you received or completed in the previous year.
7. Involvement in Heart Foundation Activities
Includes: participation on review panels, assessment of awards, media/donor functions and appeals, or other
attendances on behalf of the Heart Foundation.
8. Any Other Comments
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