G674 - Past Exam Questions for Question 3 and 4

G674 - Past Exam Questions for Question 3 and 4:
Instructions: ANSWER QUESTION 3 and b OR 4 a
and b.
New specification. Specimen paper exam questions:
3 (a) Outline the evidence that some social groups are marginalised in society. [20]
(b) Outline and assess Marxist explanations of social inequality. [40]
4 (a) Outline the evidence that men are disadvantaged in society. [20]
(b) Outline and assess feminist explanations of gender inequality in the workplace.
January 2010
3a Outline the evidence for social class inequality in contemporary UK (20)
3b Outline and assess the functionalist explanations of social inequality (40)
4a Outline the evidence that some age groups are disadvantaged in the
contemporary UK (20)
4b Outline and assess sociological explanations of age inequality (40)
June 2010
3 (a) Outline the evidence that some females are disadvantaged in the contemporary
UK. [20]
(b) Outline and assess feminist explanations of social inequality. [40]
4 (a) Outline the evidence that some ethnic groups are disadvantaged in the
contemporary UK.
(b) Outline and assess Marxist explanations of ethnic inequality. [40]
January 2011
3 (a) Outline the evidence that racism affects minority ethnic groups in the
contemporary UK. [20]
(b) Outline and assess sociological explanations of ethnic inequality. [40]
4 (a) Outline the evidence that the middle classes are advantaged in the
contemporary UK. [20]
(b) Outline and assess the view that social class is becoming less significant in the
contemporary UK. [40]
June 2011
3a. Outline the evidence that some age groups are advantaged in the contemporary
UK (20)
3b. Outline and assess functionalist explanation of age inequality (40)
4a. Outline the evidence that patterns of gender inequality are changing in the
contemporary uk(20)
4b.Outline and assess the view that patriarchy is the main cause of gender
inequality (40).
Jan 2012
3a. Outline the evidence that working classes are disadvantages in the
contemporary UK (20)
3b. Outline and assess Marxist explanations of social class inequalities (40)
4a.Outline the evidence that some ethnic groups are advantaged in the
contemporary UK (20)
4b. Outline and assess Weberian explanations of ethnic inequalities. (40)
June 2012
3a. Outline the evidence that social class affects life chances in the contemporary
UK (20)
3b. Outline and assess functionalist explanations of social class stratification (40).
4a. Outline the evidence that men are disadvantaged in the contemporary UK (20).
4b. Outline and assess feminist explanations of gender inequalities (40).