For Option II - (Based on low and high construction cost estimate)

Dear Patron:
The Hiawatha USD #415 Board of Education has spent the last few years evaluating the needs of our district’s
buildings. Over the last few months, a committee of patrons, armed with the buildings’ needs evaluation,
developed two possible bond proposals. The purpose of the information below and the survey postcard is for
the Board to gather input from district patrons. Please review the information below, complete the enclosed
survey postcard, and return the postcard by November 21, 2014. Due to ever changing construction costs, we
have provided an estimated range of anticipated costs.
Option I-Upgrades and Repairs
Remaining Balance on Middle School Bond
$2,225,000 - $2,225,000
HES Plumbing ( All new water lines)
$800,000 $900,000
Security for All Three Schools (Cameras and Key System)
$335,000 $400,000
HES Roof (Asphalt Areas of the Roof)
$170,000 $230,000
HVAC for All Three Schools (Replacements and Upgrades)
$4,860,000 - $5,915,000
HES Lighting Replacement
$120,000 $190,000
Upgrade Fire Alarm Systems for All Buildings
$351,000 $408,000
Technology Upgrade (1 computer for every K-12th grader)
$500,000 $550,000
Total Bond Amount Range $9,361,000 - $10,818,000
Hiawatha Elementary School (HES) Plumbing Replacement:
 Replace 2” main with 4”main and replace tunnel system waterlines
Security for HES, Hiawatha Middle School (HMS), and Hiawatha High School (HHS)
 Install security cameras and repair or replace exterior doors and locking system
HES Roof Replacement
 Replace and repair the asphalt sections of the roof
 Replace the 20 – 25 year old heating and air conditioning units at both HES and HHS
 Repair or replace the 15 year old heat pumps at HMS
HES Lighting
 Replace old, inefficient lighting to soften the lighting and improve the classroom learning environment
Fire Alarms
 Replace existing fire alarms to meet current safety standards
Technology Upgrades
 Upgrade computers and computer hardware to support one computer for every student
 Purchase computers to meet the one to one quota
Option II-Expanded Upgrades
All Projects Listed in Option I
$9,361,000 - $10,818,000
HES Multipurpose Gym and FEMA Storm Shelter
$2,700,000 $3,300,000
HHS/HMS Career Exploration and FEMA Gym
$5,400,000 $6,300,000
HHS Bathroom Remodel
$490,000 $590,000
Total Bond Amount Range $17,951,000 - $21,008,000
 FEMA rated shelter that would house students in an emergency and a dedicated area for physical
Career Exploration Center (CEC)
 House all career pathways in a central location to provide extended programs with area colleges
 Work with employers to develop new pathways/certificate programs and post-secondary opportunities
 Provide a FEMA rated gym that would house both middle and high school students in an emergency
HHS Restrooms
 ADA compliance
Mill Levy Increase and Cost
For Option I – (Based on low and high construction cost estimate)
For a $100,000 home the increase would be approximately 1.6 to 2.8 mills or $18.25 to $32.05 per year
For an acre of farmland the increase would be approximately 1.6 to 2.8 mills or $0.22 - $0.39 per year
For Option II - (Based on low and high construction cost estimate)
For a $100,000 home the increase would be approximately 9.0 to 11.5 mills or $103.35 to $132.10 per year
For an acre of farmland the increase would be approximately 9.0 to 11.5 mills or $1.26 to $1.61 per year
*More information can be found under the bond tab on our website at
Thank you for reviewing this information. Your opinion is very important to our planning. Please complete the
survey postcard and mail it by November 21, 2014.
In April, I would likely vote for:
Option I
Option II
No Bond Improvements
Please mail this self-addressed, postage paid survey to our district office no
later than 11/21/2014. Thank you, Hiawatha USD #415 Board of Education.