Islam and Cultural Encounters Project Instructions

World History
Ch. 11: Worlds of Islam
Islam and Cultural Encounters Project
Handout and Presentation
Day 1:
Research and Note-taking
You and a partner will be assigned one of the four regions into which Islam expanded starting around 1000 C.E.
(see the Cultural Encounters Project Groups on the Documents page). In order to teach your class about your
particular region, you must gather information on the introduction of Islam to that region. Your textbook (p.
488-495) will be your main source for information about your region, though you may do additional internet
research if you feel it is necessary and/or appropriate in order to completely cover your region. If you use
sources other than your textbook, be sure to cite them at the end of your handout.
You should research and take notes on all of the following topics:
-introduction of Islam to the region
-brought by whom/how?
-impact on the region’s existing religions
-conversion of the region’s people
-reasons for conversion
-process of conversion
-speed of conversion/percentages
-dominant culture of the region
-Islam or something else?
-change over time?
-key reasons
-strengths of dominant culture
-weaknesses of the subordinate culture
-conflict between Islam and other regional cultures?
-key features of Muslim cultural influence
-blending between Islam and the region’s existing culture
-reasons for blending/assimilation
-connections between the different cultures/religions
-new ideas/traditions that emerged
-social influence of Islam
-impact on social norms or social organization
-basic situation (with regard to Islam and culture) in the region around 1500 C.E.
World History
Ch. 11: Worlds of Islam
Day 2:
You and the other sets of partners assigned to the same region will combine into a large group to collaborate on
creating a handout that combines and organizes the information each of the small groups gathered on the key
topics related to the introduction of Islam to your region. You should organize this material using a basic
outline/note-taking format while also providing sufficient, yet brief, explanation and detail. Your handout must
appropriately cover all topics listed above, but you may arrange the information on the handout in whatever
order you feel makes the most sense. The handout should be no longer than two pages.
In order to teach your class about your assigned region, your large group will present the information covered in
the handout. You should not read everything on the handout (you will have already passed it out to your
classmates), but rather your group should emphasize key points and explain anything that might be
complicated. You will also be required to answer any questions classmates have about your handout and
presentation in order to ensure that your classmates understand all necessary points.
You must present the information about your assigned region in an organized and coherent fashion to ensure
that your classmates understand the introduction of Islam to your region and that they get all the material they
need. You are responsible for transmitting this information to your classmates, just as they are responsible for
teaching you about the other topics – do not let them down.
The group project grade will be based on the following:
-Research (grade for each set of partners):
-all necessary information gathered
-all topics covered
-all necessary information covered
-organization of presentation
-collaboration between groups
-clear explanation of the key points
-answered any questions
For each individual, the group grade will be supplemented with a personal assessment based on the following:
-Participation in the research, development of the handout, and collaboration with other groups
-doing your equal share of the work
-Participation during the in-class presentation
-Individual and Group Evaluations