TM CSI Organic Farm Crop System Plan PLEASE ANSWER EACH QUESTION. IF A SECTION DOES NOT APPLY TO YOUR OPERATION, PLEASE INDICATE “Not Applicable”. DO NOT LEAVE ANY PART OF THE SYSTEM PLAN BLANK. Please attach the following: A current farm map(s) detailing: all fields with field numbers; buildings and storage bins and facilities; On the map(s), identify land use of adjoining fields (i.e., conventional crops, residential area, etc.); Certificates for fields certified by another certification body; Field history sheets for any new fields not currently certified; Test results for water, soil, etc. if available. Use additional sheets if necessary. SECTION 1: GENERAL INFORMATION Applicant/Farm Name: Owner/Manager: Primary Contact Person: Address: City: Province: Postal Code: Telephone: Fax: E-mail: Legal Status: Sole proprietorship Corporation Legal partnership Other (specify) Seeking certification to the following rules: CDN NOP Equivalency EU Equivalency JAS Equivalency Other Do you have the applicable standards? Yes No Do you understand the requirements for the certification you are seeking? Yes No Do you keep your records a minimum of five years? Yes No Do you maintain an organic complaint file? Yes No Do you intend to certify organic livestock this year? Yes No Do you have written work instructions? Yes No Year first certified organic: Government Permit Permits/Licenses: Number of Employees: List previous organic certification by other agencies: ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 List current organic certification by other agencies: Page 1 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM IF YOU WERE CERTIFIED ORGANIC LAST YEAR BY ANOTHER CERTIFICATION BODY, PLEASE ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR LAST INSPECTION REPORT AND CERTIFICATE (INCLUDING THE FIELD LIST) TO THIS APPLICATION. ANY OUTSTANDING NON-COMPLIANCES MUST BE ADDRESSED AND CLOSED BEFORE CSI IS ABLE TO CERTIFY YOUR OPERATION. Directions to farm: Provide a brief description of your farming operations: Please indicate your yields by crop kind for the previous year (or attach records showing your yields), and also indicate your expected yield by crop kind for the coming year. Criteria for Determining Current Eligibility for Certification List all requirements from last year’s certification and your corrective actions: Requirement Not applicable Corrective Action If your operation has been previously certified by another certification body, has this certification ever been suspended or cancelled? Yes No If “Yes”, please specify the date (M/D/Y) when the certification was suspended or cancellation: SECTION 2: FARM PLAN INFORMATION ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 2 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM A. ACTIVITIES SUBCONTRACTED TO A THIRD-PARTY Not applicable Please describe any activity that you subcontract for. Certified Subcontractors If the subcontractor is certified organic simply obtain a copy of the certificate and complete the chart below. Non-certified Subcontractors If a CSI certified producer has their own product processed or handled by a contracted operation, the fee will be $ 200 (in addition to all other applicable farm fees) plus the cost of inspection of the subcontractor. This exception to the requirement for full farm or processor status of the contracted party is designed to allow a reasonable fee for farm clients to have their own produce, for example seed, livestock, milk or apples, processed at a seed cleaning facility, slaughterhouse, cider press, etc. Custom work performed on behalf of the producer must be listed but will not be subject to an inspection nor is there a need to complete the relevant System Plan. Note: It is the responsibility of the CSI client to submit a Processor System Plan to CSI on behalf of the subcontractor for review and to have processing procedures in place at the contracted facility to preserve organic integrity. It is also the responsibility of the CSI client to have direct supervision of the production, processing or handling of their organic product to ensure the contractor is adhering to the documented organic handling procedures. Full control of the operations by the CSI client is expected. Activity Subcontractor name Subcontract or is certified organic? If yes, date of Issuance of organic certificate For Non-Certified Subcontractors CSI applicant agrees to pay for the inspection? Yes No Yes Subcontractor agrees to the inspection? Yes B. FIELD HISTORY, LOCATION and STATUS Please complete the CSI Farm Field History Sheet (ORG_FAR_02_Farmfieldhistory) for any field that is not currently certified to indicate: the fields included in your application their location and size their management status and history the date of the last application of a prohibited product for each organic standard you are applying for, and Please indicate which fields are not parts of the home farm. If you have fields which have been certified by another CB to the same standard you are making application to, please only complete the current year portion of the Farm Field History Sheet (CSI ORG_FAR_02_Farmfieldhistory). Please attach copies of any certificates and field lists you have been granted. If you are converting pasture or hay land to organic production, or have rented or owned the fields for less than three years that are not currently certified, attach the CSI Land History Affidavit (ORG_FAR_01_Land History Affidavit) or a signed statement from current or previous landowner regarding field history and application of prohibited materials including the date of the last application and the product name. ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 3 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM Please describe below your transition plan for your farm to convert to full organic production. C. LIVESTOCK PRODUCTION If your operation includes organic livestock production, please ensure you complete the CSI Organic Livestock System Plan (ORG_LIV_04). D. ON-FARM PRODUCT HANDLING If your operation includes simple on-farm handling (e.g. seed cleaning, vegetable packaging, etc.), please ensure you complete the CSI On-Farm Product Handling System Plan (ORG_FAR_11). E. ON-FARM PROCESSING If your operation includes complex on-farm processing that substantially alters the product harvested from your farm (e.g. milk to cheese, apples to apple sauce, etc.), please ensure you complete the CSI Processor/Handler System Plan (ORG_PRO_04). SECTION 3: SEED, SEEDLINGS AND PLANTING STOCK Genetically engineered seed (as defined in the applicable scheme) is prohibited for use in organic production systems, as is seed treated with a substance prohibited according to the applicable scheme. Organic seed and planting stock must be used if commercially available. Annual seedlings must be produced according to the relevant scheme, i.e. they must be certified organic. Non-organic perennial plants (planting stock) must be managed organically for at least one year prior to sale of the plant as organically produced. Please complete the Listing of Seeds, Seedlings and Planting Stock form (ORG_FAR_06_Seed listing), being sure to identify the organic standard to which the seeds, seedlings and/or planting stock are certified. Please ensure that the Supplier information on the form is completed. Non-Organic Seed and Planting Stock Farm saved seed from buffer strips is considered conventional seed under all organic programs except the EU organic program. If you did not use organic seed, please complete the CSI Commercial Availability Search Record (ORG_06_Commercial Availability Search) or provide equivalent supporting documentation. If as a result of your commercial availability search you have sourced conventional, untreated seed of a crop kind which has a GMO type (e.g. corn, soybeans, canola), please have your seed supplier complete the CSI Affidavit of Non-GMO/GEO Status of Product (ORG_02_Non-GMO Affidavit). If planting stock is perennial and non-organic, the producer must supply evidence that the planting stock was harvested after plants had been maintained in accordance with applicable standards for one year. Permission to use non-organic seed and planting stock must be obtained from CSI prior to use. Please review the CSI policy on “Use of organic seeds and planting stock”. Please describe how you record what crop kind and/or variety is planted in each field. ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 4 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM Please describe how you ensure that the organic status of the planting material matches the field organic certification applied for. Do you source any seedlings from off-farm? Yes No If yes, please complete the subcontractor section above and attach the current organic certificate for the seedling producer. Seed Treatments For seed treatments, including inoculants, complete ORG_FAR_07 “Listing of Off-farm Inputs” and submit it with the product labels for review and approval by CSI prior to applying any product to your seed. SECTION 4: SOIL FERTILITY MANAGEMENT Be sure to complete ORG_FAR_07 “Off-farm Inputs” for any soil fertility or soil amendment products and submit it with the product labels for review and approval by CSI prior to applying any product to your land. The CDN standard requires an active management plan to build soil fertility and prevent soil erosion. Describe how you ensure the fertility program for each field is in compliance with the requirements of the organic standard you are seeking certification to (e.g. your review of inputs, your record-keeping system for applying soil amendments, manure or compost application, etc.). A. GENERAL INFORMATION What are your soil types? What are your soil/nutrient deficiencies? No deficiencies Please indicate how you have identified any soil deficiencies. Rate the effectiveness of your soil fertility management program: Excellent Satisfactory Needs improvement What changes do you anticipate? ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 5 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM What are the major components of your soil and crop fertility plan? biodynamic preparations compost conservation tillage green manure, plow down, incorporation of inter-planting cover crops side dressing* crop residues soil amendments* summer fallow other soil inoculants * crop rotation off-farm manure* foliar fertilizers* on-farm manure strip cropping sub-soiling List each of the amendments/inputs starred (*) above on the form ORG_FAR_07 “Off-farm Inputs”. For off-farm manure, the supplier of the manure must complete ORG_24_A “Annex I – Manure Source Declaration”. If you use soil amendments which have high salt content, how do you manage your soil so as to prevent salt buildup? Not applicable B. COMPOST: Not applicable If you are using compost on your fields, it must meet the definition and/or conditions for “compost” found in the applicable standard (CAN/CGSB-32.311 section 4.2). On-farm Compost Please complete the CSI form Compost Feedstocks and On-farm Management Record (ORG_FAR_5A_On-farm compost record) or provide equivalent records to record the feedstocks, any testing conducted, and the management of the compost pile. Not applicable Results on file Off-farm Compost If you will be applying off-farm compost to your land not approved as an input for organic agriculture, please ensure that you have analysis results from your supplier to confirm the following (according to the certification requested for each field on which the compost is to be applied): For Canadian certification: The compost shall not exceed the maximum acceptable levels of trace contaminants (mg/kg) and foreign matter (as per CCME Guidelines for Compost Quality); The compost shall not cause a buildup of heavy metals in soil over repeated applications; The compost shall meet the criteria for acceptable levels (MPN/g total solids) of human pathogens as per the CCME Guidelines for Compost Quality. Complete form ORG_FAR_07 “Off-farm Inputs” for any off-farm compost and submit it with the product labels for review and approval by CSI prior to applying any product to your land. ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 6 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM C. MANURE APPLICATION: Not applicable What type of crops do you grow (check all that apply): crops not used for human consumption crops for human consumption whose edible portion has direct contact with the soil crops for human consumption whose edible portion does not have direct contact with the soil What forms of manure do you use? liquid semi-solid piled fully composted pelleted none other Please complete the CSI form Manure Source and Application Record (ORG_FAR_5B_Manure Application) or an equivalent form to record manure sources and application details for both on-farm and off-farm sources. On file Off-farm Manure For off-farm manure, the supplier of the manure must complete ORG_24_A “Annex I – Manure Source Declaration”. Not applicable Attached D. COMPOST/MANURE USE: Not applicable CGSB 32.310- states: “Where manure is applied, the soil shall be sufficiently warm and moist to ensure active bio oxidation”. How do you apply compost/manure? During what season(s) do you apply compost/manure? SECTION 5: ORGANIC CROP MANAGEMENT The CDN standard requires an active management plan to maximize soil and crop health, and to prevent weed, pest and disease problems. A. CROP ROTATION PLANS: Please describe your general crop rotation plan below, and attach details for each field. Crop rotation plans will be reviewed. ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 7 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM Soil Erosion: No erosion problems What soil erosion problems do you experience and where are they in terms of farm location? How do you prevent soil erosion? Not applicable conservation tillage contour farming firebreaks permanent waterways riparian management terraces tree lines windbreaks retention ponds other B. PEST CONTROL PRODUCTS: Note that the use of pest control products (insect or weed control products) must be in compliance with the certification requirements of CAN/CGSB-32.311 section 4.3. C. WEED MANAGEMENT PLAN: No weed problems What are your problem weeds? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ What weed control methods do you use? corn gluten crop rotation field preparation flame weeding mechanical cultivation mowing natural mulch* prevention of weed seed set plastic mulch smother crops soil sterilization stale seedbed steam weeding use of hand tools use of restricted products* other hand weeding use of approved products* limited use of prohibited products* _____________________________________________________________________________________ If you are using any weed control products, please complete the CSI form “Listing of Off-Farm Input Products” (CSI ORG_FAR_07_Off-farm Inputs). Permission must be obtained from CSI prior to using any weed control product. Have you verified that your weed management program is in compliance with each standard to which you are seeking certification? Yes Rate the effectiveness of your weed management program: What changes do you anticipate? excellent satisfactory No needs improvement _____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 8 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM Mulch Not applicable If natural mulch is used in your operation and is obtained off-farm, what is the source of the mulch? Is documentation maintained to verify that the off-farm mulch is free of pesticides and other contaminants? Yes No If mulch is used (plastic or natural), please describe the management of the mulch (when is it applied, how is it used, is it removed, etc.). Note: Any biodegradable mulch that you wish to use must be reviewed by CSI and approved for use in organic production. D. PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN: No pest problems What are your problem pests? insects (list) birds ________________________________________________________________________________ gophers rodents Do you work with a pest control advisor? If yes, give name other animals: Yes No __________________________________ What strategies do you use to control pest damage to crops? None bird houses bat houses beneficial habitat companion planting crop rotation frog ponds hand picking IPM monitoring physical barriers resistant varieties release of beneficials timing of planting physical removal traps trap crops use of approved products* use of restricted products* limited use of prohibited products* other If you are using any pest (insect or rodent) control products, please complete the CSI form “Listing of Off-Farm Input Products” (CSI ORG_FAR_07_Off-farm Inputs). Permission must be obtained from CSI prior to using any insect control product. Have you verified that your pest (insect or rodent) management program is in compliance with each standard to which you are seeking certification? Yes Rate the effectiveness of your pest management program: What changes do you anticipate? excellent satisfactory No needs improvement __________________________________________________________________ ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 9 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM E. DISEASE MANAGEMENT PLAN: No disease problems ______________________________________________________ What are your problem crop diseases? What disease prevention strategies do you use? crop rotation field sanitation vector management None resistant varieties use of approved materials* use of prohibited materials* soil balancing compost tea use other timing of planting/cultivating plant spacing use of restricted materials* solarization companion planting If you are using any disease control products, please complete the CSI form “Listing of Off-Farm Input Products” (CSI ORG_FAR_07_Off-farm Inputs). Permission must be obtained from CSI prior to using any disease control product. Have you verified that your disease management program is in compliance with each standard to which you are seeking certification? Yes Rate the effectiveness of your disease management program: What changes do you anticipate? excellent satisfactory No needs improvement __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 6: WATER SOURCE AND IRRIGATION Irrigation water should not contaminate organic crops with prohibited materials. Methods to conserve water usage should be part of the irrigation plan. Not applicable A. TYPE OF WATER USE: foliar sprays other irrigation washing crops _________ B. SOURCE OF WATER: irrigation district* other municipal/county * on-site well river/creek/pond spring ______________________ Name of municipal/irrigation district ______________________________ C. TYPE OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM: drip flood other center pivot none _________________________________________________________________________________________ What input products other than water are applied through the irrigation system? none _________________________________________________________________________________________________ What products do you use to clean irrigation lines/nozzles? none ________________________________________________________________________________________ ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 10 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM If you are using any off-farm inputs or cleaners, please complete the CSI form “Listing of Off-Farm Input Products” (CSI ORG_FAR_07_Off-farm Inputs). Permission must be obtained from CSI prior to using any disease control product. How do you conserve irrigation water? drip irrigation other laser leveling/land forming micro-spray scheduling tensiometer/monitoring _________________________________________________________________________________________ Known contaminants in your irrigation water: (Attach residue analysis and/or salinity test results if available.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION 7: MAINTENANCE OF ORGANIC INTEGRITY A. ADJOINING LAND USE: Organic production areas must be protected from contamination by prohibited substances (i.e., pesticides, GMOs). Buffer areas may change annually, depending on contamination potential from adjoining land uses. If your field maps do not indicate all buffer areas, please describe them below. LOCATION/FIELD NO.S Not Applicable TYPE OF BUFFER (I.E. TREELINE, HEDGEROW, WILDLIFE PLANTING, GRASS STRIP, CROPLAND*) If crops are harvested from the buffer zones, describe their harvest, storage and sales (ensure records are available to show the disposition of the harvested material): What additional safeguards do you use to prevent accidental contamination? Written notification to: None aerial spray companies/airports drainage commissions electric companies farm service office highway departments neighbors other Have you posted signs along roadsides that adjoin organic fields? How do you monitor for crop contamination? visual observation/scouting GMO testing ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Yes Page 11 of 17 No residue analysis other (please specify) Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM Do any fields or portions of fields flood frequently (more than once every ten years)? If yes, give field numbers: Yes No ____________________________________________________________________________ B. SPLIT AND PARALLEL PRODUCTION: The farm operator must demonstrate the ability to keep crops separate in a split operation. Specific records must be kept to document all crops, inputs, harvest, storage and sales for farms involved in split and/or parallel production. Split production is a farm that produces both organic and conventional crops. Parallel production is organic and conventional product of the same crop type. Which category best describes your current operation? 100% organic predominantly organic predominantly conventional crop production Do you grow the same crops organically, in transition and/or conventionally: Yes No Yes No Have you planted organic fields and transitional fields with the same crop type? Have you planted organic fields and conventional fields that are part of the same production unit with the same crop type? Yes No Where you have planted organic and non-organic fields with the same crop type, are the varieties visually distinguishable? Yes No Prevention of commingling of organic crops with conventional crops is accomplished by: Time Explain: Space (different farms, bins, etc, lines) Explain: ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 12 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM Records must be made available at the time of inspection which describes any prohibited soil amendment / herbicide / pesticide use on conventional production fields. Not applicable Describe the storage location of the conventional and organic soil amendments/herbicides/pesticides, including which farm the products are stored at: C. EQUIPMENT: Equipment used in organic crop production must not contaminate fields or organic crops. Contamination includes risk from oil, fuel, and hydraulic fluids. Equipment used for both organic and conventional farming should not contaminate organic fields or crops. A list of all equipment used for planting, spraying and harvesting must be maintained, including information on ownership (owned, rented or custom), use (organic, conventional or both) and clean-out. On file Do you contract for custom work? Yes No Yes No If yes, please ensure Section 2 A. is completed. If yes, do you obtain clean out records from the custom operator prior to work being done? Clean-out logs (including method and frequency) must be kept for all equipment that is used in both organic and conventional production. Is your equipment maintained so that fuel, oil and hydraulic fluid do not leak? Yes No D. HARVEST CONTAINERS: How are your organic crops harvested? mechanical by hand What containers are used for harvesting? gravity wagons/boxes truck boxes cardboard/waxed boxes wooden totes plastic containers other Are the harvest containers cleaned prior to organic crop harvesting? Are the harvest containers used for organic crops only? Yes No Not applicable Yes No Not applicable What potential contamination or co-mingling problems do you have with harvest or transport of organic crops? ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 13 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM E. CROP STORAGE: No organic crop storage A list must be maintained of all storage areas associated with the farm (both on-farm and off-farm sites) that allows for a running inventory of organic product. Describe the identification system you have established for your storage area to permit traceability, and prevent any commingling or contamination of the organic product. Do you use the same storage areas for organic, transitional and conventional crops? Yes No If yes, describe how you segregate organic crops from non-organic crops? If yes, describe how you clean storage units prior to storage of organic crops? Does your clean-out of your storage area prevent: commingling with other organic products not certified to the same standard , Yes No commingling with conventional product, and Yes No contamination of organic crops from non-approved substances. Yes No F. POST-HARVEST APPLICATIONS: No post-harvest applications What applications to stored crop have you used in the last three years? coloring agents growth regulators sprouting inhibitors waxes oils preservatives None ripeners synthetic fumigants other Are any of these products used for organic crops? Yes No If you are using any product as a post-harvest application, please complete the CSI form “Listing of Off-Farm Input Products” (CSI ORG_FAR_07_Off-farm Inputs). ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 14 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM G. ON-FARM HANDLING: Not applicable Post-harvest handling includes washing or packaging and such processes may not contaminate organic products with non-organic crops or prohibited materials. If you are engaged in any simple handling of your own product on-farm, please complete the CSI On-Farm Handling System Plan (ORG_FAR_11). Attached H. ON-FARM PROCESSING: Not applicable If you are engaged in any processing activities for or on behalf of any other operation or the on-farm processing substantially alters the product harvested from your farm, you must make separate application as a processor using the CSI Processor/Handler System Plan (ORG_PRO_04) and do not complete the On-Farm Handling System Plan. Attached SECTION 8: MARKETING, LABELLING, AND TRANSPORTATION A. TYPE OF MARKETING: bulk commodities to processor contract to buyer CSA/subscription service farmers market wholesale on-farm retail other ________________________________________________ direct to retail In what form are finished products shipped? Do you use CSI’s seal or the seal of an organic standard on your marketing material (ads, brochures, etc.)? Yes No Do you use the CSI seal on organic product labels, BOLs or invoices? Yes No Do you use the seal of the organic standard on organic product labels, BOLs or invoices? Yes No If yes, which standards? CDN NOP EU JAS B. PRODUCT LABELLING The certification status of product shipped from the farm is indicated by: labels attached to product Transaction Certificates Bills of Lading (BOLs) certificates issued by the organic certification body If yes, which standards? (Attach copies of all organic product labels.) CDN NOP EU JAS Who is in charge of labelling? ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 15 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM C. OFF-FARM TRANSPORTATION: Not applicable Who is responsible for arranging transportation of organic products: self buyer other _____________________________________________________________ Describe how organic products are transported: Organic integrity is maintained during transportation by which of the following: dedicated organic only cleaning transport units prior to loading inspecting transport units prior to loading letter/contract with transport company stating organic requirements use of Clean Truck Affidavits other ______________________________________________________________________________________ You may use the CSI Organic Clean Transport Affidavit (ORG_04_Clean Transport) to record your verification of your transport vehicles in maintaining organic integrity. SECTION 9: RECORD KEEPING SYSTEM Organic products must be traceable back to the field/location where they were produced or harvested, including written records of all inputs and production activities. Records must be maintained for a minimum of five years, or according to the requirements of the relevant scheme. Which of the following records do you keep for organic production? field maps field history sheets (previous three years) input records that show soil amendments, manure, compost, foliar sprays and pest control product applications harvest records that show field numbers and harvest amounts labor records storage records that show storage location, ID numbers, and amounts stored sales records shipping records (such as bills of lading) Transaction Certificates other Which of the following records do you keep for conventional production? Not applicable field maps field history sheets input records harvest records labor records storage records sales records shipping records other ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 16 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration TM SECTION 10: AFFIRMATION I affirm that all statements made in this application are true and correct. No prohibited products have been applied to any of my organically managed fields during the three-year period prior to projected harvest. I understand that the operation may be subject to unannounced inspection and/or sampling for residues at any time. I agree to follow the relevant scheme. Signature of Operator Date _____________ I have attached the following additional documents (please check off): Previous issues of non-compliance and corrective action measures from the previous certification body Maps of all parcels/fields (showing adjoining land use and field identification) Field history sheet (with letter of three-year history for fields owned or rented for less than three years) Input labels and/or invoices Water test, if applicable Soil, plant tissue and/or residue analyses, if applicable Organic product labels (when packaging organic product) Please submit a copy of your completed system plan and all attachments to: Centre for Systems Integration 240 Catherine Street, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2G8 1-800-516-3300 FAX: 613-236-7000 Email: ORG_FAR_04 Organic Crop System Plan Revision 13 Version Date: February 12, 2015 Page 17 of 17 Print Date: 2/10/2016 © 2015 Centre for Systems Integration