9/8/2015 or Bday 9/9/15 Create a magazine or newspaper article, or a video news broadcast about the water issues and oil production in the Middle East. See Rubric 1) You may work individually or in groups up to 4 people. 2) Each group member must include a name date and class period on their individual work. 3) All group members must write at least 10 sentences academically correct, in their own words about the water issues (5 sentences) and oil distribution (5 sentences) in Southwest Asia. Spelling and grammar will be counted. 4) If you need me to film your video you must schedule class time to do so. Proper attire, speech, and background are needed. Your broadcast must feel like I’m watching the news. The script must be turned in, each student must complete #2-3 for full credit 5) If you create a magazine or newspaper it must be creative and realistic, each student must complete #2-3 for full credit. 6) You will have one day to meet and plan with your group in class. You will have one day in class to work on your project. You must complete this assignment at home with you partner(s) if needed. No other homework will be given this week to ensure you have enough time to get an A on a project before your first progress report on 9/15/15. Use the rubric below and use the class site for further help http://tinyurl.com/q5d49cc Day 1- Rough draft due. Answer the following questions and include answers in rough draft: What is my project going to be? What is my project going to look like? Do I understand the directions? Who’s doing what? How? Why? What’s important? How can I get an A? Day 2-Water issues section must be completed Weekend- Oil section must be completed Due Monday 9/14 A or Tuesday 9/15 B Things you may want or need* to include: 1) 5 interesting facts about unequal water distribution in the Middle East* 2) 5 interesting facts about oil distribution in Southwest Asia* 3) 4 Graphics and pictures to support your information* 4) Interviews 5) Stories 6) Fun magazine-like quizzes 7) Advertisements GSU MAGAZINE or News Broadcast script RUBRIC Water Issues and Oil distribution in Southwest Asia (find info at): http://tinyurl.com/q5d49cc OVERALL APPEARANCE - target audience represented always - theme consistent - font superior and consistent - generally inviting -high degree of creativity - target audience given some thought - theme consistent - font good and consistent - generally good - creative - target audience inconsistent - theme inconsistent - font adequate - generally adequate - somewhat creative - target audience forgotten - no theme evident - font inadequate - poorly done - shows little creativity COVER/ Broadcast - highly creative - excellent title - effective image included - fits theme of magazine very well - very attractive - creative - good title - good choice of image - fits theme of magazine well - inviting - somewhat creative - adequate title - image included - adequately suited to theme of magazine - adequate - shows little creativity - poor choice of title - poor choice of image - theme unclear - poorly done CONTENT - included minimum of five Sentences written by each student about each topic (10 total, with heading) - all components are completed as assigned - excellent variety of topics - an illustration included with each component - well written - included minimum of five components - most components completed as assigned - good variety of topics - most components are illustrated. - well written - fewer than minimum of five components. - included minimum of five components. - did not include one of each as assigned. - adequate variety of topics - most components are illustrated - writing adequate - fewer than minimum of five components. - some articles completed as assigned. - some illustrations - writing adequate ILLUSTRATIONS - included a minimum of four. - all graphics are connected to theme. - highly creative - excellent colour and composition. - included a minimum of four - most graphics connected to theme - very creative - good colour and composition - included a minimum of four - artwork not always connected to theme - lacks originality - some colour and graphics elements used. - less than four - seldom connected to theme - mostly reproductions - few or no graphic elements. PRESENTATION - use of writing process evident - correct spelling - correct grammar -correct sentence, paragraph and essay structure - inviting headlines - use of writing process evident - minor spelling errors - minor grammatical errors - minor errors in construction of sentences, paragraphs and essays. -good headlines - careless use of writing process. - minor spelling errors - minor grammatical errors - written work lacks organization - headlines included - first draft is only draft. - major spelling errors. - major grammatical errors. - lacks organization, disjoint, and lacks unity. - some headlines included.