BATH HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Background and Information The Bath High School Alumni Association, founded in 1891, is believed to be the oldest active High School Alumni Association in the United States The Association has hosted an Alumni Banquet for 122 consecutive years, bringing reunion classes together in one place…The Bath Middle School gym on the second Saturday in June. Morse High alumni are a very caring, concerned, generous people who hold their memories from these hallowed halls “ever dear” to them Reunion classes make significant donations every year Every Morse High graduate is automatically a member of the Association. Many Bath area families have multiple generations of Morse graduates The Alumni Association awards two $500 scholarships – to the senior boy and senior girl with the highest average in English over the four years Morse High alumni are eager to share their pride and continue the tradition of the Blue and The White Membership Occasionally the Association is asked who can be a member of the BHSAA. Technically, it’s only graduates of Morse High School. However, when it comes to the Alumni Banquet and Class Reunions,, most classes invite former classmates who, for one reason or another, attended Morse but did not graduate with their original class The Association supports that concept as it is consistent with the purpose of the Association, and it brings together all former classmates. Funds Another frequently asked questions is information concerning the various funds. These funds are: BATH HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION FUND: Donations used for any operating expenses pertaining to Alumni Association activities such as mailings, holiday celebrations and parades, buying memorabilia for resale, pre-banquet dance and banquet expenses. The Association often goes in the red due to subsidizing for the Senior Class and for invited guests: eldest alumni, Principal, Superintendent, Clergy, and School Board Chairperson. BATH HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ENDOWMENT FUND: Donations used exclusively to offset costs of the annual banquet expenses. Withdrawals from this account are limited to interest income only: principal cannot be touched for any reason. MORSE HIGH SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Private, family, and reunion class donations may set up in memory of loved ones or lost classmates. These funds are managed by a separate committee. Last year, over $205,827 was awarded in over 65 scholarships.