Romeo and Juliet Projects

RJ Projects 2015
PART ONE: Due Friday, November 20th
Romeo and Juliet Blue Book Assignment
(30 Project Points)
Entries (three total)
Find a quotation or situation in Romeo and Juliet which you can relate to your personal lives. Your topics will
vary as you respond to the text, but some topics could be centered on a conflict between the characters or
certain characteristics of a character. If there is a passage or section of a scene that really moves you, respond
to the passage as an entry. Each entry should be 400-500 words. This does not include the quote from
RJ. Work should, of course, be typed. All three entries will be graded according to depth, writing
conventions, and originality.
Each entry should include the quotation or paraphrase of a situation from RJ that you are responding to and a
citation of the Act and Scene in MLA format. Use the example document online.
Your responses should be single-spaced—no need to waste paper! You may, of course, always bring me an
entry to look at during the nine weeks—I will not look at samples during the week the project is due—PLAN
Entries are due to by 12:01 AM on the due date.
PART TWO: Due Wednesday, December 2nd
Romeo and Juliet Creative Projects
(70 Project Points)
Choose one project from the list below. (The project for this unit may not be completed with a
partner.) As usual, all written work must be submitted to by 12:01 AM on the due date
in order for your assignment to be considered on time. All projects must be chosen by November
Projects will be graded on accuracy, eye appeal and neatness, completeness, creativity,
and the amount of research done to complete the project. All written work must be
TYPED. If you use outside material, you need a works cited page.
Please follow ALL directions carefully!
COSTUME BOOK: The setting of the play is fourteenth-century Italy, but actors in Shakespeare’s
time would have worn Elizabethan costumes. Make a costume book. Draw a minimum of one
authentic (based on research) costume for Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Prince Escalus, Nurse, Friar
Laurence, Lord Capulet, Lord Montague, Lady Capulet, and Lady Montague. Label each costume
according to the character, act, and scene. Include a one-paragraph explanation of each costume—
these should be based on research. Follow the teacher’s directions to include either a works cited or
copies of the sources used.
COMIC BOOK/CHILDREN’S BOOK: Design a comic book or an illustrated children’s book that
creatively tells the story of Romeo and Juliet. You may use some (not all) of the words of
Shakespeare if you would like, or you may write and illustrate a more modern version of the story.
This project is meant to be creative, meaning that things should be changed and adapted. For
example, a children’s book would probably not feature Romeo shooting Tybalt as that is more mature
content. Type a one to two-page paper which explains why you chose to represent things the way
you did. Minimum number of pages for book—15. If you quote Shakespeare, you must cite the
play on a works cited page—that being said, your entire work cannot just be Shakespeare’s words.
The writing should make sense for your setting!
ORIGINAL SONG/RAP: Write a song about Romeo and Juliet. Lyrics must be creatively displayed
for the entire class to see. You will need these to be visually presented while you preform. Student
must provide proper sound equipment for the performance—your phone is not an appropriate
medium. Song must be performed in class—either in person or pre-recorded. You may have a fellow
classmate accompany you, but the song must be written independently. No Taylor Swift “Love
Story”—not original. You must change at least 70% of the lyrics if you base the project off of a preexisting song. All content must be school appropriate.
NEWSPAPER: What would the newspaper look like written in the time period of the literary work?
Example: What would “The Verona Times” look like in the time period of Romeo & Juliet? Papers
must include a main headline, obituary of Romeo and Juliet’s deaths, gossip column, society pages, a
“thought of the day/advice” column from Friar Lawrence/Nurse. (This is the minimum requirement.)
All work must represent the time period and area of the play and look like an actual newspaper.
While there is a list of things that you should definitely include, you should also seek to include some
extra creative details. It might help to actually look at a newspaper for inspiration. REMEMBER: You
can be creative, but this is a period piece. All work should be original and represent the time period
of the play. See teacher if you need further clarification.
PLAYLIST: Make a CD/Playlist that goes with the play. Each song should have a one paragraph indepth description as to why you think the song fits the scene, using evidence from the themes,
symbols, motifs, and situations that the play explored. Requirements: 10 songs (two per act) on CD,
at least one paragraph explanation for each, lyrics of all songs included in final project, creative cover
for mixed CD. You must include one line from the play, linking your artistic choice with your
explanation, in each of your paragraphs. Your project should be your own—no two students should
have all the same songs, even if your paragraphs are different. Project should be displayed creatively
and neatly. (See example in class) Note: This is meant to be a creative assignment—you may not use
any songs that already reference Romeo and Juliet.
STUDENT CHOICE: Develop a project idea of your own. Think website, video, sound recording,
etc. Clear the project with me by Wednesday, November 11th, and then complete the project.
In order to receive approval, you must present a typed outline of your project idea.