Volcano and Earthquake Test (6.E.2.2)

Name: _________________________
Class: ____________
Volcano and Earthquake Test (6.E.2.2)
Fred took the following notes while he was on a volcano tour in Hawaii. Use
Fred’s notes to figure out what type of volcanoes he saw.
Steep conical hill with
straight sides
Very gentle slopes;
convex upward
(shaped like a
warrior’s shield)
Explosive Eruption
Quiet Eruptions
less than 300m high
Gentle lower slopes,
but steep upper
slopes; concave
Explosive Eruptions
over 10s of kms across
1-10 km in diameter
1. _______Stratovolcano/Composite
8. Fred looked at a map of active volcanoes and noticed that the active
volcanoes formed in a circular area. What is the name of this active volcano
a. Hot spot
b. Ring of Fire
c. Continental drift
d. epicenter
2. _______Cinder cone
3. _______Shield
4. Volcanoes will be explosive if the magma contains___________.
a. Carbon
b. Oxygen
c. Silica
d. Sodium
9. Fred’s tour guide showed him a picture of how the Hawaiian Islands
formed. Using the picture above, choose the letter that indicates the older
a. A
b. B
10. The Hawaiian Islands are an example of
Match the illustration above with the volcano type.
5. ______Dormant
6. ______Active
7. _______Extinct
a. Hot spot
b. Ring of Fire
c. Continental drift
d. Volcanoes forming along plate edges
Lauren is visiting her grandmother when an earthquake occurs. Lauren
saw the following diagram of the earthquake on TV. Use the diagram to
answer the following questions.
Lauren’s grandmother showed her the following graph recording the
earthquake. Use the graph to answer the following.
11. The point where the earth moved and triggered an earthquake is
a. epicenter
b. focus/hypocenter
15. Which set of waves are the P waves?
c. hot spot
d. dip
a. A
b. B
c. C
16. Which set of waves are the S waves?
12. Point A is the ________.
a. epicenter
b. focus/hypocenter
a. A
b. B
c. strike
d. dip
17. Which set of waves are the surface waves?
13. Point B is the earthquake ________.
a. A
a. epicenter
b. focus/hypocenter
18. Which are the most destructive earthquake waves?
c. strike
d. dip
a. A
14. Which of the following correctly lists the arrival times of the waves?
P waves…….Surface waves….. S waves
b. S waves…… Surface waves….. P waves
c. P waves…….S waves………….Surface waves
d. Surface waves….. S waves…….P waves
b. B
c. C
b. B
c. C
c. C
19. How many seismograph stations are needed to locate the epicenter of
an earthquake?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
Using the illustration above answer the following questions
Lauren saw the above graph. Using the data above answer the following.
20. Which set of waves are the P waves?
25. Which city was closest to the earthquake?
A. Boston
B. Buffalo
C. Montreal
D. New York
a. A
b. B
c. C
21. Which set of waves are the S waves?
a. A
b. B
c. C
22. Which set of waves are the surface waves?
a. A
b. B
c. C
26. What type of seismic wave can travel
through both liquids and solids?
23. Which waves are an example compressional waves?
a. P waves
a. A
b. S waves
b. B
c. C
24. Which of the following waves is the slowest?
a. A
b. B
c. C
C. L waves (surface waves)
Lauren sent this text to her parents “ We just had an earthquake! The
table moved and the dishes rattled. Grandma had slight damage to her
27. Using the Mercalli scale above, what level would you assign to the
Lauren heard there was a chance of a Tsunami. Using this graph answer
the following.
a. I
b. VI
29. Lauren’s friend Fred is in Hawaii. When is the tsunami expected to arrive
c. XI
a. 4 hours
b. 7 hours
c. 14 hours
d. 18 hours
Lauren was 500 kilometers away from the epicenter of the earthquake.
Lauren’s friend Mei’s town was the epicenter of the earthquake.
30. Lauren’s brother is in Peru. When is the tsunami expected to arrive
28. What would you expect the level of the earthquake to be at Mei’s
a. 3 hours
a. The same as Lauren’s
b. Lower than Lauren’s
c. Higher than Lauren’s
d. Mei would not feel anything
31. Which of the following can trigger a tsunami?
a. Undersea earthquakes
b. Undersea landslide
c. Eruption of undersea volcano
d. All of the above
b. 6 hours
c. 15 hours
d. 19 hours
Mercalli Scale
Richter Scale
The effects caused by
The energy released by the
Quantified from
observation of effect on
Calculation earth’s surface, human,
objects and man-made
I (not felt) to XII (total
Varies depending on
distance from epicenter
Base-10 logarithmic scale
obtained by calculating
logarithm of the amplitude
of waves.
From 2.0 to 10.0+ (never
recorded). A 3.0 earthquake
is 10 times stronger than a
2.0 earthquake.
Varies at different distances
from the epicenter, but one
value is given for the
earthquake as a whole.
34. At which location would earthquakes be least likely to occur?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
Using the diagram below to answer the following:
32. Which scale describes the intensity of an earthquake based on its
observed effects?
a. the Ricter scale
b. The Mercalli scale
33. Which scale describes the earthquake's magnitude by measuring the
seismic waves that caused the earthquake?
a. the Ricter scale
b. The Mercalli scale
35. What type of stress is illustrated in illustration B?
a. compression
b. tension
c. transform/shearing
36. What type of fault is illustrated in illustration D?
a. Reverse /Thrust
b. Normal
c. Strike Slip