1 Commercial Work Approval Form – For Commercial Work of Value of more than £5,000 Undertaken through the E-code System Approval must be obtained for all commercially sponsored work, unless by prior arrangement with the Head of Department. For projects of a value of more than £5,000 where the work can be undertaken without the need to recruit new staff or change the contracts for existing staff, projects can be managed through the E-code system. The use of temporary or casual staff is allowed, subject to prior approval by the Biology Human Resources Manager. Principal Investigator: Co-investigators: Company: Brief description of the proposed work and projected outcomes, e.g. IP, further contracts, refereed papers: Proposed start date: Approximate duration of the work: Staff involved: Estimated PI input: Estimated input from other staff: Please give names of all other staff involved: Casual/Temporary Staff: Will any casual or temporary staff be involved ? (Y/N) If Yes: - - Please confirm that you have discussed this with and have approval from the Biology Human Resources Manager for the proposed (Y/N) State the estimated time input: Total Agreed Price: £ Uplift applied (xFEC): Value of the Uplift component: £ Will the standard Profit Share apply (Y/N) Document1 2 If NO, please outline the agreed Profit Share: E-Code to be used: pFACT costing number (if applicable): Will the project require central facilities and have these costs been included at the full commercial rate? Technology Facility? (Y/N) Horticulture? (Y/N) BSF? (Y/N) Are there any potential ethical issues in undertaking this work? (Y/N) If Yes, please describe what has been done to address these: Is there CDA/NDA in place or required? (Y/N) Will there be a specific contract/agreement to cover this work? (Y/N) Safety Assessment (Please the appropriate box): None of the categories below apply (theoretical work only) All the work can be conducted using GLP only Highest hazard category of chemical (code 1 –4) to be used…………………………………………………………….. Field work, to be conducted using accepted code of practice Microorganisms ACDP category..….…………………………………………………………………………... Radioisotopes which ones + estimate of monthly liquid disposal needs…….…………………………… Lasers which category………………………………………………………………………………… Live animals type………………………………………………………………………………... Gene cloning which containment level………………………………………………………………… Human-derived material give details…………………………………………………………………………………….. Other significant hazards not listed above: ………………………………………………………………………………………. The preparation of a more detailed safety assessment is required for some proposed activities to ensure that appropriate facilities are available and any necessary licences and HSE notifications Document1 3 are considered before applying for a grant. Provisional assessments prepared for the activities listed below must be approved by David Nelson (Departmental Health & Safety Advisor) before applying for a grant. Please if the following activities apply: ACDP Hazard Group 3/4 Microorganisms Genetically Modified Microbes requiring Containment Level 2 facilities (or above) Genetically Modified Plants / Animals requiring Containment Level B facilities Human-derived material Field work outside UK Please contact D Nelson (e:dn6) for advice on the preparation of any of these specific assessments if required Safety Declaration I have considered the safety aspects of the work proposed. The provision of safety equipment and any necessary notifications have been budgeted for. The Departmental Safety Advisor has approved the provisional assessments for higher risk activities identified above, and facilities are adequate for the safe conduct of the work. I will provide full safety training for those conducting the work, and I will ensure that the work is conducted to acceptable standards. The risks associated with all hazardous substances will be assessed and appropriate controls introduced before they are used as required by COSHH 2002. Signed: Date: Please state any financial interest in this project or in the sponsor ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Signature of PI: ……………………………….Date:………… Please submit the completed form for approval before a final contract is entered in to and the work commences Approval Signatures: 1. Life Sciences BDM …………………………………Date:………… 2. Biology Financial Advisor: …………………………………Date:………… 3. Head of Department: …………………………………Date:………… Document1