LITTLE BADDOW PARISH COUNCIL An Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Memorial Hall on June 7, 2012. The Meeting commenced at 7:30pm. In attendance:Mr R Shepherd - Chairman Mr R Barrett Mrs M Buckley Mr K Ferguson Mr P Irvine Mr P Willington Members of the Public – 3 Mr R Upward (Clerk) The Chairman thanked Mr Simon Johnson, Councillor Buckley and their committee for their efforts in organising the numerous and excellent Jubilee Celebrations that took place in the village. 88/12 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were accepted from Councillors Cooper, Robinson and Thorogood. 89/12 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS Councillor Willington declared a Personal Interest in all planning applications. 90/12 MINUTES It was proposed by Councillor Ferguson and seconded by Councillor Buckley that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on May 3, 2012 are accepted as correct record of the meeting. The proposal was carried. 91/12 MATTERS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS Minute No/Date/Councillor 23/11 Water on North Hill February 3, 2011 Councillor Ferguson Subject Contact ECC Highways regarding water flowing across North Hill at junction with Spring Close, missing the drain. Status Work completed. CLOSED 103/11 Notice Boards June 2, 2011 Councillor Ferguson Arrange removal of notice board(s) from Wayside. Notice board installed at Runsell Lane. CLOSED 160/11(12)Lingwood Common October 13, 2011 Councillor Irvine Prepare follow-up letter to the National Trust re deforestation of the common. NT will get contractors to clear away the rubbish from prior work. Meeting to be arranged 07/12 (2) Lights hazard January 12, 2012 Councillor Irvine Talk to owners of Brambles re complaints of gatepost lights creating a traffic hazard Lower wattage bulbs installed. CLOSED 57/12 (8) Spring Close parking April 5, 2012 Councillors Irvine/Shepherd Complaint about regular parking on the green at the entrance to Spring Close. The resident has been contact and agreed not to park on the green. CLOSED 57/12 (10) Internet speed-up April 5, 2012 Councillor Ferguson Opportunities for speeding up the internet in rural locations. 57/12 (4) Oil bulk buy-RCCE April 5, 2012 Councillor Ferguson Investigate RCC bulk buying of heating oil and opportunities within the village. Fibre optic cable through LB to be officially operational June 30. ECC using LB as part of their survey on rural broadband improvements. No response to advertisement. CLOSED 1 92/12 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Mr Simon Johnson reported on the Jubilee Celebrations. 165 people had attended the Quiz Walk around the village, nearly 100 people attended the Jubilee Ball and 83 people attended the Quiz Night. In addition there were numerous street parties in the village despite the inclement weather. Residents had risen to the challenge of decorating the village, Well House in Spring Elms Lane received the Best Dressed House Award, the cul-de-sac in Spring Close received the Best Dressed Street Award and a special award was given to Jackie Rymill for decorating the Memorial Hall. To date, 224 tickets have been sold for the Barn Dance on June 16. Dr Brian Luscombe asked if any of the council owned land could be used as wild flower meadows. 93/12 DEVELOPMENT IN THE VILLAGE Application Number Name of Applicant 12/00732/FUL Mr & Mrs D Brown 12/00587/FUL Mr M Lapham Location and nature of the Proposed Development to which the application relates Piers Gill, Darcy Rise, Little Baddow Demolition of existing and construction of a replacement two storey detached dwelling Woodhay, Fir Tree Lane, Little Baddow Two storey side and front extension and single storey front extension to existing residence including partial demolition to west side Result No Objection Objection 94/12 CORRESPONDENCE Writer 1. Audit Commission 2. Big Lottery Fund 3. CBC Emergency Planning 4. CBC Planning 5. CBC Parks Service 6. Leiston-cum-Sizewell PC 7. Mrs T Brewer 8. CBC 9. Dr Brian Luscombe 10. EALC Subject Consultation on the appointment of Littlejohn LLP as the external auditor from September 2012 for 5 years Announcing the second round of Village SOS funding Rest Centre Training for Parish Emergency Team representatives on July 19 and 26 at 7:30pm Response to the Council’s letter regarding breaches of DC11. Equipped Play Area review – draft report for consultation Requesting support for Rights of Appeal for local councils bill Advising that lower wattage bulbs have been fitted at Brambles and complaining about the handling of this situation. Survey on town/parish council engagement. Complaint about dog waste being left at junction of Holybread Lane and North Hill and requesting installation of a dog bin. Requesting responses on:-Funding arrangements for localizing support for council tax -Improvements to the policy and legal framework for PROW. 2 Outcome No objections Councillor Ferguson Councillors Ferguson and Barrett to attend Councillor Ferguson Noted No action Noted Councillor Ferguson’s response to be sent. Councillor Barrett to develop a plan for the village Noted 94/12 CORRESPONDENCE(cont) Writer 11.CBC 12. ECC 13. EALC 14. EALC 15. ECC 16. Larger Local Councils Forum 17. EWT Subject Special Planning Committee on Tuesday September 4 at 7pm to consider the Countryside Zest proposals for NE Chelmsford. ECC Big Society Fund – expressions of interest to be received by August 28. Final decisions to be made in November 2012. Community Capital strand provides grants up to £15k, Community Response up to £10k. Notice of AGM on September 27. Advance notification of motions required by August 28. Competition entries required by September 7. Nomination form for garden party award 2012. Natural England opens £2 million paths for communities scheme. Presentations on Byelaws and QE2 Fields Challenge. June 14 at Halstead, 10 am. Invitation to the Members’ Day and AGM on June 23, 2012. 95/12 ACCOUNTS PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS - June 7, 2012 Cheque Payee Description Subject **DD Talktalk General Phone **DD British Gas Memorial Hall Supply **0525 D Wallace General Grass cutting 0526 Mr R A Upward General Salary 0527 Mrs M Jarvis Spring Close Supervision 0528 Essex Fergie Memorial Hall Caretaker 0529 Mr R Perry Memorial Hall Chairs/tables 0530 RitchComm Pavilion Cleaning 0531 Mr J A Sheriff Pavilion Repairs " " General Notice board " " General R'pair boards " " Pavilion Maintenance 0543 Initial Fire Services Memorial Hall Inspection 0533 Initial Fire Services Pavilion Inspection 0534 EPFA Pavilion Membership 0535 NADFAS Memorial Hall Refund 0536 WEA Memorial Hall Refund 0537 Mrs U Moore Memorial Hall Refund 0538 Friends of Bicknacre Memorial Hall Rebate 0539 LB Sports Club Pavilion Letting Fees 0540 LB Sports Club Sports Grd. Subsidy 0544 AtoZ Supplies Memorial Hall Supplies 0542 Webology Website Updates Outcome Councillor Ferguson to attend Councillor Ferguson Noted. Councillor Buckley to develop a competition entry based on Jubilee celebrations Councillor Shepherd to complete Councillor Barrett Noted Noted Cost £ 34.21 £ 330.00 £ 144.00 £ 527.64 £ 35.00 £ 627.33 £ 30.00 £ 184.00 £ 100.00 £ 110.00 £ 595.00 £ 255.00 £ 62.00 £ 30.00 £ 25.00 £ 10.00 £ 10.00 £ 2.50 £ 213.40 £ 190.00 £ 1,070.00 £ 18.43 £ 20.00 £ 4,623.51 3 VAT £ 66.00 £ £ 12.40 6.00 £ £ 3.69 4.00 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 92.09 £ Total 34.21 396.00 144.00 527.64 35.00 627.33 30.00 184.00 100.00 110.00 595.00 255.00 74.40 36.00 25.00 10.00 10.00 2.50 213.40 190.00 1,070.00 22.12 24.00 4,715.60 95/12 ACCOUNTS(cont) PAYMENT OF ACCOUNTS - June 7, 2012 ACCOUNTS STATUS Current Account (B) Reserve No 1 (B) Reserve No 3 (B) Treasury Deposit (B) 31/05/2012 +/- vs prior £ 7,258.28 -£ 18,998.26 £ 41,568.67 £ 10,000.00 £ 1,818.66 £ 579.40 £ 35,000.00 £ - Total £ 85,645.61 -£ Holybred Wood (B) £ 8,051.96 RESERVES Hall Pavilion Clerks Reserve EALC Reserve Sports Ground Swings Hall Extension 8,418.86 Total £ £ 17,000.00 £ 8,000.00 £ 1,368.86 £ 21,300.00 £ 2,119.26 £ 1,818.66 £ 56,322.38 Funds Available £ 29,323.23 TOTAL £ 85,645.61 - It was proposed by Councillor Willington and seconded by Councillor Ferguson that the accounts are approved for payment. The proposal was carried. 96/12 ANNUAL ACCOUNTS AND GOVERNANCE STATEMENT The Parish Clerk presented the Annual Accounts and reported that the internal audit had been completed without qualification. It was proposed by Councillor Willington and seconded by Councillor Ferguson that the Annual Accounts are approved. The proposal was carried. It was proposed by Councillor Willington and seconded by Councillor Irvine that the Governance Statement is approved. The proposal was carried. 97/12 SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Councillors’ Special Responsibilities were agreed as presented by the Chairman. 98/12 HOLYBRED WOOD In response to concerns raised during Public Question Time at the last meeting, it was proposed by Councillor Ferguson and seconded by Councillor Irvine that £410 plus VAT is spent installing a litter bin and a dog bin in Holybred Wood car park. The proposal was carried. The Clerk will contact the Warden to agree suitable locations. 99/12 SUPPLEMENTARY PLANNING DOCUMENT Councillor Willington presented the timing plan to achieve approval of the Supplementary Planning Document at the November CBC Cabinet Meeting. 100/12 STANDARDS BOARD The Clerk advised the changes to the governance and standards board which the 2011 Localism Act has introduced. Detailed procedures are being developed by CBC and the district councils within Essex which will be considered by the Council once they have been approved. In the meantime, the existing Code of Conduct with the Parish Council Standing Orders remains in place. 101/12 SPORTS PAVILION It was proposed by Councillor Ferguson and seconded by Councillor Willington that the annual contract for cleaning the pavilion is increased by 3%. The proposal was carried. The Chairman agreed to forward the contractor’s report to the Sports Club for consideration. 4 102/12 INFORMATION ITEMS Councillor Barrett advised that an article seeking support for footpath volunteers will be in the next edition of Little Baddow News. Councillor Willington advised that the temporary storage in the vineyard in Colam Lane is still in place after the expiry date specified by the Planning Inspector. This is now being handled by the Enforcement Officer. Councillor Irvine advised that, after reviewing the ECC Speed Limit Policy, the 40mph section at the northern end of the village, including the proposed extension beyond Paper Mill Lock, is totally consistent with the Policy. There was a discussion about speeding on North Hill on the steep section prior to The Rodney which has been raised by a resident who will be writing to the council. The discussion included concerns about the speed of cyclists on this section where there are a number of “blind” exits from houses. The Clerk will investigate contacting the cycling organisations within Essex. 103/12 NEXT MEETING There will be a Planning Committee Meeting on Thursday June 14, 2012 commencing at 10:30am. The next Parish Council Meeting will take place on Thursday July 12, 2012. The meeting closed at 9:10pm. Chairman July 12, 2012 5