Staff Excellence Award

Revised January 2015
Faculty of Public Affairs Awards of Excellence
The Faculty of Public Affairs recognizes excellence within FPA each year through Awards of Excellence in
four areas:
Research Excellence Award - to recognize significant research achievement,
Teaching Excellence Award - to recognize teaching excellence,
Public Commentary Excellence Award - to recognize excellence in public commentary, and
Staff Excellence Award - to recognize excellence in the administration of our Faculty units.
Applications are invited in early January and due in early March, reviewed by selection committees in
March, and awarded by the Dean at the annual Faculty Reception in April.
Staff Excellence Award
One award may be given each year. This Award of Excellence was established to recognize exceptional
contributions by staff in the Faculty of Public Affairs. Those eligible include all administrators,
administrative support staff, technical support staff and Organized Research Unit (ORU) administrative
staff. These awards are based on merit in any of (but not limited to) the following areas:
 excellence in the workplace,
 customer service focus,
 dedication to students,
 innovation in processes or practices,
 commitment to continuous improvement and development,
 building collaborative relationships, and
 demonstrated engagement with the priorities of the unit, Faculty or University.
The Dean will call for applications/nominations in early January. The application/nomination form for
the Staff Excellence Award is available on the following site:
Nominations may come from Chairs and Directors, supervisors, faculty, administrative support staff,
technical support staff and students. Staff may self-nominate. Supervisors will be asked to comment on
self-nominations. Anonymous nominations will not be considered.
In addition to the completed application/nomination form, a short (two page maximum) document must
be provided that outlines the nature of the excellence in administration by the applicant/nominee.
Additional letters of support may be provided, but are not necessary.
Revised January 2015
The Award
The recipient of the award will receive a $1,000 cash award. The winner will receive an engraved
statuette and an inscription of the recipient’s name and unit on a plaque located in the Dean’s Office.
Procedures and Selection Committee
Applications/nominations should be submitted to Róisín Holahan, Office of the Dean, Faculty of Public
Affairs, by March 6, 2015. The selection committee for the Staff Award of Excellence is chaired by the
Associate Dean, Student Success. The award selection committee membership will consist of one
administrator, one staff member, one faculty member, and a past FPA Staff Excellence Award recipient.
The selection committee will make its recommendation to the Dean by March 20, 2015. The award
winner will be announced with other FPA Excellence Award winners at the annual Faculty Reception in
Past FPA Staff Excellence Award Winners
Past winners are eligible to re-apply five years after receipt of their initial award. Winners of the FPA
Staff Excellence Award from 2010 and earlier are eligible to apply for the 2015 award. Winners of the
award in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 will need to wait before being eligible to next apply for the award.