Activity 2: Unit 5 Capstone Performance Task

Activity 2: Unit 5 Capstone Performance Task
Your task is to design an original piece of geometric art using the constructions and
transformations you learned in this unit. The basic figures must be designed using only a
compass and straightedge. You will then use transformations to create a tessellation pattern
that covers the page.
You will turn in two copies of your design. The first copy should contain all of the extra arcs and
lines that you used in your constructions. The second copy should be traced and colored with
any unwanted lines removed.
Your design should include the following in some fashion:
1. An angle measuring 30°
(Consider how you might construct this by itself first using a compass and straightedge)
2. At least one regular polygon
You should also include at least one of the following in the steps of your construction:
3. A set of parallel lines
4. A perpendicular bisector
5. Perpendicular to a line
Along with your design you should also provide a list of the steps you completed to create
your design, including the relevant constructions/transformations. All transformations
used should include the algebraic rule that was used to create them. For example, if you
rotate the image 180° then the corresponding algebraic rule is given by (𝑥, 𝑦) → (−𝑥, −𝑦).
Have fun with this project! Be creative and don’t be afraid to experiment.
Below is the rubric which will be used for grading your project:
1. The constructions in my design are accurate and
easy to follow.
2. My constructions include an angle measuring 30°, at
least one regular polygon, and at least one of the other
constructions listed.
3. I provided a clear, complete, and accurate
description of the steps included to create my design.
4. I have created a tessellation pattern of my design
that covers the page and I have included the list of
transformations used to create it with corresponding
algebraic rules.
5. My design is creative and has been colored to look
aesthetically pleasing.
6. I have included two copies of my design following
the appropriate guidelines.
TOTAL ____/100