Step Report - The Hague Declaration

11 Jan 2011. Step Report of the activities of the Working group LIBER SKILLS (Written by David
Aymonin) is the communication list for the WG Skills, created by Julien Roche
Action plan decided in Aarhus
1. Check in each country whether there is a recent study on skills made by any information
science school ? The end of September is the deadline for this short Survey
2. Examples of good practice are to be gathered from the working group in terms of
coopération between librarians and the academic community in context. It would be
interesting to learn about new services and new service models (deadline: end of
Actions and results between July and october 2010,
We have gathered some small éléments :
 Thanks to Elen Simmons from Xplora NL, I have heard about a training project for skills
development held by the Information school in cooperation with avans university in Breda :
you can contact Ellen for more information : Ellen Simons <>
 This work is related to 23 things : / Welcome to the
original Learning 2.0 Program. This site was created to support PLCMC's Learning 2.0
Program; a discovery learning program designed to encourage staff to explore new
technologies and reward them for doing 23 Things. Since the program's launched, it has
fostered Learning 2.0 programs all over the world. If you are interested in duplicating or
modifying this program for your organization, please see Program Notes on About Page and
contact Helene Blowers for information.
 There is also a work done by Michael Cotta Schoenberg (member of the Liber WG too !!!) on
subject librarians in Denmark. Presented at Liber in 2007 :
 We can also mention the course organised in Berlin in December 2010 : Re-Tooling our
Profession : New Skills for Today's Info Pro / Mary Ellen Bates, Bates Informations Services
Inc. Termin: 2. und 3. Dezember 2010 / Ort: Berlin, Presse- und Informationsamt der
Bundesregierung :
I have contacted the LIS schools ENSSIB in France and HTW Chur and HEG Genève in Switzerland to
ask them if they know or do something about studies on skills and training needs of LIS
In France :
Anne-Marie Bertrand, Director, ENSSIB, Lyon
- There is no study yet, but discussions are starting, with the reform of the Conservateur diploma,
DCB 20, in force in 2011.
- Bibliographic references :
 Euclid.. But the association looks not very “lively” : Please see also :
 JM Salaun made a study in Quebec in 2008, it leads his Colleague Bouthillier to publish this
paper : Bouthillier, F. 2008. Les nouveaux rôles des bibliothécaires et leurs enjeux dans
l’organisation du travail. Francophonies et bibliothèques : Innovations, changements et
réseautage. First Conference of the Association internationale francophone des
bibliothécaires et documentalistes. Montréal, August 3-5. BUT THERE IS NO OPEN ACCESS
VERSION ! Nevermind... Ill get it by ILL.
In Switzerland :
Gabi Schneider <>, Robert Barth, Urs Naegeli et Niklaus Stettler
(responsables des études BSc et MAS / chef du Département des sciences de l'information) Professo
rs at HTW Chur :
 La HTW Chur a récemment publié un sondage auprès des diplômés: (n ° 41). L'étude a demandé à quelle
mesure nos étudiants ont été préparés pour l'emploi, donc une réaction indirecte aux
exigences du poste.
 Urs Nägeli signale
 Contacts pour votre working group, s'ils ne sont pas encore connus:
Les Library and Information Science (LIS) Schools en Allemagne - Coire et Genève y compris –
sont organisées dans “KIBA” (
IFLA Section 23, Education and Training (
IFLA Special Interest Group “New Professionals" (
Sarah Ruch, Ausbildungsdelegierte Information und Dokumentation /
Déléguée à la formation en information documentaire, Hallerstrasse 58, CH-3012 Bern
 Competence profiles and training levels for professionals in Switzerland (2008):
 Aurélie Roulet and Yolande Estermann, Haute école de gestion de
- 2007: sondage par la HEG: Que deviennent les Spécialistes HES en Information
- La médiathèque valais a fit une réflexion pour un plan de formation continue pour son
personnel et donc défini des profils de compétences et des plans d'actions de FC pour
chaque catégorie.
- l'Université de Genève actuellement mène la refonte totale de ses bibliothèques et a
également conduit une réflexion sur les profils professionnels.
Bibliographic references
- Profils de compétences :
o Webjunction, Competency Index for the Library Field,
o ALA et autres, Knowledge and competencies statements developed by relevant professional
o Le référentiel métiers de l’association des archivistes français :
o L’Euroréférentiel I&D :
o Répertoires des activités professionnelles en information scientifique et technique (IST) au
- Articles :
o Betha Gutsche, Coping with Continual Motion, Library Journal, March 1, 2010
o Bradford Lee Eden, The New User Environment : The End of Technical Services?, Information
Technology and Libraries, June 2010
o Lyn Bosanquet, Building relevance admidst the content revolution, Library Management, vol.
31, no. 3, 2010
o Barbie E. Keiser, Library of the Future, Searcher, October 2010
Corinne Dupin, Gestion de contenu : de nouveaux horizons dans l’entreprise, de nouvelles
perspectives pour les professionnels de l’information, Documentaliste – Sciences de
l’information, vol. 47, no. 3, 2010
I have received an info about the RLUK mandate of Ms. Mary Auckland on skills and competencies :
she has “been been commissioned by RLUK to develop recommendations on the skills’ sets required
by subject librarian, information specialist and liaison staff to effectively support the information
needs of researchers in the current and future research environment. The study will map the
information needs of researchers onto tasks to be undertaken by ‘subject librarian’ staff, in order to
develop the skills’ sets of these staff to ensure they meet the needs of a constantly changing
research environment.”
30th Jan 2011. Welcome to Nathalie Marcerou-Ramel
Ecole normale supérieure
45, rue d’Ulm
75230 Paris Cedex 5
Phone : 00 33 1 44 32 31 50
Email :
Website of the ENS’s Library network :
22nd Februray 2011. Welcome to Ellen Simons
Ellen Simons
Avans Hogeschool | Leer- en Innovatiecentrum | Hogeschoollaan 1 |
Postbus 90.116 NL-4800 RA Breda
T +31 (0)76-5250 490 / M +31 (0)6-51374170 / E website:
30 mars 2011 – Welcome to Yvonne de Grandbois
Haute école de gestion de Genève
Campus Battelle - Bâtiment F
Route de Drize 7
Téléphone: 022 388 17 00
March 2011 - Welcome to Frédéric Saby
Frédéric Saby
Directeur du Service Interétablissements de Coopération Documentaire
SICD2 Grenoble
1130, avenue centrale Domaine Universitaire - BP 85
11th April 2011 – Message to the LIBER board (written by DA)
There is a strong demand of LIS schools to be offcially and actively involved in the activities of the
WG of Liber. Therefore we have agreed with Julien Roche to send this message to the Liber Board :
« While trying to gather information about studies (already or currently) made on Librarian skills by
LIS schools in Switzerland, France and UK, it has clearly appeared that :
 most of LIS schools in Europe ar NOT member of LIBER
 most of our colleaugues in LIS Schools would be very interested by an institutional membersgip
of thier institution
 many colleagues from LIS schools would like to participate to LIBER WG
Therefore, I would suggest that the LIBER board could launch ASAP a recruitment campaign focused
to LIS schools in Europe. »
21 April 2011 - Action plan proposed to the members of the WG Skills
Members of the WG Skills as of April 21st
26 juil. 2010
26 juil. 2010
21 mars 2011
17 janv. 2011
26 juil. 2010
26 juil. 2010
21 mars 2011
21 avril 2011
Dear members of the WG Skills,
2 months before the next Liber conference in Barcelona, I am pleased to announce that we are able
now to make the WG Skills more active and visible.
Please give me your feeling on this action plan :
1. Today, I am asking you to
- Please confirm your participation to the WG, by sending me an e-mail.
- If you don’t want to participate anymore, for professional or personal reasons, please tell me, I will
remove your name from the list
2. In the next days, as soon as the website is open to edition, I propose to put on the Liber webpage
of the WG skills a summary of all the information gathered, including a list of contacts, and a
3. Then I will ask you to create and update your personal profile on Linked-in (favorite social tool of
Liber) and link your profile to the WG Skills page.
4. After that, If you agree, I propose to make a call to all LIBER members in order to enlarge the
participation and audience of the WG Skills.
Our challenge is to recruit members who are not overloaded by their duties and could give some
time to work on the projects of the WG.
5. During the next Liber conference, we will invite all the responding persons to gather for a meeting
and decide all together what to do next year.
May + July 2011 - LIBER Steering Committees and Committee on Communications & Marketing
A Report from the Chair of each of LIBER’s five Steering Committees and the Chair of the
Committee on Communications & Marketing is enclosed.
A further progress report will be given in the May 2011 mailing, and Chairs will also give their Annual
Report at the Meeting of Participants on Friday 1 July 2011.