Cover Sheet for Coursework


Please complete the student section of the following coversheet and enter your assignment after the coversheet.

Student section

Surname: Other/First name(s):

Degree and name of programme ( e.g. MA in Linguistics ) :

Course No./Title (e.g. LING599 Reading Skills) : Tutor ’s name:

Malpractice declaration:

Assignment Word Count:

I declare that this submission is my own work. I have not submitted it in substantially the same form towards the award of a degree or other qualification. It has not been written or composed by any other person and all sources have been appropriately referenced or acknowledged. In the case of electronically submitted work, I consent to this work being stored electronically and copied for assessment purposes, including the department's use of plagiarism detection systems in order to check the integrity of assessed work.

Student’s electronic signature:

Essay bank declaration:

Please tick as appropriate :

I am willing for this (anonymised) piece of work to become part of an Essay Bank

I am not willing for this (anonymised) piece of work to become part of an Essay Bank

Tutor Section

Tutor's General Comments:

Additional Points to Note:

More proof-reading was required

Make sure you follow the APA referencing guidelines


1. In exceptional circumstances (e.g. illness), it is possible to apply for an extension to coursework deadlines. Without an extension, ten marks will be removed from the agreed final mark for up to three working days late. After three days, your assignment will be deemed to have failed.

2. A copy of this document will be kept in your file in the Department.

3. All marks are provisional until confirmed by the appropriate Board of Examiners.

Mark: Penalty:





Assignment title:

