Stritikus, T., & Manyak, P. - College of Education

Tom Stritikus
Professor of Education
University of Washington, College of Education
222 Miller, Box 353600
206.543.5390 (office)
Seattle, WA 98195-3600
206.685.1713 (fax)
206.221.4791 (voice mail)
Dean, College of Education, University of Washington
Professor, College of Education, University of Washington
Visiting Fellow, La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexico
City) in El Centro de Investigaciones de América Latina y el Caribe
Responsibilities: building international partnership, teaching intensive
seminar entitled Immigration and Education in the U.S. Context.
Associate Dean of Academic Programs, College of Education, University
of Washington
Select Responsibilities: led and conceptualized ongoing renewal of
College of Education academic programs; new program development;
provided strategic leadership of Office of Student Services, Office of
Technology Services, Office of Minority Recruitment and Retention, and
Office of Institutional Research; strategic supervision of Teacher
Education Program; key member of College of Education administrative
Select Accomplishments: Led the development of a new student tracking
system and new online applicant review; developed admissions targets
and enrollment management procedures for the College; coordinated
increased student credit hours in the College; led development and
implementation of new undergraduate programs; led renewal of Ph.D;
fostered diversity initiatives in the College; served as key liaison to
Woodrow Wilson Foundation and Martinez Foundation.
Associate Professor, College of Education, University of Washington
Responsibilities: provide intellectual leadership and program
development for Language, Literacy and Culture program with a focus
on ESL/Bilingual Education. Teach Teacher Education, Masters, and
Doctoral courses.
Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Washington
1998, 1999
Language Arts Teacher, Everett Middle Summer School, San Francisco
Unified School District
English as a Foreign Language Instructor, Centro de Idiomas, Morelia,
Elementary School Teacher (ESL), Baltimore City Public Schools
Teach for America Corps Member
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Education in Language, Literacy and Culture
M.A. University of California, Berkeley
Education in Language, Literacy and Culture
B.A. University of Nebraska
Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa
Principal Investigator Collaborative Schools for Innovation and Success;
Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction;
$499,571; 9/1/12 – 8/31/13
Principal Investigator Executive Educator Leadership Program; Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation; $135,000; 12/1/11 – 4/30/12
Principal Investigator University Accelerated Certification of Teachers: A
Research and Development Initiative; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation;
$499,996; 12/1/11 – 10/31/14
Project Director, Global Education in Bi-national Contexts: An
Exploratory Grant for Partnerships in Mexico.
Global Affairs Office, University of Washington, $5,900.
Co-Principal Investigator (with Frances Contreras), Understanding the
Latino Achievement Gap in Washington State.
Commission on Hispanic Affairs, $150,000.
Project Director, Exploration of Global Partnerships in China.
Global Affairs Office, University of Washington, $6,000.
Collaborator in Research, Meeting the Needs of Linguistically Diverse
Learners: The Nature of Support Systems Available to Teachers. Co-PIs
Marge Plecki, Mike Knapp & Ana Elfers.
Center for Strengthening the Teaching Profession, $85,000.
Principal Investigator, Washington Consortium to Improve K-12
Teaching of English Language Learner Students.
US Department of Education, Training Grant. $ 600,000. (Over 2 Years)
Co-Principal Investigator (with Sheila Valencia), The Children Left
Behind: English Language Learners Caught in the Middle.
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, $60,000.
Principal Investigator, The Previous School Contexts of Vietnamese
Marc Lindenberg Center Mobility Grant, $2,000.
Principal Investigator, One Year and Two Schools: The Academic and
Social Lives of Recent Immigrant Students.
Institute of Ethnic Studies in the United States, $10,300.
Principal Investigator, New Comer Immigrant Students in Washington
Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, $ 25,000.
Collaborator in Research, Washington Consortium to Improve K-12
Teaching of Limited English Proficient Students.
US Department of Education, Training Grant. $ 900,000. (Over 3 Years)
Co- Principal Investigator, El primer año: A Study of Kindergarten
children in English as a Second Language Classrooms.
Center for Mind/Brain Learning, University of Washington, $32,000.
Principal Investigator, From Policy to Practice: Literacy Instruction and
Proposition 227.
University of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute
Dissertation Research Grant, $7,500.
Principal Investigator, Understanding Teacher Reaction to Proposition
UC Berkeley Chicano/Latino Policy Project Research Grant, $2,500.
Project Director, Bellevue Public Schools/Kent Public Schools on-site
ESL Endorsement Program. $146,000 (30 participants)
Project Director, Bellevue Public Schools/Kent Public Schools on-site
ESL Endorsement Program. $125,000 (25 participants)
Principal Investigator, Review of Research for Office of Superintendent
of Public Instruction, Washington State. $5,000
Stritikus, T. (2002). Immigrant Children and the Politics of English-Only: Views
from the Classroom. New York, NY: LFB Scholarly Publishing.
Journal Articles (*refereed)
Szatmary, D. P., Stritikus, T., & Joseph, G.E. (2014) Blazing Trails: Launching
the First Online Degree Completion Program at the University of Washington.
EDUCAUSE Review Online,49 (1)
* Elfers, A. M., & Stritikus, T. (2013). How School and District Leaders Support
Classroom Teachers’ Work With English Language Learners. Educational
Administration Quarterly,DOI: 0013161X13492797.
*Elfers, A, M., Lucero, A., Stritikus, T., & Knapp, M. S. (2013). Building
systems of support for classroom teachers working with English language learners.
International Multilingual Research Journal, 7(2), 1-20.
*Stritikus, T., and Nguyen, D. (2010) “Are we serving or segregating them?”:
Universalist and differentialist approaches to instruction for high school age immigrants.
Bilingual Research Journal, 33 (3): 329-345.
*Stritikus, T., & Nguyen, D. (2007). Strategic transformation: Gender identity
negotiation in First Generation Vietnamese Youth. American Educational Research
Journal, 44 (4): 853-895.
*Stritikus, T. (2006). Making meaning matter: A look at instructional practice in
additive and subtractive contexts. Bilingual Research Journal, 30 (1): 219-227.
*Stritikus, T., & Wiese, A.M. (2006). Reassessing the role of ethnographic
methods in education policy research: Implementing bilingual education policy at the
local level. Teachers College Record, 108 (6): 1106-1131.
*Stritikus, T., & Garcia, E.E. (2005). Revisiting the bilingual debate from the
perspectives of parents: Policy and practices matches/mismatches. Journal of Educational
Policy, 19 (5): 729-744.
*Varghese, M., & Stritikus, T. (2005). Nadie me dijo [Nobody told me]:
Language policy negotiation and implications for teacher education. Journal of Teacher
Education, 55 (1): 73-87.
Garcia, E.E., & Stritikus, T. (2004). National, state, and local policies: Issues for
the preparation of quality teachers for linguistically and culturally diverse students. The
Laboratory for Student Success Review, 3 (1): 17-20.
*Stritikus, T., & Garcia, E.E. (2003). The role of theory, policy and educational
treatment of language minority students: Competitive structures in California. Educational
Policy Analysis Archives 11: (26).
*Stritikus, T. (2003). The interrelationship of beliefs, context, and learning:
The case of a teacher reacting to language policy. Journal of Language, Identity, and
Education, 2 (1): 29-52.
*Stritikus, T. (2001). From the political to personal: Proposition 227, literacy
instruction, and the individual qualities of teachers. International Journal of Bilingual
Education and Bilingualism, 4 (5): 291-310.
*Stritikus, T., & Garcia, E.E. (2000). Education of limited English proficient
students in California schools: An assessment of the influence of Proposition 227 on
selected teachers and classrooms. The Bilingual Research Journal, 24 (1 & 2): 74-85.
Book Chapters (*refereed)
Stritikus, T., & Varghese, M. (2012). Global movements in education and their
impact on diverse students. . In D. Urias (Ed.), The immigration & education nexus: A
focus on the context & consequences of schooling. Boston, Massachusetts: Sense
*Stritikus, T., & Varghese, M. (2012). Language diversity and schooling. In J. A.
Banks & C. A. M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (8th
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
*Stritikus, T. & Varghese, M. (2010). Language diversity and schooling. In J. A.
Banks & C. A. M. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (7th
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
*Stritikus, T., & Varghese, M. (2009). Linguistic diversity and schooling. In
(Eds.) J. Banks & C. Banks, Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (6th
Edition). Wiley Press, NJ.
Nguyen, D., & Stritikus, T. (2009). Conformity and resistance: Gender
negotiation among first generation Vietnamese immigrant youth. In T. Wiley, R.
Rumberger, & J.S. Lee (Eds), The Education of Language Minority Immigrants in the
United States. Multilingual Matters: Clevedon, UK.
Stritikus, T., & English, B. (2009) Policy, culture, and practice for Latino
students. In E. Murillo (Ed.), The Handbook of Research on Latinos and Education.
Lawrence Erlbaum: NJ.
Stritikus, T. (2006). Proposition 227. In L. Soto (Ed.), The Latino Encyclopedia
of Language and Culture. Greenwood Press: Westport, Conn.
*Stritikus, T., & Varghese, M. (2006). Linguistic diversity and schooling. In J.
Banks & C. Banks (Eds.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (5th Edition).
Wiley Press, NJ.
Garcia, E.E., & Stritikus, T. (2005). National, state and local policies: Issues for
the preparation of quality teachers for linguistically and culturally diverse students. In K.
Tellez and H. Waxman (Eds.), Teacher Quality for ELL Students. Lawrence Erlbaum:
Forthcoming Chapters
Stritikus. T., & Nguyen, D. (2011). Strategic transformation: Understanding the
complexities of immigrant youth in schools. In D. Urias (Ed.), The immigration &
education nexus: A focus on the context & consequences of schooling. Boston,
Massachusetts: Sense Publishing.
Stritikus, T., & Contreras, F. (2011). Achievement and opportunity in the Latino
Diaspora in Washington State. In E. Hammond, E, Murillo, & S. Wortham (Eds.),
Revisiting Education in the New Latino Diaspora, Information Age Press. Charlotte,
North Carolina.
Stritikus, T. (2012). Bilingual education policy. In J. Banks, (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of Diversity in Education, Sage Publishing, California.
Stritikus T., & Lucero, A. (2012). Second language learners. In J. Banks, (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, Sage Publishing, California.
Stritikus T., & Von Esch Soo, K. (2012). Immigration and education. In J. Banks,
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education, Sage Publishing, California.
Policy Reports
Elfers, A., Stritikus, T., Plecki, M., & Knapp, M. (2009). Policy Brief: Supporting
Teachers of English Language Learners. Center for Strengthening the Teaching
Contreras, F., & Stritikus, T. (2008). Understanding Opportunities to Learn for
Latino Students in Washington State. Commission on Hispanic Affairs. (Report
submitted to WA Legislature).
Stritikus, T., & Manyak, P. (2000). Creating opportunities for the academic
success of linguistically diverse students: What does the research say? In T. Bergeson
(Ed.), Educating Limited English Proficient Students in Washington State. Olympia, WA:
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
*Gandára, P., Maxwell-Jolly, J., García, E., Asato, J., Gutiérrez, K., Stritikus, T.,
& Curry, J. (2000). The Initial Impact of Proposition 227 on the Instruction of English
Learners. Santa Barbara, CA: Linguistic Minority Research Institute.
Selected Paper Presentations (*refereed)
Stritikus, T. (2010). Global possibilities and local tensions: Exploring the role of
binational cooperation in reversing the Latino achievement gap. Invited paper given at
the 4th Annual Binational Research Symposium. Mexico City, Mexico.
*Stritikus, T., Elfers, A., Von Esch, K., (2009). Systems of support for general
education teachers of ELL students. Commissioned paper given at the Annual Meeting of
the UC Linguistic Minority Research Institute. Riverside, CA.
*Stritikus, T., & Nguyen, D. (2007). Through the lens of gender: Understanding
immigrant adjustment. Commissioned paper given at the Annual Meeting of the UC
Linguistic Minority Research Institute. Tempe, AZ.
* Stritikus, T., & Nguyen, D. (2007). Thinking in American, speaking in
Vietnamese: Gender identity negotiation in first-generation immigrant youth. Paper
presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Division
G. Chicago, IL.
*English, B., Joyce, J., & Stritikus, T. (2007). Additive professional development
for teachers of English language learners. Paper presentation given at the Annual Meeting
of the American Educational Research Division K. Chicago, IL.
*Valencia, S., & Stritikus, T. (2005). The children left behind: Policy and
program for ELL students in Washington State. Paper presentation given at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Bilingual Research SIG.
Montreal, Canada
*Varghese, M., Stritikus, T. & Park, C. (2005). Los primeros años: The local and
global experiences of Latino/a students in an international dual language program. Paper
presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association Division G. Montreal, Canada.
*Stritikus, T., & Nguyen, D. (2005). Turning American: The relationship between
gender and identity in the strategic adaptation of recent Vietnamese immigrants. Paper
presented at the American Sociological Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
*Nguyen, D., & Stritikus, T. (2004). Two years and two skills: The academic
lives of newcomer immigrant students. Paper presentation given at the Annual Meeting
of the American Educational Research Association Division G. San Diego, CA.
*Stritikus, T. (2004). Latino immigrant students: Transitions and educational
challenges. Paper presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association SIG Hispanic Education. San Diego, CA.
*Stritikus, T. (2004). The new Latino immigrant. Discussant at the Annual
Meeting of the American Educational Research Association Division G. San Diego, CA.
*Nguyen, D., & Stritikus, T. (2004). Vietnamese Immigrant Students: Transitions and
Challenges. Paper presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association Asian and Pacific Islander SIG. San Diego, CA.
Stritikus, T. (2004). Investing in linguistic diversity. Invited keynote at the Latino
Education Achievement Project Annual Conference. Olympia, WA.
Stritikus, T. (2003). Bilingual education and the English-only movement: Can
multilingualism survive in the United States. Invited plenary given at the Korean
Association of Foreign Language Meeting. Seoul, Korea.
Stritikus, T. (2003). Teachers’ roles in bilingual education policy implementation.
Paper given at the Korean Association of Foreign Language Meeting. Seoul, Korea.
*Stritikus, T. (2002). Proposition 227, Title VII, and the education of
linguistically diverse students: Using ethnography to see policy through teacher’s eyes.
Paper presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research
Association. New Orleans, LA.
*Stritikus, T. (2002). Bilingual education policy and teacher learning: Classroom
Instruction After Proposition 227. Paper presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association. New Orleans, LA.
*Stritikus, T. (2002). Linguistic and culturally diversity in Washington state:
Policy, direction, and challenges. Paper presented to the annual meeting of Coalition of
Essential Schools. Seattle, WA.
Stritikus, T. (2001). English-only initiatives and biliteracy development:
Promises, concerns, and barriers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the UC
Linguistic Minority Research Institute. Los Angles, CA.
*Stritikus, T. (2001). From policy to practice: Literacy instruction and
Proposition 227. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of
Applied Linguists. St. Louis, MO.
*Stritikus, T. (2001). Literacy instruction and the individual qualities of
teachers: The Case of Proposition 227. Paper presented at the mid-winter National
Council on the Teachers of English. Berkeley, CA.
Stritikus, T. (2001). The educational achievement of Latinos in Washington State.
Invited address given at the Latino Educational Advancement Project Conference.
Olympia, WA.
Stritikus, T. (2001). Biliteracy development and English-only initiatives.
Promises, concerns and barriers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the University
of California Linguistic Minority Research Institute.
*Stritikus, T. (2000). Proposition 227: State and Classroom Perspectives. Paper
presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
New Orleans, LA.
Stritikus, T., & Garcia. E. (2000). The Future of Bilingual Education. Invited key
note speaker for the California Association of Bilingual Education. San Francisco, CA.
*Stritikus, T. (2000). The Influence of California’s Proposition 227: District,
School, Teacher, and Classroom Perspectives. Paper presented at the annual meeting of
National Association of Bilingual Education. San Antonio, TX.
*Stritikus, T. (2000). From Policy to practice: Understanding the
influence of Proposition 227 on literacy instruction. Paper presented at the annual
meeting of National Association of Bilingual Education. San Antonio, TX.
Stritikus, T. (1999). Education of Limited English Proficient Students in
California Schools: An Assessment of the Influence of Proposition 227.” Paper presented
at the annual conference of the Language Minority Research Institute, Sacramento, CA.
English, Fluent
Spanish, Fluent
Greek, Fluent
Graduate Courses (I developed or significantly redesigned each course)
• ED C & I 453 Teaching the Bilingual Bicultural Student
• ED C & I 457 ESL Methods
• ED C & I 542 Second Language Literacy
• ED C & I 543 Research Perspectives on Linguistic Diversity
• ED C & I 505 Seminar in Language Literacy and Culture
• Leadership for Linguistic Diversity: Modules in College Leadership Programs
 21 Doctoral advisees (9 as chair; 2 completed)
 12 Master’s advisees (13 completed)
National Service
 Member Teach for America/Gates Foundation National Commission on Teacher
 Executive Board Member, Northwest Regional Labs Board of Directors
 Center for Multicultural Education, University of Washington, Faculty Affiliate
 Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, UC San Diego, Research Associate
Section Co-Chair, Division G, Section 3: Multilingual language and literacies, AERA,
American Educational Research Association, Division G, Bilingual SIG
International Journal of Bilingual Education
Journal of Language, Identity, and Culture
Bilingual Research Journal
American Association of Applied Linguistics
Working Papers in Educational Linguistics
Language and Education
Teaching and Teacher Education
Journal of Teacher Education
Graduate School Commission on Student Funding
University Diversity Council, Member
University Diversity Council, Member
Leadership, Communities, and Values Initiative, Participant
Leadership, Communities, and Values Initiative, Leadership Team
Faculty Senate
Chair, Search Committee Institutional Researcher
Chair, Search Committee Diversity Director
Co-chair, Ph.D. Renewal Committee
Chair, College of Education Diversity Task Force
Chair, Search Committee, ELL/Bilingual
Member, Search Committee, Special Education
Member, Gordon C. Lee Dissertation Award Committee
Mentor, International Scholar
Member, Undergraduate Education Minor Ad-hoc Committee
Danforth Application Review
Member, Search Committee, Bilingual Education
Member, Gordon C. Lee Dissertation Award Committee
Curriculum & Instruction Representative, Faculty Council, College of
Programmatic Chair, Language, Literacy and Culture, Study Option
Zesbaugh Undergraduate Fellowships Review Committee
Mentor, Zesbaugh Undergraduate Scholar
Mentor, International Scholar
Danforth Application Review
Curriculum & Instruction Representative, Faculty Council, College of
Member, Search Committee, Literacy Education
Programmatic Chair, Language, Literacy and Culture, Study Option
Mentor, Zesbaugh Undergraduate Scholar
Mentor, International Scholar State Department Emerging Democracies
Programmatic Chair, Language, Literacy and Culture, Study Option
Member, Gordon C. Lee Dissertation Award Committee
Mentor, Zesbaugh Undergraduate Scholar
Member, Planning Committee UW Leadership Institute
Board Member, Educurious
Board Member, IslandWood
Board Member, Alliance for Education
Board Member, Washington State Bilingual Advisory Committee
Member, State-committee for the selection of ELL assessment measure
Member, State-committee developing ELD standards
Executive Board Member, Parasols Southeast Asian Development
Foundation, Executive Board member
2003-present Executive Board Member, Latino Educational Advancement Project,
Co-chair, Seattle Public Schools Bilingual Review Committee
Professional Development Responding to the Needs of Culturally and
Linguistically Diverse Students:
 Bellevue Public Schools, 2005, 2004, 2003
 Seattle Public Schools, 2001-2005
 Kent, Sunnyside, Toppenish, Grandview, and Mapton Schools Districts (activities
related to U.S. Department of Education Grant), 2003-2005
 Clover Park School District, 2002
 Seattle Bilingual Orientation Center, 2002-2004
 Tukwila Public Schools, 2003
 Everett Public Schools, 2004