Chap 33: Vertebrates Supplemental Instruction Iowa State University Leader: Adam Course: Biology 211 Instructor: Dr. Holscher Date: 1. The first vertebrates to live a portion of their life cycle on land were the __________. 2. The first vertebrates to live their entire life on land were the __________. 3. What is the major reason why vertebrates were able to successfully colonize dry, terrestrial environments? 4. Amniotes: a. Are tetrapods whose extant members include ____________ and __________. b. Named for the development of an _________ _______ which contains ________ specialized membranes that protect the embryo. i. Question?? Which of the following are amniotes: Bird, Reptile, Human, Amphibians 5. Most reptiles are _______________, which refers how they maintain their body heat. i. How do they get heat: 6. Birds are ___________, which refers how they maintain their body heat. i. How do they get heat: 7. Dinosaurs Two different types referring to their diet i. Bird-hipped dinosaurs are… ii. Lizard-hipped dinosaurs are… b. Recent evidence says dinosaurs were slow or fast? c. 3 unanswered question about dinosaurs i. ii. iii. 8. Birds a. The ability to _______ had shaped nearly every feature of their body. b. Feature unique to birds i. ii. iii. Supplemental Instruction 1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center 294-6624 iv. c. Extant species that descended directly from _________ 9. Mammals a. Distinguished characteristics i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Question: What has complex placentas, long period of pregnancy, and complete their development within the uterus while joined to their mother by the placenta. a. Eutherians b. Marsupials c. Monotremes Question: Which is egg-laying mammals? a. Eutherians b. Marsupials c. Monotremes Question: Which type of mammal has a pouch? a. Eutherians b. Marsupials c. Monotremes 10. Primates: a. Defining characteristics i. ii. iii. iv. v. 11. Which primate group is most closely relate to human? Lesser Aps or Greater Aps 12. How have humans evolved: 13. Which hominin species was the first to craft and use tools? Homo….. a. erectus b. sapiens c. habilis d. neanderthalensis Have a great weekend everyone! Remember Exam Review is on Sunday from 1-3pm in Gilman 1352. Hope to see you there.