How do you find similar heritable characteristics? Phylogenetic mapping will help you answer our initial question: are birds and dinosaurs related? Created by K. Snyder as part of a project for Seminars in Science Class: The Link between Birds and Dinosaurs What is phylogenetic mapping? • It is a way to at organisms that focuses on patterns of similarity among heritable characteristics. • These characteristics include such things as bone structure, muscle anatomy, color patterns, intrinsic behavior, and DNA sequence. • Remember, we need to keep our goal in mind as we do this. Do we see similarities between dinosaurs and birds? • Let’s look at an example – Think back to our study of the members of Kingdom Animalia – We’ll limit our focus on the characteristic of “limb structure.” Vertebrate Tetrapods • Every animal in the group we have selected is a vertebrate and also a tetrapod. – A tetrapod is a vertebrate who possesses limbs equipped with hands and feet. (tetra = 4, pod = foot) • Of the following organisms, which reproduce by means of an egg with an amnion? – Salamanders, crocodilians, lizards, humans, and birds. – We will find out using by creating a cladogram. Compare these two organism based on their limb structure Shark Lizard (Komodo Dragon) Compare these two skeletons. • Are these vertebrates? • Do they have tails? • How many limbs do they have? • The lizard is a tetrapod, and the shark is not. Now, compare crocodiles and birds Crocodile • How many limbs does each vertebrate have? • These are both tetrapods, as is the lizard on the previous slide. Bird This is a cladogram & provides another way of looking at the information we have been discussing We next look at amniotic eggs. We looked at limbs. Let’s recap • In the example, we were reminded that all vertebrates possess a backbone, or endoskeleton. • Not all, however, possess limbs. • Of those who possess limbs (four limbs to be exact), only some reproduce by means of an amniotic egg. • What does this show? That birds, crocodiles, lizards, and humans are more closely related to each other than they are to salamanders and sharks. Why is that important? • We are trying to determine if birds and dinosaurs are related. • We need to look at the heritable features of dinosaurs, and where they fit on the cladogram we just viewed. • Ask yourselves these questions: – – – – Are they vertebrates? How many limbs do they have? Are they amniotes? Is there fossil evidence of their nesting behavior? Where do we go from here? • More specific focus on characteristics to hone in the cladogram. – – – – – – – – Shape of the neck and vertebrae that comprise this Body position and orientation Pelvic structure and orientation Tail structure “hand” and “foot” structure” Behaviors Feathers ….. References • Dingus, L. Rowe, T. The Mistaken Extinction. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1998.