Native American Vocabulary Terms 1. buffalo - an animal that provided clothing, shelter, and tools to the tribes of the Great Plains 2. Cultural Region - a large area with similiar land, climate, and resources 3. Great Plains - cultural region that moved around following buffalo herds; lived in tepees or lodges 4. Iroquois - a tribe of the Eastern Woodlands 5. Kiva – an underground chamber where ceremonies were performed 6. Cheyenne – a tribe of the Great Plains 7. Eastern Woodlands – cultural region that mainly hunted, fished and grew plants; lived in longhouses 8. Hopi – a tribe of the Southwest Desert 9. Kachina Doll – a doll given to Hopi Children to honor spirits 10. Kwakiutl – a tribe of the Northwest Coast 11. League – a group of people working together 12. longhouse – a long, wooden house built by the Iroquois in the Eastern Woodlands 13. plains – large open, grassy land 14. pueblo – a stone house built of adobe; found in the southwest desert 15. Southwest Desert – cultural region that was hot and dry; built and lived in pueblos 16. lodge – a large round hut built by tribes of the Great Plains 17. Northwest Coast – cultural region that fished whale and built totem poles; lived in plank houses 18. potlatch – a feast that could last for days 19. Shaman – a doctor or healer 20. tepee – tent made by stretching buffalo skins on tall poles 21. totem poles – a wooden post that is carved with shapes of people and animals to show a family’s history 22. tribe – a large group of Native Americans 23. travois – sled made of poles tied together; used to transport loads across the plains 24. wampum – beads made from seashells; traded and exchanged for goods