1 CHAPTER 3 2 COMPUTATIONAL METHODS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 The computational methods of a reliability monitoring systems are responsible for ensuring data quality, computing travel times from different sources, generating reliability information, and analyzing the relationship between travel time variability and the causes of congestion. On one level, it can be thought of as a travel time processing unit; it takes the raw data in the tables outlined in Chapter 2, cleans it and fills in gaps, computes travel times and error estimates, and stores data in summary tables. It also serves as a reliability computation unit; upon request from an external system, it assembles historically archived travel times into distributions and calculates reliability measures from them. Finally, it supports analysis into the causes of reliability by modeling the relationship between travel time variability and various congestion factors. This chapter is broken into six subsections that detail the various functional requirements of the travel time reliability monitoring system: Ensuring Data Quality describes the process of evaluating the quality of the raw data and performing imputation for missing or invalid data. Calculating Travel Times details steps and computations for transforming the raw data compiled from various sources into link travel times. Validating Travel Times gives guidance on prioritizing facilities for travel time validation and how the validation can be performed. Assembling Travel Time Distributions describes how historical travel times are formed into probability density functions. Reporting Reliability describes the message exchange between the reliability monitoring system and external systems used to communicate reliability information in response to requests. Analyze Effects of Non-Recurring Events describes the regression model that can be used to form statistical relationships between travel time variability and its causes. As discussed in Chapter 1, both demand-side and supply-side perspectives on travel time reliability need to be kept in mind when reading this material. The demand side perspective focuses on individual travelers and the travel times they experience in making trips. Observations of individual vehicle (trip) travel times are important; the travel time density functions of interest pertain to the travel times experienced by individual travelers at some specific point in time; and the percentiles of those travel times (e.g., the 15th, 50th, and 85th percentiles) pertain to the travel times for those travelers. The supply-side perspective focuses on consistency in the average (or median) travel times for segments or routes. In this case, the observations are the average (or median) travel times on these segments or routes in specific time periods (e.g., 5 minute intervals), the average is the mean of these 5-minute average travel time observations, and the probability density function captures the variation in the average travel time across some span of time. Thus, the percentile observations pertain to specific points in the probability density function for these observed average travel time values. Both of these perspectives are important. The first relates to the demand side of the travel market place, where individual travelers want to receive information that helps them ascertain when they need to leave to arrive 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 on time or how long a given trip is likely to take given some degree of confidence in the arrival time. The second aims at the supply side for system operators interested in understanding the consistency in segment and route-level travel times provided and in making capital investments and operational changes that help enhance that consistency. The text that follows strives to make it clear which perspective pertains in each part of the material discussed and presented. The word "average" is retained throughout where average travel times are being referenced - even though it may seem redundant at times - just to ensure that the text is clear and the reader does not mistakenly perceive that actual trip travel times are being discussed. 9 ENSURING DATA QUALITY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 The most prevalent type of roadway data currently available to agencies comes from point sensors, such as loop and radar detectors. While these data sources provide valuable information about roadway performance, they have two main drawbacks: (1) detectors frequently malfunction; and (2) detectors only provide data in the temporal dimension, whereas travel times require data over spatial segments. The first issue is best dealt with through an imputation process, which fills in data holes left by bad detectors. The second issue, which is discussed in the Calculating Travel Times section of this chapter, can be resolved by extrapolating speeds along roadway segments located between two point detectors. An alternative approach to improving the quality of infrastructure-based data is to calibrate detector-based travel time estimates with travel times from AVI/AVL probe data. Research has been performed into this task, but the benefits are uncertain. For example, past research attempted to use transit AVL data to calibrate loop detector speeds, but found it is impossible to determine the probe vehicle's speed at the loop location (11.9). It also assumes that agencies will have both infrastructure-based and vehicle-based sensors deployed on the same route, which is not guaranteed. Agencies that do have both types of resources are advised to rely on the vehicle-based estimates when sufficient samples are available due to the higher accuracy of their travel time measures. Alternatively, agencies can employ a fusion method that combines inputs from both data sources to estimate a representative travel time. Both of these approaches are preferable to calibrating point sensor data with vehicle-based data. As such, this section focuses on the critical issue of imputation, describing the best practices for identifying bad detectors and imputing data for infrastructure-based sources. While less crucial to the estimate of accurate reliability estimates, it also describes general approaches for imputing data for vehicle-based (AVI/AVL) sources where detectors are broken or vehicle samples are insufficient. 34 Infrastructure-Based Sensors 35 36 37 Rigorous imputation is a two-step process. First, the system needs to systematically determine which detectors are malfunctioning. Then, the data from the broken detectors must be discarded and the remaining holes filled in with imputed values. 38 Identifying Bad Detectors 39 40 41 Detectors can experience a wide range of errors. There can be problems with the actual detector or its roadside controller cabinet hardware, or a failure somewhere in the chain of communications infrastructure that brings a detector's data from the individual lane to a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 centralized location. Each of these errors results in unique, diagnosable signs of distress in the data that the detector transmits. There are two broad categories of methods for identifying bad detectors based on their data: (1) real-time data quality measurement; and (2) post-hoc data quality measurement. While this section briefly describes real-time data quality measurement, post-hoc methods are recommended for implementation in a reliability monitoring system. Real-time data quality measurement methods run algorithms on each sample transmitted by an individual detector, so a detector health diagnosis is made for each 30-second data sample. Because traffic conditions can vary so widely from one 30-second period to another, however, it is difficult to assign "acceptable" regions within which a detector can be considered good and outside of which it can be assumed to be broken. Additionally, depending on the time of day, day of week, and other factors like the facility type, geographical location, and lane number, detectors record different levels of traffic. As such, this method requires calibrating diagnostics for each individual detector, making it impractical for large scale deployments. The best practice for reliability monitoring is to use post-hoc data quality measurement methods. These methods make diagnostic determinations based on the time series of a detector's data; in other words, the data submitted over an entire day (2). This methodology works because typically, once detectors go bad, they stay bad until the problem can be resolved. As such, they are usually bad for multiple days at a time. Under this suggested framework, the following four symptomatic errors can be detected to mark a detector as bad during a given day: Too many zero occupancy and flow values reported; Too many non-zero occupancy and zero flow values reported; Too many very high occupancy samples reported; or Too many constant occupancy and flow values reported. Agencies are advised to only run detector health algorithms on the data collected during hours when the facility carries significant traffic volumes (for example, between 5:00 AM and 10:00 PM). Otherwise, low volume samples collected during the early morning hours could cause a false positive detector health diagnosis, particularly under the first category listed above. Additionally, agencies should establish threshold levels for each error symptom that reflect the unique traffic patterns in their regions. For instance, the thresholds should be set differently for detectors that are in urban versus rural areas. Working detectors in rural areas may submit a high number of data samples that fall into the first category simply because there is little traffic. Alternatively, working detectors on congested urban facilities may submit many samples that fall into the third category because of the onset of queuing. To serve as an example, the thresholds listed in Exhibit 11-1 can be used to detect malfunctioning detectors in urban areas. In addition, Chapter 4 describes the methodology used to identify bad detectors that were stuck or not collecting data in the Northern Virginia case study. 41 Imputing Data 42 43 44 Once the system has classified infrastructure-based detectors as good or bad, it must remove the data transmitted by the bad detectors so that invalid travel times are not incorporated into the reliability computations. However, removing bad data points will leave routes and Exhibit 11-1 PeMS Urban Detector Health Thresholds 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 facilities with incomplete data sets for time periods where one or more detectors were malfunctioning. Since travel time computations for infrastructure-based sensors rely on the aggregation and extrapolation of values from every detector on the route, travel time computations for a route would be compromised each time a detector failed (which, given the nature of detectors, will occur frequently). For this reason, imputation is required to fill in the data holes and thus enable the calculation of travel times and variability. Exhibit 11-2 shows the high-level concept of imputation. 33 Linear Regression from Neighbors Based on Local Coefficients 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 This imputation method is the most accurate due to the fact that there are high correlations between occupancies and volumes of detectors in adjacent locations. Infrastructurebased detectors can be considered neighbors if they are in the same location in different lanes or if they are in adjacent locations upstream or downstream. In this approach, an offline regression analysis is used to continuously determine the relationship between each pair of neighbors in the system. Then, when a detector is broken, its flow and occupancy values can be determined. The regression equation can take the following form: Exhibit 11-2 Imputation From a data management perspective, agencies are advised to store and archive both the raw data and the imputed data in parallel, rather than discarding the raw data sent by detectors diagnosed as bad. This ensures that, when imputation methods change, the data can be reimputed where necessary. It also gives system users the ability to skeptically examine the results of imputation where desired. When imputation is needed for infrastructure-based data, it must begin at the detector level. The strength of an imputation regime is determined by the quality and quantity of data available for imputation use. The best imputations are derived from local data, such as from neighboring sensors or historical patterns observed when the detector was working. Modest imputations can also be performed in areas that have good global information, by forming general regional relationships between detectors in different lanes and configurations. It is important to have an imputation regime that makes it possible to impute data for any broken detector, regardless of its characteristics. As such, the best practice is to implement a series of imputation methods, employed in the order of the accuracy of their estimates. In other words, when the best imputation method is not possible for a certain detector and time period, the nextbest approach can be attempted. That way, data that can be imputed by the most accurate method will be, but imputation will also be possible for detectors that cannot support the most rigorous methods. The following imputation methods are recommended to be employed where possible, in this order, to fill in data holes for bad detectors (2). The first two methods make use of some real-time data, while the third and fourth methods rely on historically archived values. Equation 11-1 Equation 11-2 8 1 2 3 4 Where (i,j) is a pair of detectors, q is flow, k is occupancy, t is a specified time period (for example, 5 minutes), and are parameters estimated between each pair of loops using five days of historical data. These parameters can be determined for any pair of loops that report data to a historical database. 5 Linear Regression from Neighbors Based on Global Coefficients 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 This imputation method is similar to the first, but is needed because there are some loops that never report data because they are always broken. This makes it impossible to compute local regression coefficients for them. For these loops, it is possible to generate a set of global parameters that expresses the relationship between pairs of loops in different configurations. The configurations refer to location on the freeway and lane number. The linear model is developed for each possible combination of configurations and takes the following form: 24 Temporal Medians 25 26 27 28 29 30 The above two linear regression methods can break down during time periods when adjacent detectors are not reporting data themselves (for example, when there is a widespread communication outage). In this case, temporal medians can be used as imputed values. Temporal medians can be determined by looking at the data samples transmitted by that detector for the same day of week and time of day over the previous ten weeks. Then, the imputed value is taken as the median of those historical values. 31 Cluster Medians 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 This is the imputation method of last resort, for those detectors and time periods where none of the above three methods are possible. A cluster is defined as a group of detectors that have the same macroscopic flow and occupancy patterns over the course of a typical week. An example cluster is all of the detectors that are monitoring a freeway into the downtown area of a city. These detectors would all have comparable macroscopic patterns in that the AM and PM peak data would be similar across detectors due to commuting traffic. Clusters can be defined within each region. For each detector in the cluster, the joint vector of aggregate hourly flow and occupancy values can be assembled and, from this, the median time-of-day and day-of-week profile for each cluster can be calculated. Equation 11-3 Equation 11-4 where (i,j) is a pair of detectors, ? = 0 if i and j are in the same location, 1 otherwise; li = lane number of detector I; and lj = lane number of detector j. The terms are derived using locally available data for each of the different configurations. Exhibit 11-3 shows an example of this type of imputation routine. Exhibit 11-3 Imputation Routine Example 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Once values have been imputed for all broken detectors, the data set within the system will be complete, albeit composed of both raw data and imputed values. It is important that the quantity and quality of imputed data be tracked. That is, the database should store statistics on what percentage of the data behind a travel time estimate, and thus a travel time reliability measure, is imputed, and what methods were used to impute it. This allows analysts to make subjective judgments on what percentage of good raw data must underlie a measure in order for it to be usable in analysis. 8 Vehicle-Based Sensors 9 10 11 12 13 The biggest quality control issue with vehicle-based sensor data is filtering out unrepresentative travel times collected from travelers who make a stop or take a different route. This issue is discussed in the Calculating Travel Times section of this chapter. This section describes methods for identifying broken AVI sensors, and imputing data where sensors are broken or an insufficient number of vehicles samples were obtained in a given time period. 14 Identifying Broken AVI Sensors 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 There are two scenarios for which an AVI sensor might transmit no data: (1) the sensor is broken; or (2) no vehicle equipped for sampling passed by during the time period. Therefore, it is important to implement a method for distinguishing between these two cases, so that broken sensors can be detected and fixed. A simple test for flagging a sensor as broken is if it did not report any samples throughout a single day. The system computes travel times for segments defined by two sensors positioned at the segment's beginning and ending points. For example, sensors A and B define segment A-B. The number of vehicles measured at each sensor can be written as nA and nB respectively, and the number of matched vehicles over segment A-B as nA-B. As a rule: Equation 11-5 If either sensor is broken or there is little to no traffic equipped for sampling, then or , and therefore . There are now three scenarios for which a vehicle-based sensor pair would report no travel time data: Either or both sensor A and B are broken; No vehicle equipped for sampling passed by A or B during the time period; or No vehicle was matched between A and B during the time period. For the calculation of travel times, the consequence of a broken sensor and few to no equipped vehicles at the sensor are identical: there are not enough data points to calculate the travel time summary statistics for the segment during the time period. Similar to the individual sensor malfunction test, a segment can be considered to be broken on day d if its sensors do not report any samples throughout the day. This "missing" data case is straightforward to detect. It is more difficult to handle the case when there are too few data points to construct meaningful travel time trends, even with the running-median method discussed in the Calculating Travel Times section of this chapter. For example, if only one data point per hour is observed over a 24-hour period, detailed 5-minute or hourly travel time trends 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 cannot be recovered. Such data sparseness is expected during night when traffic volumes are actually low, and does not cause problems during these free-flow periods. But such data sparseness is not acceptable during peak hours. As such, the system should employ a test for data sparseness. A segment A-B can be considered to have sparse data on day d if the total number of samples throughout the day is less than a specified threshold (for example, 200 samples per day). This approach looks at an entire day of data to determine where sensors are broken and data is sparse. More granular approaches are also possible, such as running the above test for individual hourly periods. However, more granular tests would have to use varying thresholds based on the time of day and day of the week to fit varying demand patterns. 10 Imputing Missing or Bad Vehicle-Based Sensor Data 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The consequence of a broken sensor is different for vehicle-based sensors and for infrastructure-based sensors. For infrastructure-based sensors, missing data reduces the accuracy of route-level travel time estimates. However, if vehicle-based sensor B over segment A-B breaks, it may no longer be possible to measure the travel time over A-B, but it is possible to measure the travel time over segment A-C, assuming that there is a sensor C downstream of sensor B. Thus, with vehicle-based sensors, malfunctions impact the spatial granularity of reported travel times, not their accuracy. If agencies do wish to impute data for missing vehicle-based travel time samples, a few options are available and are outlined below. They are listed in order of preference; where the first option is not possible, the second option can be used, and so on until imputation is achieved. 21 Infrastructure-based Imputation 22 23 24 25 Where infrastructure-based detection is present, the best alternative is to use the observed detector speed values to estimate travel times for the missing time periods. If no infrastructurebased detection is present, or if the detectors are broken, another imputation method should be used. 26 Linear Regression from "Super Routes" 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 For segment A-B when A is broken, the super routes are all routes whose endpoint is B and who pass through A. For segment A-B when B is broken, the super routes are all routes whose starting point is A and who pass through B. Exhibit 11-4 shows an example of super route assignments for two broken AVI sensors and paths. Using these definitions, local coefficient relationships can be developed over time through linear regression between a route's travel time and its super routes' travel times. The local coefficients from the super route that has the strongest relationship with the route (the "optimal super route") can then be used to impute missing travel times for the route, using a process akin to option 1 for infrastructure-based imputation. 36 Temporal Median 37 38 39 40 If neither of the above two options is possible, then a temporal median approach, equivalent to the one described for option 3 for infrastructure-based imputation, can be utilized. A temporal median is the median of the historical, non-imputed route travel time values reported for that segment for the same day of week and time of day over the most recent ten weeks. 11 1 2 3 4 Exhibit 11-4 Super Route Examples 5 CALCULATING TRAVEL TIMES 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 This section focuses on developing average travel times based on the data available from a particular measurement technology. Accurate average travel time reliability measures can only be generated from valid average travel times. The process for transforming raw data into segment average travel times is dependent on the technology used for data collection. Infrastructure-based sensors only measure data at discrete points on the roadway. They capture every vehicle, but can only inform on spot (time-mean) speeds, or the average speed of vehicles over one fixed point of the roadway. For these detectors, the process of calculating segment average travel times from raw data requires (1) estimating spot speeds from the raw data; and (2) transforming these speed estimates into segment travel times. In contrast, vehicle-based sensors directly report individual vehicle travel times, but only for some of the roadway travelers. In this case, the main computational steps are to (1) associate the vehicle travel times with specific segments and/or routes; (2) filter out non-representative travel times, such as those involving a stop; and (3) determine if enough valid travel time observations remain to compute an accurate representative average travel time for the time period. Chapter 4 shows how segment and route regimes for freeway and arterial networks were defined and identified in the San Diego case study. An important aside is that the median travel time is actually a more useful and stable statistic, although it is not often employed. It is less sensitive to the impacts of outliers. Almost all estimation methodologies today compute means rather than medians because the process is much simpler - one divides the sum of the observations by the number of observations; and averages add across segments while medians may not. The effect of outliers can be diminished by removing observations that are significantly deviant from the rest of the data. However, this can make it more difficult to observe incidents and other disruptive events. The material presented here focuses principally on averages although one can think in terms of medians as well. 31 Infrastructure-Based Sensors 32 Estimating Spot (Time-Mean) Speeds 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Most infrastructure-based sensors transmit some combination of flow, occupancy, and speed data. Observations for individual vehicles are not available. In cases where sensors do not directly measure speeds (which is the case for most loop detectors), it is necessary to estimate average speeds in order to calculate average travel times. This is typically done by using a "gfactor", which represents the average length of a vehicle, to estimate speeds from flow and occupancy data using the below equation: Equation 11-6 Here, (1/g) is the average effective vehicle length, which is the sum of the actual vehicle length and the width of the loop detector. At a given loop, the average vehicle length will vary by 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 time of day and day of the week due to truck traffic patterns. For example, trucks make up a heavy percentage of traffic in the early morning hours, while automobile traffic dominates during commute hours. Vehicle length is also dependent on the lane that the loop is in; loops in the right-most lanes will have longer lengths than those in the left-hand lanes since trucks usually travel in the right lanes. Despite this variability, most agencies use a constant g-factor that gets applied across all loops and all time periods in a region. Analysis of this approach has shown that it can introduce errors of up to 50% into speed estimates (4). Since average travel time computations require the aggregation and extrapolation of multiple loop detector speed estimates, this has huge ramifications for the reliability of calculated average travel times. As such, agencies are advised to implement methods that account for the time- and locationdependency of the g-factor. G-factors can be estimated for each time of day and individual detector using a weeksworth of detector data. By manipulating the above equation to make speed the known variable and the g-factor the unknown variable, g-factors can be estimated for all free-flow time periods. Free-flow conditions can be identified in the data as time periods where the occupancy falls below 15%. For these conditions, free-flow speeds can be approximated based ideally on speed data obtained from the field for different lanes and facility types. An example of speeds by facility type, lane, and number of lanes derived from double-loop detectors in the San Francisco Bay Area is shown in Exhibit 11-5. Exhibit 11-5 Measured Speeds by Lane, San Francisco Bay Area Using the assumed free-flow speeds, g-factors can be calculated for all free-flow time periods according to the below equation: Equation 11-7 Where g(t) is the g-factor at time of day t (a 5-minute period), k(t) is the observed occupancy at t, q(t) is the observed flow at t, T is the duration of the time-period (for example, 5 minutes), and Vfree is the assumed average free-flow velocity. Running this equation over the data transmitted by a loop detector over a typical week yields a number of g-factor estimates at various hours of the day for each day of the week, which can be formed into a scatterplot of g-factor versus time. To obtain a complete set of g-factors for each 5-minute period of each day of the week, the scatterplot data points can be fitted with a regression curve, resulting in a function that gives a complete set of g-factors for each loop detector. An example of this analysis is shown in Exhibit 11-6. In the figure, the dots represent gfactors directly estimated during free-flow conditions, and the line shows the smooth regression curve (5). The 5-minute g-factors from the regression function can then be stored in a database for each loop detector, and used in real-time to estimate speeds from flow and occupancy values. An example of the g-factor functions for the detector in the left-most lane (Lane 1) and the rightmost lane (Lane 5) of a freeway in Oakland, California, is shown in Exhibit 11-7. As is evident from the plot, the g-factors in the left-lane are relatively stable over each time of day and day of the week, but the g-factors in the right-lane vary widely as a function of time. G-factors should be updated periodically to account for seasonal variations in vehicle lengths, or changes to truck traffic patterns. It is recommended that new g-factors be generated at least every three months. 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Exhibit 11-6 5-minute G-Factor Estimates at a Detector Exhibit 11-7 G-Factors at a Detector on I-880 North, Oakland, CA Estimating Average Travel Times The steps in the previous subsection produce average spot (time-mean) speed estimates, or average speed estimates at multiple loop detector locations. Since there is no knowledge of individual or average vehicle speeds in between the fixed detectors, there needs to be a process for using the spot speeds along a segment or route to estimate the average segment or route travel times. The most common way to do this is to assume that the average spot speeds measured at each detector apply to half the distance to the next upstream or downstream detector. After using the average spot speeds to approximate the variations in average speeds along the roadway, average segment or route travel times can be computed. Where average travel times need to be computed in real-time (to be posted on a VMS sign, for example), this can be done by summing the average segment travel times that are available when the trip starts. Of course, this method is inaccurate for long trips, especially during peak periods, because the speeds are likely to change as congestion levels fluctuate while the vehicle is passing through the network. The best way to compute an average travel time from infrastructure-based sensor speeds is to: (1) calculate the average travel time for the first route segment using the average travel time at the trip's departure time; (2) get the average speed for the next segment at the time that the vehicle is expected to arrive at that segment, as estimated by the calculated average travel time for the first route section; and (3) repeat step (2) until the average travel time for the entire route has been computed. Exhibit 11-8, which shows detected average spot speeds along a route and its route sections, can be used to illustrate the difference between the two methods. For real-time display purposes, for a trip departing at time t=0, the average route travel time can be calculated as follows: Equation 11-8 ?tt_total?_(t=0)= ?tt1?_(t=0) + ?tt2?_(t=0)+ ?tt3?_(t=0)+ ?tt4?_(t=0) For all other purposes, by using average segment travel times stored in an archival database, the average route travel time can be calculated as follows: Equation 11-9 Exhibit 11-8 Route Section Travel Times 14 1 Vehicle-Based Sensors 2 Generation of Passage Time Pairs for Bluetooth Readers (BTR) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 The first step in the process of calculating segment travel time PDFs for a roadway is the calculation of segment travel times for individual vehicles. A vehicle segment travel time is calculated as the difference between the vehicle's passage times at both the origin and destination BTRs. Passage time is defined as the single point in time selected to represent when a vehicle passed through a BTR's detection zone. Chapter 7 describes a methodology for identification of passage times, which is applied in the Lake Tahoe case study in Chapter 15 and Appendix N. It is common for vehicles to generate multiple sequential visits per BTR, which may be interwoven in time with visits at other BTRs (see Exhibit 11-9). For BTRs with a significant mean zone traversal time, it is common for vehicles to generate multiple visits close in time. The motivation for grouping visits is evident in Exhibit 11-10, where the vehicle was at the origin BTR multiple times (see rows 1-3) before traveling to the destination BTR (see row 4). Based on this data, 3 different travel times could be calculated: 1 to 4; 2 to 4; or 3 to 4. Which pair or pairs represent the most likely trip? The benefit of performing more complex analysis of visits is that many likely false trips can be eliminated, increasing the quality of the calculated travel time. Three methods of identifying segment trips are discussed below and applied in the Lake Tahoe case study in Appendix N. Exhibit 11-9 Relationship Between Maximum Speed Error & BTR-to BTR Distance with ?T>0 Exhibit 11-10 Visits for a Single Vehicle Between Two BTRs Row Origin BTR Visit BTR Visit Per Visit 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 6 7 5 8 6 Destination Time Observations 1 2 Fri Jan 28 13:07:19 2011 Fri Jan 28 16:24:06 2011 Fri Jan 28 17:41:50 2011 Fri Jan 28 22:07:36 2011 Sat Jan 29 15:07:40 2011 Sun Jan 30 10:49:03 2011 Sun Jan 30 12:15:33 2011 Mon Jan 31 13:05:54 2011 7 13 25 3 4 129 3 10 Method 1: The first potential method for identifying segment trips is simple: create an origin and destination pair for every possible permutation of visits, except those generating negative travel times (Exhibit 11-11). For example, the visits in Exhibit 11-10 show 6 origin and 2 destination visits, resulting in 12 possible pairs. Five pairs can be discarded because they generate negative travel times. Even so, this approach will generate many passage time pairs that do not represent actual trips. Using this method, 243,777 travel times were generated between one pair of BTRs over a three-month period. 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Exhibit 11-11 Trips Generated from All Visit Permutations Method 2: The second potential method for identifying segment trips is also simple, but represents an improvement from the first method. It creates an origin and destination pair for every origin visit and the closest (in time) destination visit, as shown in Exhibit 11-12. Multiple origin visits would therefore potentially be paired with a single destination visit. Using this method with the data in Exhibit 11-10 would generate 4 pairs: 1-4, 2-4, 3-4, 5-6. This method generated 60,537 travel times between the origin and destination BTRs, eliminating 183,240 (75%) potential trips compared with the first method. Exhibit 11-12 Trips Generated from All Origin Visits to First Destination Visit Method 3: Vehicles frequently make multiple visits to an origin BTR before traveling to a destination BTR. The third method of eliminating invalid segment trips aggregates those origin visits that would otherwise be interpreted incorrectly as multiple trips between the origin and destination readers. This method can be described as aggregating visits at the BTR network level. This is an additional level of aggregation beyond aggregating individual observations into visits, as discussed in the previous section. Logically, a single visit represents a vehicle's continuous presence within a BTR's detection zone. In contrast, multiple visits aggregated into a single grouping represent a vehicle's continuous presence within the geographic region around the BTR, as determined by the distance to adjacent BTRs. This method is an example of using knowledge of network topology to identify valid trips. This method can be applied to the data displayed in Exhibit 11-10, which shows 3 origin visits in rows 1, 2, and 3. The question is whether any of these visits can be aggregated or should each be considered a valid origin departure? Exhibit 11-13 Trips Generated from Aggregating Origin Visits The distance from the origin (BTR #7) to the destination (BTR #10) is 50 miles (or 100 miles for the round-trip). Driving at some maximum reasonable speed (for that road segment, anything over 80 MPH is unreasonable) a vehicle would take 76-minutes for the round-trip. Therefore, if the time between visits at the origin is less than 76-minutes, they can be aggregated and considered as a single visit. In table 2-5, visits 2 and 3 (rows 2 and 3) meet this criterion and can therefore be aggregated (Exhibit 11-13). This eliminates 1 of 3 potential origin visits that could potentially be paired with the destination visit in row 4. Again, the idea is to identify when the vehicle was continuously within the geographic region around the origin BTR and eliminate departure visits wherever possible. When this method was applied to the data set, it generated 39,836 travel times, eliminating 20,701 (34%) potential trips compared with the second method discussed above. Additional filters could be used to identify and eliminate greater numbers of trips. For example, an algorithm could take advantage of graph topology and interspersed trips to other BTRs to aggregate larger numbers of visits. In addition, the algorithm could potentially track 16 1 2 3 4 which destination visits had previously been paired with origin visits, eliminating unlikely trips. If PDFs are developed based on historical data, selection among multiple competing origin visits paired with a single destination visit could be probabilistic. These are potential topics for future research. 5 Associating Travel Times with a Route 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) technologies report timestamps, reader IDs, and vehicle IDs, for every equipped vehicle that passes by a sensor. As such, it is simple to calculate average travel times or travel time density functions between two sensors, but there may be some uncertainty in the route that the vehicle traveled between them. This can be important in arterial networks, where, depending on sensor placements, there can be more than one viable route between two sensors or sequences of sensors. The best way to correct this issue is to place and space sensors so as to reduce the uncertainty in a vehicle's path. An example application is shown in Exhibit 11-9, where there are two possible paths between intersection A and intersection C: Path A-C and Path A-B-C. If only AVI data are available, it is difficult to tell which travel times correspond to which paths. To correct the issue, a third AVI sensor can be deployed in the middle of Path A-B-C, to correctly distinguish between travel times of vehicles taking Path A-B-C versus Path A-C. Exhibit 11-9 AVI Sensor Placement Automated Vehicle Location (AVL) technologies track vehicles as they travel, but this data still needs to be matched with specific paths and segments in the study network. One way to do this is through map matching algorithms. They match location data received from vehiclebased sensors (longitude, latitude, point speed, bearing, and timestamps) to routes in the study network. Map matching is one of the core data processing algorithms for associating AVL-based travel time measurements with a route. A typical GPS map-matching algorithm uses latitude, longitude, and bearing of a probe vehicle to search nearby roads. It then determines which route the vehicle is traveling on and the resulting link travel time. In many cases, as shown in Exhibit 11-10, there are multiple possibilities for map-matching results. Thus, a number of GPS data mining methods have been developed to find the closest or most probable match. Map-matching algorithms for transportation applications can be divided into four categories: (1) geometric; (2) topological; (3) probabilistic; and (4) advanced (6). Geometric algorithms use only the geometry of the link, while topological algorithms also use the connectivity of the network. In probabilistic approaches, an error region is first used to determine matches, and then the topology is used when multiple links or link segments lie within the created error region. Advanced algorithms include Kalman Filtering, Bayesian Inference, Belief Theory, and Fuzzy Logic. Another technique sometimes employed by AVL systems is to create "monument-tomonument" travel time records. Monuments are virtual locations defined by the system, akin to the end points for TPC segments to and from which vehicles travel. When the AVL-equipped vehicle passes each monument it creates a message packet indicating the monument it just passed, the associated timestamp, the previous monument passed, its associated timestamp, and the next monument in the path. Using this technique, data records akin to the AVI detector-todetector records are created and can be used to create segment and route-specific travel times. 17 1 2 3 4 5 Moreover, in some systems the path followed is also included in the data packet, so the route followed is known as well. 6 Filtering Unrepresentative Travel Times 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Exhibit 11-10 GPS Points, Underlying Road Network, and Map Matching Results The output of the previous step is, for each segment or route in the system, data for n trips that occurred over some time frame, labeled i = 1,…, n. Each observation i has a "from" time si and a "to" time ti. These travel times can be processed to yield an average travel time and a travel time density function that represents the true experience of vehicles traversing the segment or route during the observed time period. Since it is likely that some of the vehicles will make stops or other detours along their path, those observations need to be identified and removed. Moreover, to guard against the impacts of outliers, the median travel time is a better statistic to use than the mean. The state of the practice in this area is to filter out invalid travel times by comparing individual travel times measured for the current time period with the estimate computed for the previous time period. In systems in Houston and San Antonio, for example, if a travel time reported by an individual vehicle varies by more than 20% from the average travel time reported for the previous period, that vehicle's travel time is removed from the dataset (7). In a reliability monitoring context, however, this could reduce the system's ability to capture large and sudden increases in travel times due to an incident or other event, and thus underestimate travel time variability. For this reason, the research team has developed two other approaches that agencies can implement to ensure that final median travel time estimates for each time period are robust and representative of actual traffic conditions: (1) a simple time-period median approach; and (2) running-percentile smoothing. Both of these approaches use the median of observed travel times, rather than the mean, as the final estimate, since median values are less affected by outliers. Before either of the two approaches is applied, it is recommended that very high travel times (for example, those greater than five times the free-flow travel time) be filtered out and removed from the data set before further analysis. The simpler of the two possible methods is called the "simple time period median" method. For time period j (which could be 5 minutes or 1 hour), the median travel time Tj is initially calculated as the median of all ti's whose departure time si falls in the time period j. As long as more than half of the observed trips do not stop or take a different route, the estimate will not be affected by these "outliers." Once the travel time series Tj are obtained, it is possible to perform geometrical or exponential smoothing over the current and previous time periods to smooth the trend over time, giving more weight to the most recent Tj as well as those Tj's with larger sample sizes, and thus higher accuracy. The drawback of this method is that if the current time period has too few data points, then the median value could still be affected by the outliers. An example of this is shown in Exhibit 11-11, which shows the simple time period median method applied to a day's worth of FasTrak toll tag data in Oakland, CA. As can be seen in the top figure (hourly median travel times) and the bottom figure (5-minute median travel times), estimates of the median travel time appear to be too high in the early morning hours, when there are few vehicles to sample. 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The second possible method is "running-percentile smoothing". This is a smoothing over the observed scatter plot of individual (si, ti)'s. The running pth percentile travel time estimate of bin width k at time s is given by: Equation 11-10 Tp(s) = pth percentile of the k most recent travel times ti's at s When p=50, the method becomes the running median, and can be used to generate an estimate of the median travel time for a given time period. As long as more than half of the observed trips do not stop or take a different route, the estimate will not be affected by these outliers. This method requires more computation than the simple median above but each estimate Tp(s) has the guaranteed sample size k and desired accuracy. It is not affected by outliers or too small of a sample size in a given time period. Therefore, the running median approach is the more desirable of the two alternatives, provided there are enough computational and storage resources. 14 Estimating Error 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 The samples sizes of vehicle-based travel times will vary from location to location and hour to hour, which means that the accuracy of each median travel time estimate will vary. The more travel times samples that are collected, the more likely that the samples represent the true travel time distribution along the route. An estimate of data accuracy can be obtained for a given sample size using standard statistical methods. The recommended way of quantifying the accuracy of a sample is through standard error, which is always proportional to 1/?n, where n is the number of samples collected during the specific time period (for example, 8:00 AM - 8:05 AM). Through this computation, each agency can quantify an acceptable level of error for travel time estimates to be considered accurate enough to be used in reliability calculations. 27 VALIDATING TRAVEL TIMES 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Agencies need to have confidence in the travel time and reliability data that are computed and reported. As has been previously discussed, infrastructure-based sensors are likely to be a key source of data for many monitoring systems due to their existing widespread deployment. While they are a convenient resource to leverage, the calculation of segment and route travel times from the spot speed data they provide introduces potential inaccuracies in the reported travel times. Validating point sensor-based average travel times with average travel times computed from AVI or AVL data is standard practice for small-scale studies, but is resourceintensive to do comprehensively for all monitored facilities. This section guides agencies in the selection of the most important paths on which to validate travel times and the choice of an appropriate validation method. 38 Selecting Critical Paths 39 40 There are a few different criteria that a path can meet to be considered a critical route for travel time validation. They are listed here in the recommended order of importance. Exhibit 11-11 Simple Median Method Applied to FasTrak Data in the San Francisco Bay Area 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1. Paths with known travel time variability issues. Since the purpose of the system is to accurately measure and monitor reliability, it is important to ensure that computations for these facilities are accurately capturing the variability known to exist and in need of being monitored. 2. Paths along arterials that are being monitored with infrastructure-based detection sources. Because of the influence of traffic control devices on arterial travel times, they are complicated to estimate using point sources alone. Where arterial travel times are being computed from infrastructure-based sources, they should be validated with AVI or AVL-estimates. 3. Paths where data is being obtained from private sources and the accuracy of the data is not certain. Where agencies want to increase confidence in purchased private source data, they can independently verify travel time estimates through validation. 4. Paths that consistently carry high traffic volumes, as these are the locations where unreliable travel times will impact the most users. Since these paths are likely to draw high levels of interest from those in the traveler user group, it is important that reported measures reflect actual conditions so that the driving public can have confidence in system outputs. 5. Paths that serve key origin-destination pairs, especially those on which a high percentage of trips are time-sensitive. An example would be a route from a suburb to a downtown business district, where a high percentage of morning traffic is composed of commuters needing to arrive at work on time. 23 Validating 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Practices for validating infrastructure-based travel times with other sources are well understood. This section describes a few potential methods that agencies can deploy, depending on their existing infrastructure and resources. One option commonly used for validating loop detector travel times is to deploy GPS probe runs on selected routes. If this option is pursued, probe runs should be conducted during both peak and off-peak hours, to gauge the accuracy of infrastructure-based travel times under varying levels of congestion. Runs should also be conducted for the same hours of the day over multiple days, to ensure that the infrastructure-based estimates are accurately capturing the dayto-day variability in travel times on critical paths. The downside of this method is that it becomes resource-intensive if agencies want to validate travel times on many paths. An alternate option that reduces the time investment of validation is to deploy AVI sensors at the origins and destinations of key routes, to directly measure travel times from a sampling of vehicles. One alternative is to use Bluetooth MAC address readers, which register the unique MAC addresses of vehicles that contain Bluetooth-enabled technologies. The benefit of this technology is that the address readers can be easily moved from one location to another, meaning that the same sensors can be used to validate travel times on multiple routes. This option is possible in most regions, as the percentage of vehicles with Bluetooth-enabled technologies is high and growing. For metropolitan areas that use automated toll collection technologies, another option is to deploy RFID toll tag readers at route origins and destinations. The data from either of these options can be collected automatically, then filtered and processed by hand for comparison with the estimates produced by the infrastructure-based technologies. 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Further exploratory methods for travel time collection and validation have also been tested. For example, some studies have tried to use GPS data collected from equipped transit fleets to validate speeds and travel times computed by loop detectors (1). Others have attempted to use GPS-equipped Freeway Service Patrol vehicles for the same purpose (8). Both of these efforts noted that it is not possible to obtain speeds from the probe vehicles at the exact loop detector locations, making a direct comparison difficult. Results were also complicated by the fact that transit vehicles generally travel slower than other vehicles, and that Freeway Service Patrol vehicles make frequent stops. As such, agencies can explore these alternative methods where they have equipped probe vehicles in place, but should recognize the limitations of using travel times from specialized vehicle types for validation purposes. 11 ASSEMBLING TRAVEL TIME DISTRIBUTIONS FOR AVERAGE TRAVEL TIMES 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Supply-side travel time reliability measures predicated on average travel times are computed from historically archived average travel times. To connect this step with upstream system tasks, generating any reliability measure requires first assembling the average travel times stored in a database into average travel time distribution profiles. To support reliability analysis, probability density functions for average segment or route travel times must reflect the time-dependent nature of travel time variability (for example, average travel times are usually more variable during peak hours than during the middle of the night). As such, the system must be capable of assembling distributions for average travel times for each time of day, for specified days of the week. This capability is fully supported by the database structure outlined in Chapter 10 which, at the finest granularity, stores average travel times for each 5-minute departure time and day of the week. The details of the message exchanges and database queries that will support the dissemination of reliability information to other systems will be more fully discussed in the Reporting Reliability subsection. For now, however, the example below illustrates a possible information request and how the system assembles the distribution to respond. Question: What was the 95th percentile average travel time along a route on weekdays for trips that departed at 5:00 PM in 2009? Steps: Retrieve the average travel times for the route of interest predicated on a 5:00 PM "departure" (trip commencement) for every non-Holiday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday in 2009 from the 5-minute average travel times that pertain to the segments that are part of the route using equation (11-9) and not equation (11-8). Assemble travel times into a distribution and calculate the 95th percentile travel time from the data set. Send the 95th percentile travel time to the requesting system. 38 Conceptualizing Average Travel Time Distributions 39 40 41 42 43 Consistent with the material presented in Chapter 7, the average travel time for a given segment or route is assumed to be an observed value of a continuous random variable (T) that follows an unknown probability distribution. The probability distribution is specified by the cumulative distribution function (CDF) F(x) or the probability density function (PDF) f(x), which are defined respectively by: 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Equation 11-11 and As such, for a given route, the probabilities that a certain travel time is less than 40minutes and between 30-minutes and 50-minutes could be written respectively as: Equation 11-12 and Since the ideal distributions F and f are not known, they need to be estimated from t1…tn, the historically archived average travel times assembled over the selected time range for the selected route. Since the average travel time is a continuous random variable, the theoretical probability that the exact same average travel time will be reported twice is zero. Assuming that the monitoring system calculates average travel times with a high enough precision (for example, one-second), it is unlikely that the exact same average travel time will be reported twice, even on reliable facilities. Three "empirical PDFs" illustrating the discrete nature of route-specific average travel times are shown in Exhibit 11-12. Exhibit 11-12 Discrete Average Travel Time Distribution Exhibit 11-12 shows PeMS average travel times measured during the summer months of 2009 on I-5 North, heading from downtown San Diego to the beach-side suburbs. Figure (a) shows the distribution of average travel times for 5:30 PM weekday departure times during this time period, figure (b) shows the distribution of average travel times for 8:00 AM weekday departure times, and figure (c) illustrates the distribution of average travel times for weekend 5:00 PM departure times. The x-axis shows the average route travel time, with spikes drawn at each discrete average travel time that was observed during the time period. The y-axis shows the frequency that each observed average travel time occurred. The fact that all of the spikes are the same height illustrates that, due to the discussed discreteness of travel times, each observed average travel time occurred exactly once. We can get a sense of the relative reliability on this route between the three displayed time periods. The PM period clearly experiences frequent variability in the average travel time, as there is a large range in possible average travel times. The weekend distribution also has some high average travel times, but the majority of observed average travel times are clustered between 22 and 25 minutes. In the AM period, average travel times are highly clustered around the same value, and thus can be considered more reliable. Exhibit 11-12 shows the empirical PDF in its most raw form, but a more popular way of visualizing the empirically-based distribution of average travel times is through a histogram, shown in Exhibit 11-13 for the same data in Exhibit 11-12. In histograms, average travel time measurements are grouped into bins to give a better idea of the varying likelihoods of different average travel times. Here, we can start to see which average travel times are the most likely. In the PM period, for example, we can see that average travel times around 28 minutes and 33 minutes occur most frequently, but the significantly higher 37 minute average travel times occur about 10% of the time at 5:00 PM. Exhibit 11-13 Average Travel Time Probability Density Functions 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 The plots also show the density curves (in red) formed by the kernel estimation from the data, whose formula is given by: 33 Generation of Segment Travel Time Histograms 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Chapter 7 and Section described methods for determining travel times based on Bluetooth data. This was done by first identifying vehicle passage times at each of the Bluetooth readers, then pairing those passage times from the same vehicle at origin and destination locations. These techniques were developed with the goal of maximizing the validity of the travel times. However, because of Bluetooth data's susceptibility to erroneous travel time measurements, even the most careful pairing methodology will still result in trip times (which could include stops and/or detours) that need to be filtered in order to obtain accurate ground truth travel times (the actual driving time). This section of the methodology describes a four-step technique for filtering travel times. Appendix N describes the application of these techniques to the Lake Tahoe case study and includes travel time histograms before and after filtering. This section focuses on the low-level issues associated with obtaining travel time distributions from Bluetooth data. Equation 11-13 where K is some kernel function and h is a smoothing parameter called the bandwidth. Kernel density estimation is a non-parametric way of estimating the unknown PDF f(x) from the empirical data. CDFs express the unknown theoretical probability that the average travel time will be shorter than or equal to a given average travel time. The most straightforward way to estimate the unknown CDF is to use the empirical distribution of the data to form the "empirical cumulative distribution function" (ECDF). The ECDF is a function that puts a weight of 1/n at each measured average travel time ti. It is calculated as follows: Equation 11-14 (Number of ti's that are less than or equal to x) An example ECDF for the average travel time pertaining to a 5:00 PM departure time in San Diego is shown in Exhibit 11-14. The x-axis shows the range of possible average travel times, and the y-axis (which ranges between 0 and 1) illustrates the empirical probability that an average travel time will be less than or equal to a given value. The ECDF is a "step function" with the discrete jump of size 1/n at each observed average travel time ti. Exhibit 11-14 Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function (ECDF) for the Average Travel Time Sample percentiles are easy to determine from the ECDF figures. For example, to find the sample median average travel time, we can find the point on the curve that corresponds with the 0.5 value on the y-axis (in this case, a travel time of 30.4 minutes). Similarly, to find the sample 95th percentile average travel time, we can find the point on the curve that corresponds to the 0.95 value on the y-axis (in this case, a travel time of 42.2 minutes). The ECDF is an approximation of the true, unknown CDF. Similarly, the sample percentiles calculated from the ECDF are approximations of the true, unknown population percentiles. 23 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 To begin, the distribution of raw travel times obtained from two different passage time pairing methods can be seen in Exhibit 11-20. The data presented here as "Method 2" was developed using the second passage time pairing method described in Section Data labeled as belonging to "Method 3" was built according to the third passage time pairing method in that same section. No "Method 1" analysis is included here due to that method's lack of sophistication. In Exhibit 11-20, the unfiltered travel time distributions appear similar apart from the quantity of data present. Both distributions have extremely long tails, with most trips lasting an hour or less and many taking months. It is clear from these figures that even the carefully constructed "Method 3" data is unusable before filtering. Exhibit 11-20 Unfiltered Travel Times Between One Pair of Bluetooth Readers from Lake Tahoe Case Study Several plans have been developed to filter Bluetooth data. Here, we adopt a four-step method proposed by Haghani, et. al. [2]. In Haghani's filtering plan, points are discarded based on their statistical characteristics, such as coefficient of variation and distance from the mean. The four data filtering steps are: Filter outliers across days. This step is intended to remove measurements that do not represent an actual trip but rather a data artifact (i.e., the case above of a vehicle being missed one day and detected the next). Here, we group the travel times by day and plot PDFs of the speeds observed in each day (rounded to the nearest integer). To filter the data, thresholds are defined based on the moving average of the distribution of the speeds (with a recommended radius of 4 miles per hour). The low and high thresholds are defined as the minima of the moving average on either side of the modal speed (i.e., the first speed on either side of the mode in which the moving average increases with distance from the mode). All speeds above/below these values are discarded. Filter outliers across time intervals. For the remaining steps 2-4, time intervals smaller than one full day are considered (we use both 5-minute and 30-minute intervals). In this step, speed observations beyond the range mean ±1.5? within an interval are thrown out. The mean and standard deviation are based on the measurements within the interval. Remove intervals with few observations. Haghani determines the minimum number of observations in a time interval required to effectively estimate ground truth speeds. This is based on the minimum detectible traffic volume and the length of the interval. Based on this, intervals with fewer than 3 measurements per 5-minutes (or 18 measurements per 30-minutes) were discarded. Remove highly variable intervals. In Step 4, the variability among speed observations is kept to a reasonable level by throwing out all measurements from time intervals whose coefficient of variation (COV) is greater than 1. After the data has been filtered, the travel time distributions over the week appear much more meaningful, as can be seen by comparing Exhibit 11-21 with Exhibit 11-20. The filtered travel times have lost their unreasonably long values and in both cases, a nicely shaped distribution is visible. Note that the earlier comparison of the data sets remains true: both have similarly shaped distributions, but the data prepared using passage time pairing method 2 contains a greater quantity of data. This is because that data set was larger initially, and also a 24 1 2 3 4 5 larger percentage of points from it survived filtering. Further detail about the application of the filtering steps described above can be found in Appendix N. 6 SYSTEM COMPUTATIONS Exhibit 11-21 Filtered Travel Times (5-minute Intervals) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Thus far, this chapter has focused on useful ways of describing average travel time distributions and variability, and the time-dependent nature of both. The true quantities (PDF, CDF, and true population percentiles) have been carefully distinguished from the sample quantities (empirical PDF, ECDF, histogram, and sample percentiles). Such distinction is important for conceptualization and modeling purposes. For practical purposes, however, the monitoring system will work mostly with the empirical data using a number of standard formulas that can directly compute percentile reliability measures from a set of data points. These equations are directly embedded in data analysis tools like Microsoft Excel or MATLAB, making reliability computations relatively straightforward. To serve as an example, the steps to calculating percentiles recommended by the National Institute of Standards and Technology are as follows (9): To calculate the sample pth percentile value, XP , from a set of N data points in ascending order: {X1,X2,X3,…XN}: p*(N + 1) = k + d, where p is between 0 and 1, k is an integer and d is a fraction greater than or equal to zero and less than one. If 0 < k < N, XP = Xk + d*(Xk+1 - Xk); If k = 0, Xp = X1; If k = N, Xp = XN. There are a number of alternate formulas available, but for reliability monitoring purposes, they will yield nearly identical results. 27 Error Estimation 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 When a reliability statistic such as the 95th percentile is calculated from average travel time data, some errors are introduced. One is the "interpolation error," which occurs because some interpolation is made between data points to calculate the percentile in the above formula. This is a relatively minimal calculation noise. A more fundamental error is the "sampling error," which occurs because we use a statistic from the empirical data (for example, the sample 95th percentile) to estimate an unknown parameter (for example, the true 95th percentile). Sampling errors are typically quantified by the standard error, which is the approximate standard deviation of the sampling distribution from the statistic. For the 95th percentile, the approximate sampling distribution is given by: Equation 11-15 where N is a standard normal density function, is the sample 95th percentile, and is the true 95th percentile. Therefore, the standard error of the 95th percentile estimate is: Equation 11-16 25 1 2 3 4 which is proportional to . With most sample statistics, the accuracy of the empirical statistic improves at the speed of as data size increases. Agencies need to consider this when defining the durations of time over which to compute reliability measures related to average travel times. 5 Sparse Data Case 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Estimates like the sample 95th percentile are non-parametric and can become noisy if there are too few data points. Historical data can be considered sparse if there are less than 10 data points available for a given time of day and day of week in the database. On these cases, it is best to consider fitting the parametric distribution of a pre-specified class to the data and estimating the percentiles based on the assumed distribution. Under a normal (Gaussian) class distribution, the distribution of average travel time can be modeled as follows: Equation 11-17 22 REPORTING RELIABILITY 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 On a basic level, the travel time reliability monitoring program described in this guidebook is intended to be capable of the following: (1) calculating travel time probability density functions for segments and routes from various data sources and archiving them into a data warehouse; (2) developing regimes that portray the distribution of individual trip travel times when the segment or route is operating in a particular mode; (3) identifying the regime in which a particular segment or route is operating at any given point in time; (4) aggregating travel times to various spatial and temporal dimensions to support different analyses; and (5) assembling travel times into distributions and generating reliability statistics from them. From these capabilities, a fundamental question remains: how can the outputs of the system support the needs of the various prospective users? In real-time and ex-post-facto, travel time information needs to be summarized and presented in a form that is synchronous with the specific needs of users, whose value of reliability depends on the trip purpose. In the passenger travelers group, for example, a commuter that departs work in the evening at a fixed time may be interested in knowing the most reliable path of travel. A recreational traveler with a flexible schedule may be interested in knowing the most reliable time to travel. A business traveler with a fixed arrival time may want to find out how much extra time to build into the trip to guarantee an on-time arrival. Essentially, this is a question of results presentation, or how to best convey information about travel time reliability to the public and other stakeholders. The focus of this guidebook is on the data collection, processing, and storage needed to support reliability monitoring; as such, it does not detail the numerous forms and methods for communicating reliability information. SHRP2 Project L14, Traveler Information and Travel With a Gaussian distribution assumption, there are only two unknown parameters: (1) the mean ?; and (2) the variance ?2. The sample mean and sample variance of the data, i.e. and can be used for these parameters. Then, the natural estimate of the 95th percentile is: Equation 11-18 The log-normal distribution and gamma distribution classes are known to best approximate real-world average travel time distributions. 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Time Reliability, is focused on this task. However, so as not to preclude the future communication of measures and means found to most effectively convey reliability information to the various user groups, the reliability monitoring system needs to provide flexible outputs that can be adapted to support future developments in reliability information dissemination. The system can best support adapting user needs and evolving reliability measures by reporting reliability information in two different forms: (1) travel time probability distribution functions and (2) raw travel time data. To the extent it is helpful and informative, the guidebook also includes examples predicated on the currently popular reliability measures; however, the use of these measures should not be seen as either a restriction on the capabilities of the methodologies presented nor an implicit endorsement of those measures. This section first describes the system interface that allows for interchange of information between the reliability monitoring system and other related user systems, such as a traveler information system. It then describes how the monitoring system can generate each of the three required output types, which together will map over to the full range of user needs. 15 Systems Interface 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The basic interface between the reliability monitoring system and the users is a traveler information system. Essentially, the system described in this guidebook is the computational engine, and the traveler information system is the user-facing component that delivers information in various forms, including via the internet or through a VMS sign. The two systems need an interface through which to communicate. At a conceptual level, this interface consists of two message sets. The traveler information system sends a request for reliability information (the first message set). This request includes parameters such as: start date, end date, which time period to exclude between these two dates, and the lanes over which to perform the calculation. These parameters may change over time as monitoring capabilities and traveler needs evolve. The second message set is a response from the travel time reliability monitoring system that conveys the requested information in the requested form. The following sections describe the three possible forms of reliability information that an external system can request, as well as examples of the two message sets that form the communication interface. 29 Reliability Metrics 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 The system needs to have the ability to provide a set of computed reliability performance measures in response to requests. At this juncture, it seems prudent to support the calculation and reporting of the reliability and travel time performance measures that are seeing the greatest use in analyses: Planning Time (95th percentile travel time) Planning Time Index (planning time divided by the median travel time) Buffer Time (95th percentile travel time minus the median travel time) Buffer Time Index (buffer time divided by the median travel time) Median Travel Time (50th percentile travel time) Average Travel Time To this list, this project has added: The probability density functions portraying the different regimes in which segments or routes have been found to be operative under different conditions; 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 The parameter values describing those probability density functions assuming a mixture of three-parameter Gamma functions is used to describe the regimes; and The regime that is or was operative at a given point in time for a particular segment or route. Agencies can choose additional measures for the system to compute and report in realtime in response to requests. For example, it would be simple for the system to calculate and report any percentile measure, such as the 15th percentile travel time to account for early arrivals, or the 85th percentile travel time as an indicator of less severe delay than the planning time. Standard deviations and other measures of statistical range are also possibilities, though they are more suited for technical audiences than the general traveling public. The following describes a possible message request and message response for specific reliability metrics: Request Message Set: Sample start date: January 1, 2009 Sample end date: December 31, 2009 Departure start time: 5:00 PM Departure end time: 5:05 PM Include days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays Exclude days: Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays For lanes: aggregate mainline Form: Measures Measures: planning time, median travel time, buffer time Response Message Set: Planning Time: 45 minutes Median Travel Time: 30 minutes Buffer Time: 15 minutes Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs) Another request option is for PDFs of travel times for specific temporal and spatial aggregations such as the distribution of average travel times for a given segment for a specific time period or periods. The Assembling Travel Time Distributions section of this chapter describes how the system assembles these PDFs and the various forms that they can take. Where sufficient data is available, it is best to develop a non-parametric PDF from the raw travel time data. The most common way of deriving this estimate is using a kernel estimator, described in the Assembling Travel Time Distributions section of this chapter. Whether the PDF pertains to individual vehicle travel times or average travel times, the reporting of these smoothed probability estimates allows the recipient to generate any reliability statistic, although it is not be able to recreate the original data. Another option is to create bins based on ranges of travel time and compute the frequency with which observations arise in each of the ranges, using a histogram or table to present the result. While histograms are the most commonly used form for representing data distributions, the drawback is that the recipient cannot calculate specific measures of reliability; for example, it is only possible to tell in which bin the median travel time falls, not what the exact median travel time is. The example below shows a request for a histogram of average travel times on a route between two field-based detectors that are about 20 miles apart: Request Message Set: Sample start date: January 1, 2009 Sample end date: December 31, 2009 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Departure start time: 8:00 AM Departure end time: 8:30 AM From: Detector A To: Detector B Include days: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays Exclude days: Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays For lanes: aggregate mainline Form: Histogram Bin Width: 2 minutes Response Message Set: Travel Time (min) Frequency 16-18 1 18-20 5 20-22 5 22-24 8 24-26 14 26-28 26 28-30 20 30-32 16 32-34 18 34-36 15 36-38 7 38-40 6 40-42 1 42-44 2 44-46 2 46-48 0 48-50 1 50-52 1 30 Raw Travel Time Data 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 To maintain the highest degree of flexibility for the uses of system outputs, the system should give users the option of downloading the raw travel times, whether they are individual vehicle observations or averages, collected over the user-selected time frame. This capability gives users access to the complete empirical set of day-to-day travel times, allowing them to perform any desired analysis on the travel times and underlying reliability of the route. Here is an example of a request for travel times between two detectors that are about 18 miles apart at a specific time during the day. If the underlying data are from field detectors, this could be the sum of the instantaneous segment average travel times that pertained during the time interval of interest. On the other hand, if the underlying data came from AVI or AVL vehicles, this could represent the average of the travel times observed for vehicles that traversed the route starting at the specified time interval: Request Message Set: Sample start date: June 1, 2010 Sample end date: June 30, 2010 From: Detector A 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 To: Detector B Departure start time: 12:30 PM Departure end time: 12:35 PM Include Days: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays Exclude Days: Saturdays, Sundays For lanes: aggregate HOV Form: Raw Response Message Set: Date Travel Time (min) 6/1/2010 19.22 6/2/2010 16.88 6/3/2010 17.05 6/4/2010 18.38 6/7/2010 17.57 6/8/2010 16.92 6/9/2010 17.58 6/10/2010 16.92 6/11/2010 17.58 6/14/2010 19.50 6/15/2010 18.37 6/16/2010 17.43 6/17/2010 17.07 6/18/2010 44.00 6/21/2010 17.15 6/22/2010 19.27 6/23/2010 17.53 6/24/2010 17.07 6/25/2010 18.02 6/28/2010 18.10 6/29/2010 17.42 6/30/2010 31.37 32 ANALYZE EFFECTS OF NON-RECURRING EVENTS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 By leveraging the data stored in the non-recurring events database, analysis can be performed into the causes of travel time variability on each system route. Since these relationships are built up over time, this analysis is not done in real-time, but rather should be performed on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. It can be performed through a statistical model that uses the empirical data to fit a measure of variability for a route, such as the buffer time, to each non-recurrent congestion source. This chapter first outlines the data requirements needed to support the analysis of reliability's relationship with the sources of congestion. It then describes a statistical model that can be used to elucidate the relationships. Finally, it details the application of the model to a study corridor and the subsequent findings into the causes of route variability. 30 1 Data Requirements 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 To fit the empirical model, the travel time and non-recurrent source data need to be compiled for each route over a set of days (i=1,…n), for a specific time of day (h). The time of day h should be a single time point, such as 9:00 AM, noon, or 5:00 PM, so that multiple times of day are not grouped into a single analysis. The individual travel times used in the model are for vehicles that departed during the 5-minute time period defined by h. The non-recurrent event variables need to be drawn from a wider time period so that the residual congestion impacts of events earlier than h, as well as the delay due to events that occur mid-trip, can be reflected in the model outputs. As a general rule, events that occur during the time interval [h-a*, h+b*], where a=b=1, should be included in the model. The variables recommended for use as model inputs are as follows: Travel time Y(i): travel time for route departures during the 5-minute period defined by h. Traffic incident variable Xinc(i): number and/or severity of traffic incidents between [h -ainc, h + binc]. Work zone variable Xwz(i): presence, type, and/or severity of active work zone activity between [h - awz, h + bwz]. Weather variable Xweather(i): presence and/or severity of adverse weather conditions during the time interval [h - aweather, h + bweather] Demand variable Xdemand(i): Vehicle miles traveled (VMT) during the time interval [h - ademand, h + bdemand]. Special events variable Xevent(i): presence and/or attendance of special events at a venue along the route during the time interval [h - aevent, h + bevent]. These variables are specified loosely so as to be adaptable to the data available from each site. For example, for the traffic incident variable, some agencies may only have the total number of traffic incidents during the time range. In this case, the variable Xinc(i) would simply be the number of crashes on day i during the time interval [h - ainc, h + binc]. Other agencies may have more detailed information on incident characteristics, such as the number of cars involved, duration, injuries and fatalities, and number of lanes blocked. In these cases, Xinc(i) can represent a more sophisticated weighted factor that combines multiple variables, such as Xinc(i) = (number of lanes blocked) * (duration)2 * (1 + number of cars involved). 32 Statistical Model 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 The model presented in this chapter uses buffer time as the input measure of travel time variability. Buffer time is equivalent to the difference between the 95th percentile travel time and the median travel time. The method could also take in any other percentile-related measures, such as the 90th percentile travel time, the 95th percentile travel time, or the planning time index. Given the data inputs described above, the travel time can be modeled with the following linear regression equation: Equation 11-19 where X(i) = (X1(i),…,Xm(i))- the non-recurrent event variables; ? = (?1,…, ?j)- the coefficients that express the relationship between each non-recurrent event and the travel time; and the error term ?j is independent and identically distributed. 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 The 95th percentile of travel time Y?(x) = Y95%(x) at X(i) = x can be estimated by using quantile regression to solve the following optimization problem: Equation 11-20 16 Application Example 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 This section describes the application of the above model to a 30.5 mile segment of Interstate-880 northbound in the San Francisco Bay Area. In this case study, the model was run on travel time, incident, weather, special event, and work zone data from the 256 non-holiday weekdays in 2008. The model was run separately for three different time periods: AM, Noon, and PM. The AM period was represented by route departure times at 8:00 AM, the noon period by route departure times at 12:00 PM, and the PM period by route departure times at 5:00 PM. The analysis intervals used to gather data on the seven sources were as follows: AM: h = 8:00 AM and = 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Noon: h = 12:00 AM and = 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PM: h = 5:00 PM and = 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM The variables used in the model and their sources are detailed in Exhibit 11-21. where Equation 11-21 When 95th percentile travel times are used, ? = 0.95. This optimization problem can be solved by linear programming methods in standard analytical software packages. Once the effects of individual factors are identified, the contribution of a given factor j to the 95th percentile travel time is quantified as: Equation 11-22 Contribution of Factor j (minutes) = Equation 11-23 Contribution of Factor j (%) = Exhibit 11-21 Data Used for I-880 N Model The results of the travel time reliability decomposition for each time period are summarized in Exhibit 11-22. The contribution of capacity, which dominates in all three time periods, is a catch-all term that remains after explaining out the contributions of the other four factors using the empirical data. In the case of this route, this contribution to travel time variability is likely due to a downstream bottleneck at a major interchange, as well as the complex interactions between varying demand and capacity that cannot be quantified with empirical data. Incidents have the greatest impact on reliability in the PM period, a significant impact in the AM period, and minimal impact at noon, when traffic is not heavy enough for incidents to cause severe congestion. Conversely, because traffic is light, there are fewer incidents. Weather contributes very little to travel time variability on this route, likely because rain is relatively infrequent. Work zone contributions are minimal in the AM period but larger at noon and in the PM period. Special events, such as baseball games, have the biggest impact during midday. 32 1 2 3 4 Exhibit 11-22 Travel Time Reliability Decomposition of the Study Route SUMMARY 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 The investigation into the relationship between travel time variability and the sources of non-recurrent congestion is not performed in real-time, but should be done manually on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly level. The exact congestion factors used in the analysis will vary on a case-by-case basis. For example, the demand variable (represented by vehicle-miles-traveled) may not be available for routes where data is collected from vehicle-based technologies. In these cases, agencies can still use the statistical model described in this chapter, but can exclude this term, and any others for which they do not have data. Similarly, the variables used to represent each factor are dependent on the data that each agency is able to acquire. Where rich data exists on a source, agencies can combine variables stored in the database to create a single, weighted factor for input into the model. Finally, this analysis can only suggest the relative contributions of each source to travel time variability. It is impossible to fully quantify the impacts of every non-recurrent congestion source. For this reason, the results of the model will show a constant term that captures the factors not able to be quantified, such as fluctuations in demand and capacity, and interactions with congestion on other facilities. Instead of the statistical model described in this chapter, the San Diego case study (discussed in Chapter 4) applied a less sophisticated but more accessible approach that develops travel time PDFs for each source using a simple data tagging process. This approach was selected because it provides meaningful and actionable results without requiring agency staff to have advanced statistical knowledge. 24 REFERENCES 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 1) El-Geneidy, A.M. and R.L. Bertini. Toward Validation of Freeway Loop Detector Speed Measurements Using Transit Probe Data. IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference. Washington, D.C., 2004. 2) Chen, C., J. Kwon, A. Skabardonis, and P. Varaiya. 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