Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation National Water Research Center Water Management Research Institute Innovative Method for Rice Irrigation With High Potential of Water Saving Received Award International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) 14 October 2008 in the field of water an innovative way Prof. Dr. / Yosri Ibrahim Atta Research Professor at the Institute of Water Management Research Email: 1 Introduction: Rice is one of the most inefficient in water use because it grown generally under submerged condition in Egypt. It is means stable food for majority of the population and has become exportable crop in Egyptian agricultural system after the free cropping pattern policy. For these reasons, the areas cultivated with rice have been increased. The authorities in Egypt limit the area devoted to rice to be about 46000 hectares every year but the farmers cross this area to almost the double because rice is more profitable crop than other summer crops namely maize and cotton. Consequently the pressure increase on the limited area resources in the country and sometimes causes irrigation water shortage during the peak summer season. The water resources in Egypt are considered limited although the population increasing continuously. In the sense that they will not have sufficient water resources to meet their agricultural, domestic, industrial and environmental needs. One of the main strategies to overcome this problem is to achieve better water management policy. Irrigation management under old lands conditions which irrigated by surface irrigation method is very important to improve production and water saving. For increasing water use efficiency of rice can be improved without additional costs to the farmers and consequently water save. So saving water is necessary to face the water shortage in the future. Such saving for irrigation water of rice is like to be achieved by using a new planting and irrigation method with high potential for water saving. The aim of this study was performed in order to seek a possibility of growing rice cultivar Sakha 104 on strips in order to decrease the amount of irrigation water as well as increasing water productivity. Background: The traditional method for rice cultivation require that rice seeds be first soaked in sufficient water for 48 hr and then incubated for 24 hr to enhance the germination. Then after that, it were handly broadcasted. Field practices preparation performed and according nursery to the 2 traditional local management. 30 days old seedlings were transferred from the nursery and transplanted in the permanent field after puddling. The field is usually divided into basins. Transplanting of seedlings rice on flat at the hills (4-5 plants) distance of 20 x 20 cm to give the rate of (25 hills/m2) as recommended. All other cultural practices for rice were followed, the irrigation of rice crop during growing season was applying with 10 cm. The farmers got used to over irrigate their fields where losses of water are great. Hence decreasing of water productivity, therefore it is necessary to find out a new planting method and a new surface irrigation technique. There are many trails to estimate the amount of water used for land preparation for both nursery and permanent field, raising nursery for 30 days and the amount use during transplanting stage was measured 3983 m3/ha. Some researchers such Nour and Mahrous (1996) estimated this amount of water and found it 4602 m3/ha, Nour et al (1996) found it 4790 m3/ha, Sorour et al (1998) found it 4495 m3/ha and Atta (2005) found it 4476 m3/ha. Many investigators studied the water requirements of rice at continuous flooding in this respect Abou-Soliman et al (1990) gave a range of 16190-21428 m3/ha, Nour and Mahrous (1994) found this amount of water was 19152 m3/ha and Atta (2005) found it 14870 m3/ha. 3 The innovative method: This method is depending on reducing irrigated area by land deviation into furrows. Top of furrow was named (border) and bottom of furrow was named (tape). Every border and tape named (strip). The seedlings were transplanted in bottom of furrow (tape) with using the same plant density as recommended into two rows of plants according to strip width. Planting irrigation was given with enough amount for reaching to puddiling then the next irrigation were given for taps only with depth of 7 cm. Accordingly flooding area was less and consequently increased water saving by about 30%-40% using this new method increased irrigation application efficiency and water productivity, however it decreased percolation losses and decreased evaporation. Conservation of plant density: Using this method, it achieved new plants distribution as recommended plant density is (25 hills/m2) and in order to survive this density we can use the new method whereas in this method the plant density can be calculated for example as follows: Furrow with long 10m and wide at 0.8m. Total area = 10 x 0.8 = 8 m2 No. of hills = 8 x 25 = 200 hills No. of hills in each row = 200/2 = 100 hills Distance between hills = 8/100 = 0.1 m And consequently we can find that , No. of hills per unit area is equal for both new and traditional methods. Generally in this study the new planting method for rice (strip of furrow 80 cm) was always better than traditional method in reduction of irrigation water applied and costs while it increase water productivity and grain yield because planting rice on strips perhaps made a good advantages and important proprieties such as: - Good distribution of plants. 4 - Less flooding area. - Water saving 30%-40%. - Raising water productivity. - Increasing fertilizers use efficiency. This innovative method has been conducted in 2002 on small research area as an experimental work. After that, through years of 2003 till 2005, whereas the experiments showed good achievement, the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation co-operated with Water Management Research Institute for extend this innovative method on different governorates covering all climate and soil conditions in Egypt. These governorates were located on different regions (North Delta, Middle Delta, West Delta and East Delta). This extension works aimed to convince the farmers by using this new method in order to save water. During theses extension years we achieved a very good results on water saving by convincing many farmers by this method. The cultivated areas were 50 hectares distributed on different sites. After this extension work, The Minster of Water Resources and Irrigation allowed to forbidden rice cultivation areas (such Fayoum Governorate) to cultivate rice but under using this Innovative method which save the applied water by 40%. The Minster announced this through the media. In addition to the Minster gave his instructions to irrigation districts to use this new method and to be wide used all over Egypt. Then this method through years 2006 and 2007 has been used on large scale on five regions including Fayoum Governorate, Middle Egypt on cultivation area about 150 hectares. Some piece information about this innovative method have been published in Grid (FAO Journal) Volume 25, 2006, Arabic and English versions. 5 And Water Management Project in Fayoum recommended this method to be world wide used. And currently Irrigation Improvement Projects applying this new method on the command areas. WUAs now using this method and they doing extension for it. Methodology: The Innovative method of rice cultivation (on strips) was applied in farmers fields on five governorates under different soil and climate conditions in Egypt in 150 hectares, This study aimed to seek the possibility of growing rice in the bottom of furrows (strips) in order to increase water use efficiency of rice cultivar Sakha 104 with cropping period (135 days). Some soil physical and chemical properties of cultivated areas are presented in Table (1). A Complete randomized blocks design with four replicates was used. Table (1) : some physical and chemical properties for the experimental sites Sand Silt Clay Soil % % % Texture East Delta 26.7 28.5 44.8 Clay West Delta 27.2 12.8 60.0 Middle Delta 17.4 19.1 North Delta 24.8 Middle Egypt 21.1 Sites EC F.C. W.P (dS/m) % % 8.1 1.19 38.34 19.90 Heavy Clay 8.5 1.5 42.30 20.80 63.5 Heavy Clay 8.3 2.1 41.60 19.60 32.6 42.6 Clay 7.9 1.2 34.80 20.80 40.6 38.3 Clay loam 8.0 2.8 36.41 21.30 6 pH Factors of study: Planting methods (M): two planting methods were followed in the permanent field, they were: M1: Traditional transplanting: Transplanting of seedlings rice on flat at the hills (4-5 plants) distance of 20 × 20 cm. to give the rate of (25 hills/m2) and, M2: Transplanting in strips of furrows 80 cm wide: (Top of furrow 45cm. and 35 cm. for bottom) Seedlings were transplanting in hills (4-5 plants) 10 cm. apart in the two rows on the bottoms of furrows (strips) keeping population the same as in the traditional method (25 hills/m2) as recommended as shown in Fig. (1). Top 45 cm 20 cm 35 cm Bottom 80 cm Fig (1) : Strips of Furrows Diagram (80 cm wide). Rice variety Sakha 104 was planted in these regions. Field preparation and nursery practices performed according to the traditional local management. Rice seeds were soaked in sufficient water for 24 hours and then incubated for 48 hours to enhance germination. Thereafter, it was broadcasted. Thirty days old seedlings were manually transplanted. Dates of some cultural practices as follows: East West Middle North Middle Delta Delta Delta Delta Egypt Sowing May, 20 May, 15 May, 21 May 18 May 16 Transplanting June, 20 June, 15 June, 21 June 18 June 16 Harvesting 29 Sep. 30 Sep. 4 Oct. 3 Oct. 1 Oct. Sites 7 The fertilizers requirements for the nursery were added according to the recommended doses according to Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center (ARC). Nitrogen fertilizer in the form of ammonium sulphate (20.6 % N) was used at a rate of 140 kg N/ha. Phosphate fertilizer in the form of Calcium superphosphate (15.5 P2O5) at the rate of 70 Kg P2O5 per hectare was added during permanent field preparations. The complementary fertilizers such as potassium and Zinc were applied as recommended in time. All other cultural practices for rice production were followed. Data Recorded: (A) Water Management Data: I. Irrigation Water Measurement: Irrigation water was measured using water meter (in m3). The amount of water used for land preparation for both nursery and permanent field, irrigation of the nursery for 30 days and through the first seven days after transplanting were measured to be 3983 m3/ha. The amount of irrigation water delivered to each treatment was also, recorded and added to get the total water used. Irrigation of the permanent field started after seven days from transplanting process and stopped before 10 days from harvesting process in all seasons. The water depth at the irrigation day was about 7 cm for all treatments with 3 days of irrigation interval. (continuous flooding). 2. Water Use Efficiency (WUE) : It was calculated according to Israelsen and Hansen (1962) as follows: WUE = Rice grain yield (Kg/ha.) / Total water used (m3/ha.) (B) Grain Yield (ton/ha.): The central samples of each field were harvested to determine grain yield in ton/ha as adjusted at 14% moisture content. All data were subjected to analysis of variance according to Cochran and Cox (1957) then treatment means were compared by LSD test. 8 ( C ) Economic analysis In order to identify the difference between the two methods, economic analysis will be applied. This analysis will depend on the following two indicators: Net return/m3 of water: This indicator will be callculated by dividing the net return arising from each method by the total amount of water applied Net Return /Total water applied…………….(1) Benefit cost ratio (B/C) : This ratio is calculated" by dividing the total net return for each method by its total costs. The higher ratio refer is the better economic efficiency. B /C = total net returns / total costs. Results and Discussion: Data for grain yield collected and presented in Table (2). The obtained data showed that, the planting methods had a significant effect on grain yield/ ha. The highest grain yield/ha (9.275 t/ha.) was obtain from M2 treatment, While the lowest value was recorded from M1 treatment (8.789 t/ha.). Similar results were obtained by Atta (2005). 9 Table (2): average of total water used, water saving, grain yield, yield increment and water use efficiency as affected by planting methods for five regions. m3/ha % East Delta M1 14871.3 - - 9.405b - 0.632 M2 9190.4 5680.9 38.2 9.954a 5.84 1.083 West Delta M1 13952.4 - - 7.939b - 0.569 M2 8133.4 5819.0 41.7 8.402a 5.83 1.033 Middle Delta M1 15628.6 - - 8.721b - 0.558 M2 9028.6 6600.0 42.23 9.146a 4.87 1.013 North Delta M1 15047.4 - - 9.090b - 0.604 M2 9500.0 5547.4 36.87 9.700a 6.71 1.021 Middle Egypt M1 15300.0 - - 8.830b - 0.577 M2 9260.1 6039.9 39.48 9.365a 6.06 1.011 M1 14959.94 - - 8.797b - 0.588 M2 9022.5 5937.44 39.69 9.313b 5.86 1.032 Over All Average Total water used m3/ha. Water saving (%) Grain yield (t/ha) Sites Planting Method (M) M1:Traditional method M2: Strips of furrows 80 cm 10 Yield increment (%) WUE kg/ m3 Table (3): average of water used (m3/ha) before and through irrigation treatments for five regions Irrigation Period East Delta West Delta 10742.8 M2 5061.9 M1 M2 North Delta A: Before Treatments* 3581.0 4252.4 3971.4 B: During Treatments 10371.4 11376.2 11076.0 4128.5 M1 Middle Delta Middle Egypt Over all Averages 4160.0 4018.66 11140.0 10941.28 5100.1 5003.48 14871.3 4552.4 4776.2 5528.6 C: Total Water Used 13952.4 15628.6 15047.4 15300.0 14959.94 9190.4 8133.4 9260.1 9022.50 9028.6 9500.0 * Amount of water for land preparation for both nursery and permanent field, as will as rising for 30 days and through 7 days after transplanting. Grain Yield: Data for grain yield collected and presented in Table (2). The obtained data showed that, the planting methods had a significant effect on grain yield/ ha. The highest grain yield/ha (9.275 t/ha.) was obtain from M2 treatment, While the lowest value was recorded from M1 treatment (8.789 t/ha.). Similar results were obtained by Atta (2005). Though transplanting was done in 10 intense way by doubling the population within the furrow of the strip, yet the rice crop performed better when transplanted in the bottoms of the furrows (strips) M2 treatment than M1 treatment as 9.5 9 Grain Yield (ton/ha) more 8.5 9.3 8.8 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 shown in Table (2). 5.5 Grain yield had higher value with transplanting on strips of furrows (M2). 5 Traditional method Strips of furrow s 80 cm Cultivation Method Increase grain yield/ha by 5.86 % using (M2) treatment compared with traditional transplanting (M1) treatment. This result can be explained that the plant of rice found better environment where, planted with a distance of 45 cm. for M2 away from the other plant planted in the neighboring furrow though, it may be competing with the other hill planted 10 cm apart within the same row. On other words, the intra-row competition especially for 11 light was minimized against increase in the inter-row competition. The rate of effect of these two competitions was in favour of the intra-row competition resulted in a better environment for rice plants. Water Relations: Water used before and through treatments: Table (3) showed the amount of 16000 water used for land preparation, for both raising for 30 days and through 7 days after transplanting and before treatments application were 4018.66 m3/ha. as average. Similar results were found by Nour and Total Water Used (m 3/ha) nursery and permanent field, as well as 14000 14960 12000 10000 8000 9022 6000 4000 2000 Mahrous (1994), Nour et al., (1996) 0 Traditional method Sorour et al., (1998) and Atta (2005). The Strips of furrow s 80 cm Cultivation Method nursery area was about one tenth of permanent field area. Water used through treatments application measured and was found to be 10941.28 and 5003.48 m3/ ha. for M1 and M2 treatments as average respectively. 100 Total water used: The results 90 showed that total water used by rice where 14959.94 and 9022.5 m3/ha for M1 and M2 treatments respectively. From these results, it can be reported that water saved were about 5937.44 m3/ha (39.69 % ), and yield increasing by 5.86 % for M2 Water Saving (%) according to the different planting methods, 80 70 60 50 40 39.7% 30 20 10 0.0% 0 Traditional method Strips of furrow s 80 cm Cultivation Method treatment. Some research workers estimated the water requirement of rice crop and they differed in their estimates. Abo-Soliman et al., (1990) gave 16190 –21429 m3/ha. Nour and Mahrous (1994) gave 19152 m3/ha. for Giza 176 cultivar, Nour et al., 12 (1996) gave 14976, 13333 and 14048 m3/ha. as the water needed for Giza 176, Giza 177 and Giza 178 cultivars, respectively. Sorour et al., (1998) gave 14390 m3/ha. for Giza 176 cultivar, Ghanem and Ebaid (2000) gave 13755 m3/ha. as water required to irrigate Sakha 101. cultivar and Awad (2001) gave 12452 m3/ha. for Giza 178 cultivar from transplanting to harvest. Atta (2005) reported that using strips of furrows 80 cm method as a new planting method for transplanting rice Sakha 104 cultivar obtained water saving with 34.8 %, increasing grain yield by 3.4 % and increased water use efficiency from 0.66 to 1.06 kg/m3. Water Use Efficiency (WUE): 1.5 1.4 Table (2) showed that the highest for M2 treatment (1.032 kg/m3).While the lowest one was recorded for M1 treatment WUE (kg/m 3) water use efficiency (WUE) was recorded 3 (0.588 kg/m ). This due to the marked reduction in the amount of water used with a significant increase in grain yield. Similar results were obtained by Atta 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 1.032 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.588 0.1 0 Traditional method Strips of furrow s 80 cm Cultivation Method (2005). Economic analysis The analysis of the study results revealed that rice cultivation under strip method is more effiecint than that under the traditional method. The net return for rice cultivated under strip method (M2) were calculated at 0.182 $ /m3 of water compared to 0.089 $/m3 of water for rice cultivated under the normal method (M1). On the other hand, Benifit cost ratio (B/C) for rice (M2) is higher than that for rice (M1) as shown in table (4). This due to the less amount of water used with rice planted under strip method. 13 Table (4) Net return per m3 of water and Benifit cost ratio (B/C) for rice according to planting methods. Planting Method Grain Total Yield return Costs $/ha Fixed Net Water return applied $/ha m3/ha Total Kg/ha $/ha Variable M1 8797 3838.7 1261.4 1246.0 2507.4 1331.3 M2 9313 4063.9 1172.0 1246.0 2418.0 1645.9 Net return($) /m3 of (B/C) 14959.94 0.089 0.531 9022.5 0.182 0.681 Abo soliman, M.S.M., S. A. Ghanem, S. A. Abd El-Hafez and N. El- Mowelhi, (1990). Effect of irrigation regimes and nitrogen levels on rice production and nitrogen losses under tile drainage. Ministry of Agric. And land Reclamation, Agric. Res. 1: 14-15. Atta,Y.I.M. (2005). Strip transplanting of rice : a new method for increasing water use efficiency under splitting of nitrogen fertilizer. Egypt.J. of Appl. Sci; 20 (10 B ) : 501- 511. Awad, H. A. (2001). Rice production at the North of Delta region in Egypt as affected by irrigation intervals and nitrogen fertilizer levels, J. Agric. Sci., Mansoura Univ., 26 (2): 1151-1159. Chochran, W.G. and G.M. Cox (1957). Experimental designs. 2nd Edit. Pp. 661. John wiley and sons, Inc . New York. Ghanem, S.A. and R.A Ebaid (2001). Effect of farm yard manure and water regimes on productivity of rice and succeeding clover crop . Egypt. J. Appl. Sci, 16 (6): 115 – 128. Israelsen, B.O. and V.E. Hansen (1962). .Irrigation Principles and Practices 3rd Edit. John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York. Nour, M. A. and F.N. Mahrous (1994). Effect of varying irrigation intervals during tillering, reproductive and ripening stages on rice yield and its 14 cost ratio water References components Egypt. J. Appl. Sci, 9 (7):869-879. Benifit Nour, M.A., A.E S.A. Ghonem Abd El-Wahab, and A.O. Bastawisi (1996). Behavior of some rice cultivars under different water regimes. Menofiya ; Agric . Res; Vol 21 (4): 837 – 850. Sorour F. A.; M.E. Mosalem; F.N. Mahrous and I.S. El-Refaee. (1998). Effect of irrigation interval and splitting of nitrogen on growth, yield and quality of rice J. Agric. Res. Tanta Univ.24(1) 64-70. 15 The Influence of Sugar Cane Transplanting Methods on Water Saving and Yield 16 Introduction Sugarcane ( Saccharumofficinarum L. ) is consider to be one of the most important sugar crops all over the world . But in Egypt sugar cane production faces some problems which developed by time. The main problems nowadays are the limited freshwater supply in Egypt and water requirements increased accompanying the increase in temperature degrees and wind speed as well as the reduction in the relative humidity. In addition, soils with low productivity have high water needs. So, it was found that crops grown in the same soil and the same season almost have equal water needs ( Moursi and Nour El-din , 1977 , CCSC 2003 , Chapman et .al 1997 , EL- Shafai 1996 and ESST 2006 ). Sugarcane is repeatedly accused with having the highest water requirements among field crops. Therefore, some voices have lately risen up demanding the replacement of sugarcane with sugar beet which has relatively lower water need. It is true that sugarcane has a high water need for some reasons. The first it occupies land for 12 months (Spring planting) or 14-16 months (Autumn planting) which is considered a long growing seasons. So great of effort has been directed at improving farm land irrigation in Egypt. In order to meet greater demand for agricultural products arising from population pressures, the government of Egypt has looked to increasing production in both the vertical and horizontal directions. In order to increase production in the horizontal direction, desert lands must be cultivated; this means water resources must be used more carefully to have water available for areas currently not utilized. Likewise, improved on – farm water management plays a role in the vertical direction. In this respect transplanting method is a good techniques which has positive benefits such as saving water and the produce highest yield with the least possible amount of water applied so the aim of this work carried out to evaluate the economically effect transplanting method on yield and quality of sugar cane. 17 MATERIALS AND METHODS Two field experiment were carried out for two seasons of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 , at Mallawy water RequiremtsReasearch Station – El- Minia Governorate ; Water Management Research Institude -National water Research Center .A randomized complete bolcks design of four replications was used where two trials of cane planting . First trial was transplanting after 70, 90 and 110 days from growing. Transplanting was conducted on 12th March in both seasons. Second trial was the traditional or normal growing method on 12th March (the optimal growing), and 12 th June (the late growing) in both seasons, While, harvest was conducted on 12 months from growing. The subplot consisted of 42 m2 (six , 100 cm wide rows , each of 7 meters long ) . Some chemical and physical properties of the experimental soil before soil preparation were estimated according to the procedures outlined by Jackson (1968) and Olsen &Sommers (1982) are shown in Table (1) Table (1): Some physical and chemical characteristics of the experimental soils* Properties Season 2002/3 Season2003/4 Texture analysis : Clay% 36.92 36.15 Silt% 55.43 54.50 Sand% 7.65 9.35 Texture grade : Silty clay loam Silty clay loam Organic metter % 1.22 1.18 pH (1:1 suspention) 8.10 8.00 Ecm.mohs (1:1) 1.8 1.6 Soluble cations : Ca++ meq/L. 9.78 8.45 ++ Mg meq/L 2.72 2.75 ++ K meq/L 0.24 0.23 Na++ meq/L 4.95 4.45 Soluble anions : CO3 -2 meq/L. -2 HCO meq/L. 3.86 3.25 CI meq/L. 5.80 4.90 SO4 -2 meq/L. 8.36 7.78 Available N mg /kg soil 21.1 18 19.35 Available P ( ppm) 8.50 7.85 Exchangeablek mg / kg soil 175 180 Available S (ppm) 7.50 7.25 Data obtained in this work were as follow: 1- Millable cane yield (ton / fed): cane stalks of the four inner rows were harvested topped,cleaned , weighed and cane yield was calculated as ton/fed. 2- Recoverable sugar yield ( ton/fed ) : was estimated according to the following equation according to Mathur ( 1981 ) : Recoverable sugar yield ( ton/fed ) = Millable cane yield ( ton/fed ) x Purity % x Pol % . 3- Purity %juice was calculated as in Satiate et al. ( 1996 ) using the follow formula : Purity % = Sucrose % x 100 ÷ TSS % , where TSS% ( Total soluble solids ) was determined using “ Brix hydrometer “ standardized at 20 C as in A.O.A.C. ( 1995 ) . 4-Pol %cane of cane stalks was calculated by the following equation after determination of sucrose % in the cane juice using succharometer according to AOAC (1995). Pol % = { Brix % - ( Brix % - sucrose % ) 0.4 } 0.73 . The proper statistical analysis of all data was carried out according to Gomez and Gomez (1984). Homogeneity of variance was examined before combined analysis the differences between means of the different treatments were compared using the least dignificant difference (LSD) at 5% level. Some soil water – relationships data were recorded : Water Measurements In the two growing seasons water was measured by using a rectangular sharp crested weir. The discharge was calculated using the following formula : Q = CLH3 / 2(Masoud, 1967) Where: Q : The discharge in cubic meters per second. 19 L : The length of the crest in meters. H: The head in meters. C : An empirical coefficient that must be determined from discharge measurements . On the other hand ,quantity of water applied was measured in studied area ( the farmer practices) by cut throat Flum size ( 20 x 90 cm) where water applied was added during every irrigation and at the end of each growth season the total quantity of water applied was estimated (m3/ fed.). Water consumptive use (CU) The quantities of water consumptive use were calculated for the 60 cm soil depth which was assumed to be the depth of the roots zone as reported by many investigators. Monthly and seasonal water consumptive use was calculated by the summation of water consumed for the different successive irrigation through the whole growth season (Serry et al. 1980). Water consumptive use per feddan (4200 m2 ) can be obtained by the following equation . 2 – 1 CU = 100 Depth x Area (4200 m2) x b.d x 100 Israelsen and Hansen,1962 Where: CU = Amount of water consumptive use . 2 = Soil moisture content % after irrigation. 1 = Soil moisture content befor the next irrigation. b.d = Bulk density (g / cm3).Calculation of CU was repeated for all irrigations until the harvesting date. Crop water use efficiency (C.W.U.E) Crop water use efficiency is the weight of marketable crop produced per the volume unit of water consumed by plants or the evapotranspiration 20 quantity. The crop water use efficiency was computed for the different treatments by dividing the yield (kg) on units of evapotranspiration expressed as cubic meters of water (Abd El- Rasool et al. 1971 ) . It was calculated by the following formula: Yield (kg/fed.) C.W.U.E.= Water consumptive use (m3/fed.) Field water use efficiency ( F.W.U.E . ) Field water use efficiency is the weight of marketable crop produced per the volume unit of applied irrigation were expressed as cubic meters of water (Michael , 1978). It was calculated by the following equation: Yield (kg/fed.) F.W.U.E. = Water applied (m3/fed.) Economic efficiency Economic efficiency refers to the combinations of inputs that maximize individual or social objectives. Economic efficiency is defined in termsof two conditions: necessary and sufficient. Necessary condition is met in production process when there is producing the same amount of product with fewer inputs or producing more products with the same amount of inputs. But the sufficient condition for efficiency encompasses individual or social goals and values ( John and Frank 1987 ) . It was calculated by the formula: Net profit (L.E/fed) Economic efficiency= Total costs ( L.E/fed) Results and Discussion 1- Productivity and quality traits: Prductivity traits of sugar cane such as cane and sugar yields (ton/fed ) as well as quality properties expressed as pol%cane and purity %juice as influenced by the different planting methods were presented in Tables ( 2 and 3 ) . The 21 results in Table (2) showed that transplanting date had a significant effect on millable cane and recoverable sugar yields of sugar cane. The highest values of millable cane and recoverable sugar yields were obtained from transplanting at age of 90 days (57.35 and 6.50 tons/fed. respectively). While, the least values were gained from treatment A1 53.25 and 5.84 ton / fed, respectively ( transplanting at age 70 days ) . This might be mainly due to that transplanting at age of 90 days encountered within the early growth stage of seedling that could boost their growth. Concerning the conventional treatment ( grower practice ),the collected data in Table (3 ) showed that planting date of sugar cane had a significant effect on millable cane and recoverable sugar yields of sugar cane . The highest values of millable cane and recoverable sugar yields of sugar cane were obtained from B1 (the early planting on 12th march), 53.25 and 5.84 tons/fed, while, the least values were gained from treatment B2 ( the late planting on 12th June), 39.80 and 4.87 ton / fed, respectively. This result might be mainly due to that the late planting recorded the lesser tillering and stalk length compared with the early planting (the optimal growing ) . These results are in agreement with those obtained El.Koliey and Abd. El.Latif( 1998 ) . Table (2) Effect of transplanting dates on productivety and quality of sugar cane (combined of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons ) Transplanting dates A1 A2 A3 Mean F value L S D % 05 Millable cane yield ( ton/fed. ) 53.25 57.35 54.20 54.93 ** 0.40 Recverable sugar yield ( ton/fed.) 5.84 6.50 5.92 6.09 ** 0.010 A1 = Transplanting at age 70days A3 = Transplanting at age 110days Pol %cane 13.30 13.50 13.20 13.33 NS Purity %juice 82.50 84.00 82.82 83.19 ** 0.45 A2 = Transplanting at age 90days Table (3) Effect of normal planting on productively and quality of sugar cane (combined of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons ) Planting dates B1 B2 Mean F value Millable cane yield ( ton/fed. ) 49.50 39.80 44.65 ** Recverable sugar yield ( ton/fed.) 5.64 4.10 4.87 ** 22 Pol %cane 13.65 12.86 13.25 NS Purity %juice 83.50 80.05 81.77 ** L S D % 50 0.49 0.12 - 0.55 B1 = Normal planting on12th march ( the optimal growing ) B2 = Normal planting on12 th June ( the late growing ) The collected results in Tables ( 2 and 3 ) pointed out that transplanting achieved The higher values of millable cane and recoverable sugar yields of sugar cane than the normal planting , especially the late normal planting on 12th June . This increase might be principally due to increasing number of millable cane stalks per feddan and photosynthesis products which emigrate to storage sites in sugar cane. These results pointed out that the higher increase value in millable cane and recoverable sugar yields were achieved the studied transplanting method at age 90 days than other transplanting dates. Concerning quality properties of sugar cane, data in Tables (2 and 3) showed that transplanting date as well as normal planting date of sugar cane had a significant effect on purity %juice, but were insignificant on pol % cane. The highest values of purity %juice were obtained from A2 (transplanting at age of 90 days) and B1 (the early normal planting on 12th march) , 84.00 and 83.50.% respectively. This might be mainly due to that transplanting at age of 90 days and the early normal planting on 12th march led to increasing photosynthesis products which emigrate to storage sites in sugar cane, consequentely increase purity % juice . Generally, it concluded that transplanting planting method is preferable under the Egyptian conditions for sugar cane because it is gave higher value of millablecane , recoverable sugar yields, pol %cane and purity %juice of sugar cane . In addition,there were a positive correlation with both millable cane and recoverable sugar yields of sugar cane . Transplanting can be consideredasan important criterion in improvement of sugar cane productivity. Saving of water (m3/ area ) Data in Table (4) show that average quantity of water applied and saving of water ( m3/ area ) for different planting methods for sugar cane crop in the two studied seasons . The obtained results in the present study show that when the best method is use (transplanting method) we can save water irrigation than normal planting in 23 March and June about 28.28% and 32.87% respectively with an overall average of 30.57% Data also show that water irrigation can be saved, as average about 191.749950 and 232.06365 million m3 /area than normal planting in March and June respectively This quantity of saving water enough to cultivate area about 29960.929 and 36259.945 fed in old lands. In general, It could be concluded that water fast becoming an economically scarce resource in many area of the world. So, the use of transplanting method is very important to save water. The best method to planting sugar cane should give favorable crop yield and optimum use of water. Therefore, estimating economic of irrigation water becomes very important for planning irrigation management where the over irrigation by the farmers usually leads to low irrigation efficiency and high loss of water and fertilizer. These results reflex how much irrigation water can be save to produced the highest yield with least possible amount of water applied where the farmer’s practices in sugar can irrigation ( conventional irrigation treatment ) utilized much water without giving higher productivity . Thus to achieve the benefit , irrigation must be planed tacking into account crop , soil and weather conditions . The Economic Evaluation : Total costs , production and total income ( L.E / fed ) Data in Table (5 ) showed that value of total costs , production , total income ( L.E/fed ) and net return from unit of irrigation water ( L.E/m3) as influence by different planting methods for sugar came crop in the two studied seasons . Results in Table (5 ) show that the maximum values of total income (9176 L.E/ fed . ) and net return from unit of water irrigation ( 0.94 and 0.60 L.E/m3 ) were obtained from plants which grown with transplanting method . while , the lowest values of total income ( 6368L.E / fed . ) and met return from unit of water irrigation ( 0.06 and 0.04 L.E /m3 ) were obtained with the normal planting in 12th June ( late growing ). 24 From these results it could be concluded that the first treatment (transplanting method) led to increase in total income and net return water irrigation are mainly due to high yield production and decrease total costs. Where, the highest values of net profit / fed was obtained from transplanting method (transplanting after 90 days) about 4528 L.E/fed. and this profit rise from 4528 to 5348 in case of cultivating clover crop during exist period the sugar cane in nursery Also , data in Table ( 4 ) show that the percentages of increases in yield were more than conventional methods which planting in 12th March ( early grown ) or planting in 12th June ( late grown) compared with transplanting method 15.86% and 44.10% respectively in the two studies seasons . This results reflex low much irrigation water can be save to produce the highest yield with least possible amount of water applied . Table ( 4 ) : Quantity of total water saving ( m3 / fed) when we use the best treatments ( transplanting method) compared with other treatments for sugar can crop during the two studied seasons . Saved Avera To total The Total % Wate water ge of area Treatm yield of r area water (fed.) ents (ton/f incre appli cultiv saving of old ed) ase ed ( ated m3 land m3/f % 3 in m /fe plant million which ed yield d) cane /area can be crop cultiv in ated Egypt as a resulti ng of saving water Transpla 57.35 7517. 3043 28. 6300 191.074 29960. nting 0 20 .65 28 9950 929 method 49.50 1056. 15.85 Normal 0 85 planting in March Transpla 57.35 7517. 3683 32. 63000 232.063 36259. nting 0 20 .55 87 650 945 44.10 method 39.80 1120 Normal 0 0.75 25 planting in June Average 3363 .60 29.97 30. 57 63000 211.906 800 33110. 437 Water use efficiency ( WUE ) Water use efficiency was considered as an evaluation on parameter of total yield per unit of water applied and water consumptive use. WUE is a tool for maximizing crop production per each unit of water irrigation. The effect of the different planting methods on WUE is presented in Table (6 ) . From the presented data, it is clear that values of WUE of sugar cane differed from one treatment to other. It is obvious from data in Table (6) the highest value was of field water use efficiency and crop water use efficiency ( 7.63kg/m3 and 11.90 kg/m3 ) was obtained under treatment transplant method after 90 days respectively .This is mainly due to the higher yield of sugar cane and decrease water applied and water consumptive use in transplanting method compared with the other treatments . While the lowest value of field water use efficiency and crop water use efficiency ( 3.25 and 5.27 kg/m3) was obtained from normal planting in June respectively . These results indicated that the transplanting method is the best treatment from the view point of water management for sugar cane yield . This may lead to the conclusion that , transplanting method is the best regime for sugar cane irrigation under condition of the studied area . 110 Average 7517.20 57350 7.68 54200 7.21 54930 7.31 26 4820.34 90 7517.20 Transplanting method Table (6 ) : Values of total yield ( kg/ fed) of sugar cane crop , water applied ( m3 /fed) , water consumptive use ( m3 /fed) , water consumptive use ( m3 /fed) , field water use efficiency and crop water use efficiency in the two studies seasons Water Total Field Water Crop Treatments applied yield water use consumptive water use ( m3/fed.) ( kg/fed.) efficiency use (m3/fed.) efficiency ( kg/m3) ( kg/m3) 70days 53250 7.08 11.04 11.90 11.24 4820.34 11.3 Normal 10560.85 planting in March Normal 11200.75 planting in June 49500 4.69 7092.12 6.98 39800 3.55 7549.92 5.27 The economic efficiency : Increasing net return or profit for crops refers to the decreasing of production costs or for increasing crop production . So economic efficiency index refers to agricultural and irrigation activities , which can gives the highest return from each L.E.unit , which can spend on crop production . Concerning to economic efficiency, presented data in Table (7 ) , reveal that economic efficiency was 0.97 , 0.44 and 0.08 L.E / fed . for the transplanting method , normal planting in March and normal planting in June , respectively . From these results it could be conclude that the economic efficiency was increased with transplanting method in the two studied seasons . This increases in economic efficiency due to enhance of net profit (0.97 L.E for each L.E spend ) compare with other treatments Table ( 7 ) : Average values of the economic efficiency under lifting irrigation system for various treatments of sugar cane crop per feddan in the two studied seasons . Treatments Total return Total costs Net profit Economic efficiency Transplanting 9176 4648 4528 0.97 method ( after 90days ) Normal 7920 5500 2420 0.44 planting in March Normal 6368 5890 478 0.08 planting in June 27