Elements, Compounds & Mixtures

Elements, Compounds & Mixtures
Food Chemistry
Ms. Mann, Mrs. McLachlan
Name ______________________________
Period ______
Directions: Define the following scientific terms of the week:
Matter - __________________________________________________________________
Physical Properties - _______________________________________________________
Chemical Properties - ______________________________________________________
Directions: Draw the microscopic view of a solid, liquid and gas in the boxes below.
Directions: Complete the Classifications of Matter chart. Write the term in the
appropriate box.
Write examples of each:
Pure Substances – Made of only one kind of material and has definite properties.
Elements cannot be broken down but compounds can be chemically separated.
Mixtures - A combination of two or more substances in which each substance keeps
at least some of its original properties.
Directions: Define the following scientific terms of the week:
Homogeneous Mixtures - ____________________________________________________
Solution – Another name for a homogeneous mixture. One substance is dissolved in
another substance. A solution contains both a solute and a solvent._______________
Solute - __________________________________________________________________
Examples: Sugar, Salt
Solvent - _________________________________________________________________
Example: Water – recognized as a universal solvent
Heterogeneous Mixtures - ___________________________________________________
Examples: ________________________________________________________________
Directions: Define the following scientific terms of the week:
Unsaturated - _____________________________________________________________
Saturated - _______________________________________________________________
Solubility - _______________________________________________________________
The solubility of most solids dissolved in a liquid increases as the temperature
 Example: Sugar dissolves faster in boiling water.
The solubility of gas decreases as the temperature increases.
 Example: A warm can of soda will go flat faster than a cold can of soda.
Solute and Phase Changes
The amount of solute in a solution affects the temperature at which the solution
boils or freezes.
The ________solute present in a solution, the ___________the boiling point and the
______________the freezing point.
Example: ________________________________________________________________
Elements, Compounds & Mixtures
Food Chemistry
Ms. Mann, Mrs. McLachlan
Group Color ______________________________
Period ______
8 points
Solubility Activity
Your table now has 3 glasses filled with ¼ cup of water and 1 glass filled with ¼ cup
oil. Add 4 different solutions to the glasses and identify the type of mixture as
homogeneous or heterogeneous. Each glass will be stirred using the stirrers provided
on your tray.
All group members need to complete this activity sheet. Only one sheet will be
turned in for a grade.
Glass # 1 – Place 1 drop of food coloring in your glass of water and stir.
Glass # 2 – Add ¼ cup oil to the water and stir.
Glass # 3 – Add ¼ cup vinegar to the water and stir.
Glass # 4 – Add ¼ cup vinegar to the oil and stir.
Is this mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous? Write your answers below:
Glass # 1 – ____________________________
Glass # 2 – ____________________________
Glass # 3 – ____________________________
Glass # 4 – ____________________________
Directions: Using the color pencils provided, draw the mixtures and identify the
substances in the drawing. If the liquid is clear, write “clear” on the picture.
Glass # 1
Glass # 2
Glass # 3
Glass # 4