CHARLES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION Specific Learning Disability Eligibility Checklist Name of Student: School: ☐Y ☐N 1. Date of Birth: Date of Eligibility Determination: Documentation of a processing disorder that impacts the student in the area(s) of: ☐Oral Expression ☐Listening Comprehension ☐Written Expression ☐Basic Reading Skill ☐Reading Fluency Skills ☐Reading Comprehension ☐Mathematics Calculation ☐Mathematics Problem Solving Processing deficit: Evaluation source/date: ☐Y ☐N 2. AND, There is documentation of an educational evaluation and psychological evaluation that indicate a severe discrepancy between achievement and cognitive ability (see discrepancy chart). ☐Cognitive score, certified valid for the purpose and for the student by a certified school psychologist or licensed psychologist. Measure(s) used/scores: ☐ Appropriate achievement measures certified valid for the purpose and for the student by a certificated teacher for each area of suspected deficit. Measures used/scores: ☐Y ☐N 3. ☐ N/A ☐Y ☐N 4. OR, If a significant discrepancy is not documented through a standard score comparison, a significant discrepancy is documented by the IEP Team and sufficient data is present to demonstrate the presence of a specific learning disability. Information used to override significant discrepancy criteria: The student has been provided with learning experiences and instruction appropriate for his/her age or State-approved grade-level standards and demonstrates inadequate achievement ,and exhibits a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in performance, achievement, or both, relative to age, State-approved grade-level standards, or intellectual development. Measures used: SE 07/13 CHARLES COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS ☐Y ☐N 5. DEPARTMENT OF SPECIAL EDUCATION The student has not made sufficient progress to meet age or State-approved grade level standards when using a process based on the student’s response to scientific, researchbased intervention (RtI). Intervention/Strategy: If the RtI criteria cannot be met, document reason for overriding this area: ☐Y ☐N 6. Is lack of achievement a result of any of the following? (If yes, check areas that apply) ☐Visual, Hearing, or Motor Disability ☐ Intellectual Disability ☐Emotional Disability ☐English Language Learner (ELL) ☐ Environmental, Cultural, or Economic Disadvantage The IEP team used the above interpretation of the evaluation data to determine: ☐ The student has a Specific Learning Disability that adversely impacts his/her developmental progress and is eligible for specifically designed instruction and related services (IEP). ☐ The student has a Specific Learning Disability but it does not adversely impact his/her developmental progress; therefore, the student is not eligible for an IEP. ☐ The student does not have a Specific Learning Disability and is not eligible for an IEP. ☐ Evaluation data was insufficient to determine eligibility. Additional assessments and/or data will be obtained/collected in the area(s) of: SE 07/13