Sample ENES 461: Advanced Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis in Technology Ventures COURSE DESCRIPTION This course explores the factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity analysis in technology-based ventures, to include, but not limited to, software, IT, biotech, and energy startups. Using a cognitive theoretical framework the course examines the integration of motivation, emotions and information processing modes to make complex entrepreneurial decisions in fast pace technology venture environments. The course is an informed and interesting exploration of entrepreneurial cognition with both theoretical and methodological contributions for active and aspiring student technology entrepreneurs. COURSE GOALS To develop an entrepreneurial perspective by studying psychological aspects of entrepreneurship To reveal that entrepreneurial cognitions can be elicited and developed as an important prerequisite of effective opportunity analysis To explore the opportunity discovery aspects for recognizing, developing and implementing successful new technology venture ideas COURSE MATERIALS Shane (2004). “Finding Fertile Ground: Identifying Extraordinary Opportunities for New Ventures”. Wharton School Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-0131423985. Osterwalder & Pigneur (2010). “Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers”. ISBN-13: 978-0470876411. DELIVERABLES & GRADING Essay on Psychological Traits Essay on Opportunity Discovery Essay on Opportunity Analysis Business Model Design Project Peer Evaluation (if working as a team) 20% 20% 20% 40% 10% All deliverables must address technology concepts, per the course focus on technology ventures. Psychological Traits: Based on readings and PowerPoints to date, compare and contrast your personal six psychological traits versus those most common among successful entrepreneurs. How do these traits influence your ability to navigate the six steps in the entrepreneurial decision-making process? Discuss how your psychological traits would benefit from improvement and explain what opportunities you see to develop these areas through study and experiences. Three page assignment. Opportunity Discovery: Based on readings and PowerPoints to date, discuss (1) how opportunity recognition, information processing, and entrepreneurial risk propensity influence your personal decisions on entrepreneurial opportunities; (2) what biases and heuristics do you experience in exploring entrepreneurial opportunities; and (3) what changes and trends in society do you believe are creating the most entrepreneurial opportunities in industries that personally interest you. Three page assignment. 1 Sample Opportunity Analysis: Based on readings and PowerPoints to date, and built upon the changes and trends in society that you discussed in the essay on opportunity discovery, discuss (1) what is the profile of the innovators and early adopters seeking new products and services in that industry; (2) what are the current and expected gaps in competitive offerings; (3) what are the opportunities and risks involved with launching a new product or service in this industry with these competitors. Three page assignment. Business Model Design Project: This project will require individuals (or groups of two, at the students’ choosing) to select a new venture concept and develop a business model based on the opportunities and challenges for the technology concept. FORMAT FOR ASSIGNMENTS All assignments must be typed in 12 pt font, Times New Roman, and single-spaced with 1” margins. You should put your name (including team members) on the first page of each assignment. Assignments must be savedin a single Word document file labeled as follows: assignmentname_lastname_firstname. For example, “psychologicaltraits_green_ james”. For team deliverables, include all team member names within the file name. Reference should be cited in APA format with a reference pages. Do not exceed the page limit requirement as stated in each assignment; as grading will be based on the pages that fall within the allowable page limit. Excess pages will not be read. All work must be submitted via Blackboard on the “Assignment Submissions” link from the main menu by 11:59 PM on the day due unless otherwise noted. Late assignments will incur a 10 point penalty per day. ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION POLICY The University of Maryland policy on religious observance states that students should not be penalized in any way for participation in religious observances and that, whenever feasible, they should be allowed to makeup academic assignments that are missed due to such absences. However, the student must personally deliver to the instructor a written notification of the projected absence within two weeks of the start of the semester. The request should not include travel time. It is the student's responsibility to inform the instructor of any intended absences for religious observances in advance and that prior notification is especially important in connection with final examinations, since failure to reschedule a final examination before the conclusion of the final examination period may result in loss of credits during the semester. 2 Sample ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The University is one of a small number of universities with a student-administered Honor Code and an Honor Pledge. The Code prohibits students from cheating on exams, plagiarizing papers, submitting the same paper for credit in two courses without authorization, buying papers, submitting fraudulent documents, and forging signatures. The University Senate asks instructors to consider asking students to write the following signed statement on each examination or assignment: I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination (or assignment). Compliance with the code is administered by the Student Honor Council, which strives to promote a “community of trust” on the College Park campus. Allegations of academic dishonesty should be reported directly to the Honor Council (314-8450) by any member of the campus community. For additional information, consult the Office of Student Conduct website. For a description of the University's definition of academic dishonesty, suggestions on how to prevent cheating, and practical answers to frequently asked questions about the Code of Academic Integrity, consult the Student Honor Council's Resources for Faculty webpage. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES The University will provide appropriate accommodations for students with documented disabilities. In order to ascertain what accommodations may need to be provided, students with disabilities must inform faculty of their needs at the beginning of the semester. 3 Sample SCHEDULE Module 1: Psychological Traits of Entrepreneurship 1. Entrepreneurs and strategic decisions 2. Need for achievement 3. Independence 4. Individualism and locus of control 5. Optimism 6. Ability to focus and pursue a goal 7. Summary of the psychological traits of entrepreneurship Assignment: Essay on Psychological Traits Module 2: Discovering Entrepreneurial Opportunities 8. Selecting the right industry Read: Chapter 1 of Finding Fertile Ground 9. Identifying valuable opportunities Read: Chapter 2 of Finding Fertile Ground 10. Managing technological evolution Read: Chapter 3 of Finding Fertile Ground 11. Identifying and satisfying real market needs Read: Chapter 4 of Finding Fertile Ground Assignment: Essay on Opportunity Discovery 4 Sample Module 3: Analytical Skills for Entrepreneurial Opportunities 12. Understanding customer adoption Read: Chapter 5 of Finding Fertile Ground 13. Exploiting established company weaknesses Read: Chapter 6 of Finding Fertile Ground 14. Managing intellectual property Read: Chapter 7 of Finding Fertile Ground 15. Appropriating the returns to innovation Read: Chapter 8 of Finding Fertile Ground 16. Choosing the right organizational form Read: Chapter 9 of Finding Fertile Ground 17. Managing risk and uncertainty Read: Chapter 10 of Finding Fertile Ground Assignment: Essay on Opportunity Analysis Module 4: Business Model Generation 18. The Business Model Canvas Read: Business Model Generation pg. 14-51 19. Patterns of Business Model Generation Read: Business Model Generation pg. 56-119 20. Designing Business Models Read: Business Model Generation pg. 126-195 21. Strategy for Business Model Generation Read: Business Model Generation pg. 200-241 22. Process for Business Model Design Read: Business Model Generation pg. 244-261 Assignment: Business Model Design Project 5