Student Learning Outcomes for English Core Curriculum Courses This chart shows how English 120C Persuasive Writing, ENGL 220C Researched Writing, and ENGL 300C Literary Perspectives address Core Curriculum Learning Outcomes and the English Department’s student learning outcomes (Literature & Textual Analysis; Language, Linguistics, & Culture; Composition & Rhetoric; Communications; Research Strategies; Diversity; and Integration of Faith & Learning). Asterisks* indicate where SLOs are emphasized in the English Core Curriculum. 1 English SLO Core Curriculum SLO How & Where SLO is fulfilled Literature & Textual Analysis (*300) Core SLO #3 Develop effective, college-level- 300 – analysis of assigned readings in appropriate communication skills, focusing on literary genres applied to writing projects Demonstrate proficiency in the interpretation of writing in response to texts and on oral & class discussions on short stories, literature and textual analysis through class presentations. poems, essays, drama, films discussions and writing projects. 120 & 220 – analysis of assigned essays & other readings applied to writing projects & class discussions 2 Language, Culture, & Linguistics (all) Core SLO #2 Understand how to be an effective English SLO #2 is not directly addressed local, national and global citizen, expanding in English Core Courses; this SLO is Demonstrate cultural and structural knowledge of the knowledge of and respect for diverse cultures as covered by ENGL/ANTHRO 453 English language. demonstrated & assessed through entrance and Language, Culture, & Linguistics. exit attitudinal surveys; course work in diversity enriched and government courses; reflective essays on international educational experiences, local community service, and field research. 3 4 Composition & Rhetoric (*120,220) Core SLO #3 Develop effective, college-level- 120 & 220 – discussing & writing appropriate communication skills, focusing on persuasive essays; argumentation Apply a variety of composing processes and writing in response to texts and on oral rhetorical strategies to writing projects. presentations. Communications (*120,220,300) Core SLO #6 Develop foundational skills in 120, 220, 300 – written projects and oral technology and data proficiency, including presentations; use of technology (Internet, Evaluate, create, and participate in speech activities, locating and evaluating information through library databases, PPT) to research or dramatic performances, and technological media hands-on library instruction and assessment; present information projects. research papers and projects. Core SLO #3 Develop effective, college-levelappropriate communication skills, focusing on writing in response to texts and on oral presentations. 5 Research Strategies (*220) SLO #4 Develop qualitative and quantitative 120 – one final research paper; 220 – critical thinking skills as demonstrated & assessed several short & long research papers; 300 – Demonstrate proficiency in advanced research through MAPP entrance and exit exam; student research & literary analysis applied to strategies applied to writing papers, including the use writing and exams. projects of academic technology. 6 Diversity (*300) Core SLO #2 Understand how to be an effective local, national and global citizen, expanding Demonstrate social awareness of diversity issues by knowledge of and respect for diverse cultures as interpreting, analyzing, and writing about various demonstrated & assessed through entrance and cultural perspectives in literature. exit attitudinal surveys; course work in diversity 120, 220, 300 – writing projects, class discussions enriched and government courses; reflective essays on international educational experiences, local community service, and field research. 7 Integration of Faith & Learning (*120,220,300) Core SLO #6 Understand and develop a biblical world view informed by a Pentecostal perspective Integrate coursework with Christian faith by applying and integrate their faith with their learning as Christian perspectives to writing processes and the demonstrated & assessed through entrance and 120, 220, 300 – writing projects, class discussions study of literature. exit self reporting (in the first and last of required Religion Core courses) and integrative capstone essays. 1 English SLO Core Curriculum SLO How & Where SLO is fulfilled Literature & Textual Analysis (*300) Core SLO #3 Develop effective, college-level- 300 – analysis of assigned readings in appropriate communication skills, focusing on literary genres applied to writing projects Demonstrate proficiency in the interpretation of writing in response to texts and on oral & class discussions on short stories, literature and textual analysis through class presentations. poems, essays, drama, films discussions and writing projects. 120 & 220 – analysis of assigned essays & other readings applied to writing projects & class discussions 2 Language, Culture, & Linguistics (all) Core SLO #2 Understand how to be an effective English SLO #2 is not directly addressed local, national and global citizen, expanding in English Core Courses; this SLO is Demonstrate cultural and structural knowledge of the knowledge of and respect for diverse cultures as covered by ENGL/ANTHRO 453 English language. demonstrated & assessed through entrance and Language, Culture, & Linguistics. exit attitudinal surveys; course work in diversity enriched and government courses; reflective essays on international educational experiences, local community service, and field research. 3 4 Composition & Rhetoric (*120,220) Core SLO #3 Develop effective, college-level- 120 & 220 – discussing & writing appropriate communication skills, focusing on persuasive essays; argumentation Apply a variety of composing processes and writing in response to texts and on oral rhetorical strategies to writing projects. presentations. Communications (*120,220,300) Core SLO #6 Develop foundational skills in 120, 220, 300 – written projects and oral technology and data proficiency, including presentations; use of technology (Internet, Evaluate, create, and participate in speech activities, locating and evaluating information through library databases, PPT) to research or dramatic performances, and technological media hands-on library instruction and assessment; present information projects. research papers and projects. Core SLO #3 Develop effective, college-levelappropriate communication skills, focusing on writing in response to texts and on oral presentations. 5 Research Strategies (*220) SLO #4 Develop qualitative and quantitative 120 – one final research paper; 220 – critical thinking skills as demonstrated & assessed several short & long research papers; 300 – Demonstrate proficiency in advanced research through MAPP entrance and exit exam; student research & literary analysis applied to strategies applied to writing papers, including the use writing and exams projects of academic technology. 6 Diversity (*300) Core SLO #2 Understand how to be an effective local, national and global citizen, expanding Demonstrate social awareness of diversity issues by knowledge of and respect for diverse cultures as interpreting, analyzing, and writing about various demonstrated & assessed through entrance and cultural perspectives in literature. exit attitudinal surveys; course work in diversity 120, 220, 300 – writing projects, class discussions enriched and government courses; reflective essays on international educational experiences, local community service, and field research. 7 Integration of Faith & Learning (*120,220,300) Core SLO #6 Understand and develop a biblical world view informed by a Pentecostal perspective Integrate coursework with Christian faith by applying 120, 220, 300 – writing projects, class discussions Christian perspectives to writing processes and the and integrate their faith with their learning as study of literature. demonstrated & assessed through entrance and exit self reporting (in the first and last of required Religion Core courses) and integrative capstone essays.