ELDERSLIE HIGH SCHOOL THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD Dear Parent/Guardian, Your son/daughter has indicated that he/she may wish to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award at Elderslie High School. Information concerning the operation of the scheme is outlined below. The Award has been operating at Elderslie High School for over 23 years. In that time, many students have taken the opportunity to gain Bronze, Silver and Gold level Awards. The Award offers young people the opportunity to achieve through a non-competitive program of community service, adventurous, practical and physical activities, embracing the compulsory sections of Service, Expedition, Skill and Physical Recreation. A table of the requirements for each level of the award is attached. Instruction and assessment of each section is normally undertaken by an adult who has experience or qualifications in the particular activity. It is preferred that parents do not assume this role unless absolutely necessary. The Award is now also done “online”, bringing the D of E program up to date with current technology. It is important that participants and parents are able to access internet facilities either at home or school. More about these requirement’s will be explained to student’s that successfully joins the award. Weekly time requirements The time requirements for Skill, Physical Recreation and Service now require that participants must undertake at least one hour of activity per week in consecutive weeks and not average out hours over a monthly period as has often been the case. This is designed to prevent large blocks of hours being completed on an infrequent basis. Involvement encourages participants to acquire and develop skills in perseverance, initiative and self-confidence whilst setting and achieving particular goals. Their energy is channelled into activities accordingly. Employers recognise and appreciate the value of the scheme and the qualities developed in the participants who have achieved an Award. Expeditions These involve overnight trips either kayaking or sailing. At least one Practice Expedition and one Qualifying/Test Expedition are undertaken. These are usually undertaken on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Before expeditions a training day is required, so that assessors can ensure each participant's readiness. After each test expedition, a written report must be submitted. IT CANNOT BE GUARANTEED THAT A MALE AND FEMALE SUPERVISING ADULT ARE AVAILABLE FOR EVERY EXPEDITION. THIS HAS NOT CAUSED PROBLEMS IN THE PAST. HOWEVER, IF THIS CONCEPT CAUSES CONCERN FOR PARENTS OF FEMALE PARTICIPANTS, PLEASE CALL TO DISCUSS THE MATTER. KAYAKING or SAILING- These expeditions are not organised by the school but are offered by Mr Robert Willey, a former teacher with extensive kayaking and sailing experience and long involvement with the Award. Participants electing to pursue kayaking or sailing negotiate expedition dates/times directly with myself and Mr Willey. More kayaking and sailing details will be made available for participants choosing these activities. Choosing an expedition type There is no formal limit on the number of participants who may elect to do the award. However, because there are limits to the school's ability to supply supervising teachers and assessors for expeditions there may be a limit to the total number of bronze level participants permitted to choose some expedition types. Participants who change from one type of expedition to another will have to complete extra expeditions, so applicants should choose wisely at bronze level as it may not be convenient, or even possible, to change at a later date. Please indicate the preferred expedition type, kayaking or sailing, on the application form. Remembering that due to numbers it may not be possible to run some groups. Negotiations will be made with participants if this were to occur. If you only wish to be considered for one expedition-type just write a 1st preference. Commitment Involvement in the scheme is, of course, voluntary. However participants, and their parents, should understand that success is dependent upon personal commitment to the completion of Award requirements. Participants who are unable to develop the necessary self discipline to attend all meetings at school and to keep up to date with their activities and record-keeping will find it extremely difficult to complete their Award and are likely to drop out early. Exclusion from the Award Expeditions and other Award activities have occasionally been spoiled, for participants and supervisors, by the behaviour of individuals who choose not to cooperate or comply with instructions. These students have been, and will continue to be, excluded from all subsequent involvement in the Award at Elderslie High. Furthermore, any student whose behaviour at school deteriorates to the extent that they are placed onto "yellow" or "red" level in the school's discipline system will not be allowed to continue. We cannot risk the safety and enjoyment of others. Costs Involved A fee of $110 will be charged to all successful applicants. This covers registration, school administration and insurance for all activities undertaken for the Award at “BRONZE” level. Each subsequent level will cost $110 (Silver) and $125 (Gold), for each participant to participate. Participants are also normally liable for the extra costs associated with any particular activity. (e.g. Equipment, food, maps, transport, kayak/sail boat hire). Currently, the cost of expeditions is about $50 each day of an expedition, excluding food. To Apply Complete and return the permission note provided to Mr Marshall. Money ($110) can be paid to the front office from Friday March 20th 2015 onwards. Remember that there are only limited spaces available, and expeditions will operate on a first in first served basis. Please do not hesitate to call if you have inquiries, or if you feel that you can assist in any way. Yours faithfully, Paul Marshall Duke of Edinburgh Scheme Coordinator 2015 (02)46581110 DUKE OF EDINBURGH - PERMISSION TO JOIN AWARD This note must be returned to Mr Marshall by Friday March 20th, 2015, (week 8 term1) so that administrative matters can be attended to. My son / daughter _________________________ of roll class ________ has permission to join the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Enclosed is the $110.00 joining fee. Preferences for the expedition type are: (1) _____________________ (2) _______________________ Signed _______________________________ (parent / guardian). Date___________________ The Award's requirements are as follows:The New Programme: Developed by the Award office. Bronze Silver Gold 14 years and over 15 years and over 16 years and over Service Service Service Choose one form of Service and undergo appropriate briefing (and training if appropriate) then undertake practical service averaging 1 hour a week spread over 3 months Choose one form of service and undergo appropriate briefing (and training if appropriate) then undertake practical service averaging 1 hour a week spread over 6 months Choose one form of service and undergo appropriate briefing (and training if appropriate) then undertake practical service averaging 1 hour a week spread over 12 months OR 6 months if Service is chosen as longest section OR 12 months for non-Bronze holders if Service is chosen as longest section OR 18 months for non-Silver holders if Service is chosen as longest section Skills Skills Skills Choose a Skill and follow it for an average of 1 hour per week for a minimum of 3 months Choose a Skill and follow it for an average of 1 hour per week for a minimum of 6 months for those who have completed Bronze Choose a Skill and follow it for an average of 1 hour per week for a minimum of 6 months for those who have completed Silver OR 6 months if Skills is chosen as longest section OR 12 months for non-Bronze holders if Skills is chosen as longest section OR 18 months for non-Silver holders if Skills is chosen as longest section Physical Recreation Physical Recreation Physical Recreation Involvement and improvement in overall performance and knowledge of one chosen activity and perform regularly for an average of 1 hour per week for a minimum of 3 months Involvement and improvement in overall performance and knowledge of one chosen activity and perform regularly for an average of 1 hour per week for a minimum of 6 months Involvement and improvement in overall performance and knowledge of one chosen activity and perform regularly for an average of 1 hour per week for a minimum of 12 months OR 6 months if Physical Recreation is chosen as longest section OR 12 months for non-Bronze holders if Physical Recreation is chosen as longest section OR 18 months for non-Silver holders if Physical Recreation is chosen as longest section Expedition Expedition or Exploration Expedition or Exploration Undertake and complete training and a practice trip and a test expedition over 2 days and 1 night. Expeditions may be bushwalking, canoeing, cycling, boating or horse riding Undertake and complete training and 2 practice trips (or at least one if they have already completed this section at Bronze in a similar mode) and then complete a test Expedition over 3 days and 2 nights Undertake and complete training and 3 practice trips (or at least two if they have completed this section at Bronze or at least 1 if they have completed this section at Silver in a similar mode) and then complete a test expedition of 4 days and 3 nights Residential Project Undertake some shared activity either through voluntary service or training away from home for a period of 5 consecutive days