

LESSON PLAN 6– Stephanie Simpson

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Learning assessment

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Lesson date 22 July 2015

Lesson duration 60 minutes

Student should be able to talk about the origins of the English language very comfortably and be able to listen to any accent in the English language and be ready to adjust for differentsounding vowels and consonants and not solely rely on what she already knows to be English pronunciation. Student should be able listen and infer definitions of words based on context rather than pronunciation.

English language origin history lesson, phrasal verb review, listening to other accents to increase listening fluency

Reading an article about English language origins to increase reading fluency.

Prepare student for real world experience, travelling and hearing other accents. Student is already advanced and just needs to work on listening to various accents and increasing vocabulary, mainly.

Student should be able to listen comfortably to new and foreign accents in the English language, read an article with near-fluency and have a fresh knowledge of the phrasal verbs we will go over.

Student is near-fluent and has a large vocabulary. She is also experienced in talking daily with native English speakers and has knowledge of many colloquialisms. Conversation will improve her fluency. Correction will improve her accuracy.

Computer, downloaded recordings and videos, handouts, worksheets, whiteboard, markers, English origins article, phrasal verb handout.

I will ask the student various concept check questions throughout our reading of the article. I will ask her to discuss her opinion on the article and talk about the video we watch. I will also have her do a gap fill exercise to test her listening fluency when hearing other accents that are strange and foreign to her.

 My lesson went nearly totally to plan and was at the correct level, although next time, I will not have the student do a gap fill for the Shakespeare reading.

Instead, I will have her follow along and just practice listening to the foreign accent.

 The student understood everything and reacted very confidently to the lesson. I was very impressed and excited to be teaching such a confident and motivated individual.

 My TTT was good and she was able to practice her pronunciation a lot by reading the article.

 Next time, I would choose a shorter article or shorten it myself in order to have more time to discuss the article or the video more in depth. I would have her discuss more the implications of the video and how disappearing dialects affect a language and how this can affect a culture.

 The student understood my instructions and the lesson worked very well to her advantage and allowed her to improve her conversational and listening skills.


Phas e


1 5






Introduction and opening conversation

Video about

Lincolnshire dialect disappearing

Article about origins of the

English language and comprehensio n/discussion questions in

Teacher activity

Student activity

Getting to know you- discussion questions to ask Loreley things that will help me get to know her and have her practice some basic speaking exercises before starting the lesson

Show a video about the loss of the dialect of Lincolnshire in the UK

Watch the video and practice listening to

Ask Loreley to read the article aloud and for each segment, answer some comprehensio n questions

Answer the questions and participate in discussion different accents in


Read the article aloud and discuss opinions, answer comprehensio n questions


Discussion questions

Computer and downloaded video

Article about

English origins, comprehensio n questions, discussion questions






5 between each part of the article

Shakespeare recording gap fill

Discussion about


Phrasal verb worksheet accents in

English and therefore not relying on single pronunciation of words to decipher definitions of words and sentences.

Give student phrasal verb worksheet and have her match the phrasal verb with the synonym about the article and discuss opinions

Have student listen to a

Shakespeare play recording and do a gap fill worksheet

Ask student if listening to original pronunciation


Shakespeare helps them get used to hearing different

Listen to recording and fill in gaps on the gap fill worksheet

Discuss opinions about listening to various accents.

Computer with downloaded recording and gap fill worksheet


Match phrasal verb with synonym

Phrasal verb worksheet

Students who attended

Name Ag e


Loreley 38 Advanced


Loreley is basically fluent but not always accurate and sometimes has to ask for people to repeat. Other than that, she just needs to

practice listening and speaking and otherwise is very advanced.
