Paediatric Service in Southend, Essex & Thurrock




The service for children and young people who have allegedly been sexually abused is provided by G4S and the NHS at Oakwood place in Brentwood.

Tel no: 01277 240620

This is a holistic assessment and treatment service which includes if required, forensic and STI sampling.

The pathway is outlined below and the referral guidance is also attached.

Please note that in working hours the Paediatrician on call for SARC will discuss with Essex

Constabulary and Social Care the arrangements and timing of assessment, and will involve forensic examiners if required.

Out of hours the over 13s will be assessed by G4S medical services at Oakwood place.

In the unlikely case that an under 13 year old presents out of hours having been acutely assaulted or injured, they should be referred to the on call, paediatrician at the acute unit, where they will be assessed and if necessary, treated jointly by the paediatrician and forensic medical adviser at the right time for the child, which is unlikely to be late at night.

Service Delivery: Under 13 years

Always consider safeguarding issues and ensure SCS are informed and involved

1. Acute injury with symptoms such as pain or bleeding any time:

 To be admitted to acute unit whether in or out of working hours for assessment and treatment following strategy discussion

 On call acute paediatrician to assess injury, arrange treatment, take swabs as required, and if necessary call for assistance from Forensic Team (G4S) via Police Officer accompanying child and family

2 . Acute assault not requiring treatment any time:

To be assessed by a CSA trained G4S Forensic examiner at the SARC with a paediatrician, (estimated under 10 cases per year) following strategy discussion

Historic allegation of CSA:

Following assessment by SCS and CAIU including ABE interview if appropriate, to be seen at the SARC in a planned paediatric clinic co-ordinated by the SARC manager in discussion with the Police and Paediatrician (Strategy discussion)

Service Delivery: 13-16 years

Always consider safeguarding issues and ensure SCS are informed and involved

1. Acute injury with symptoms such as pain or bleeding any time:

 To be admitted to acute unit whether in or out of working hours for assessment and treatment following strategy discussion with Police/Paediatrician and Forensic Team (G4S)

 On call paediatrician to assess injury, arrange treatment, and call for assistance from G4S

Forensic Examiner

2. Acute assault not requiring treatment any time:

 To be seen at the SARC by the Forensic Team, who may consult with /request assistance of a trained CSA paediatrician, if immature or a LD young person

 Safeguarding issues should always be considered and referred by the Police/SARC team in these cases

3. Historic cases of CSA in this age group

Require assessment by a paediatrician only where there has been no previous consensual sexual activity or young person is immature or with LD

This should always be agreed in a strategy discussion and following an ABE interview

An experienced FME will be available to see these cases depending on availability

Any examination should be planned with all involved, following detailed discussion with examining doctor/Police/Social Care/SARC staff

4. Screening for sexually transmitted infections in prepubertal and pubertal children will be offered if required

Dr Nikki Rycroft Lead Designated Doctor SCCN

Liz Fox Lead designated nurse for SARC SCCN

Stewart McArthur Director of Child & Young People Joint Commissioning ECC,

Associate Director Children, Young People & Maternity, NHS South Essex
