APPLICATION FOR COURSE DEVELOPMENT FUNDING FOR THE GENOMIC LEADERSHP INITIATIVE AND THE CERTIFICATE IN GENOMICS, ETHICS AND SOCIETY Name(s):__________________________________________ Department(s):_____________________________________ Title and Number of New Course Proposed: ____________________________________ Title and Number of Modified Course Proposed: ____________________________________ Prereqs for course:__________________________ When and how frequently will this course be offered:_____________________________________ Cap on course:_____________________________________ Which certificate requirement group does this meet (introductory class, basic biology of genomics, informatics, statistics, ELSI elective):__________________ Which POEs or secondary emphases can this course also count for:_____________________________ Amount of funding requested. ______________ Note that you may request up to $5,000 for an entirely new 3 (or higher) credit course, $2,500 for revisions that are equivalent to half of a new course, and $1,000 for revisions to less than half of a course. I. Please include a draft syllabus for the class. It needs to include or directly relate to at least one of the following genomics certificate or GLI learning objectives. If it doesn’t specifically include one of these objectives, please describe how your goals relate to the learning objectives. Genomics Certificate Learning Objectives Students who attain genomics certification will be able to: 1. Describe the basic concepts and principles of genomics. 2. Explain the scope of genomics from genes to society. 3. Integrate knowledge of the chemical, physical, mathematical and computational bases of genomics. 4. Explain the importance of the place of genomics in the human effort to understand natural phenomena, including its history and social impact. 5. Be able to make and justify ethical judgments about genomics research and its uses in medical practice and elsewhere. 6. Use the skills and interdisciplinary perspectives of the liberal arts in understanding trends in genomics and communicating them to academic peers and others. 7. Apply the process of science to questions in genomics. Additional GLI Learning Objectives Students should be able to: 1. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of their selected field in genomics. 2. Progress into a leadership role, working with experts and nonexperts, with an awareness of the likely results of one's actions and an understanding of how results might differ in different settings and different cultures. II. List and explain the activities you plan to develop that specifically include genomics content or content relevant to the ethical, historical, and social impact of genomics, for example, in-class or takehome case studies, problem-based learning activities, research papers, lectures. Explain the relevance of the content and its importance for the certificate. Include how you plan to grade students on this work. If you are proposing a modified course, indicate the extent of the likely revisions to the course. (500 words max) III. Briefly describe your participation in one of the learning communities supporting the certificate. Did you attend or do you plan to attend one of the summer workshops or conferences offered at Juniata in summer 2013 or summer 2104? What professional development activities have you done or do you plan to do in order to prepare yourself to do this work? For example: Is this a part of on ongoing research or curricular-development program? Have you attended external workshops or conferences on the topic? Have you read books or literature on the topic? What other faculty are you consulting with as you develop this course? IV. Please e-mail to Vince Buonaccorsi ( for committee review. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Requests made after funds are depleted will be reconsidered in year 2.