Transport Fact Sheet (DOC - 18KB)

This version of the TRANSPORT fact sheet, May 2012 has been prepared for use with screen reader software.
The PDF version also available at is recommended for general access
Transport is an integral part of our daily lives. The transport system takes people to jobs, family, schools and
social activities as well as delivering our goods and services.
As Melbourne grows and changes, so will the number of trips made on the transport system by people. Currently
13 million trips are made per day. Over the next 30-40 years Melbourne may need to accommodate an
estimated seven million additional trips per day.
Victoria’s transport system includes roads, rail lines, tram lines, footpaths and cycling paths.
Travel by car accounts for around 77 percent of all weekday trips in Melbourne. Public transport accounts for
eight percent, walking 12 percent and cycling two percent.
Since 2005 there has been a significant increase in public transport use. In Melbourne, train patronage has
increased by 44 percent, tram patronage by 22 percent and bus patronage by 34 percent. In regional Victoria,
rail and coach patronage has increased by 96 percent. The number of trips made by private vehicles has
continued to grow, particularly on the outer suburban and freeway networks.
Graphic: Percentage of Mode Share 2009
Source: Vista 2009
Graphic: Increase in Public Transport Use 2005-2011
Source: Metlink, Department of Transport, 2011
Melburnians make close to 13 million trips across the city each day.
Melburnians make an average of three trips per day.
Public transport patronage is anticipated to double over the next 15 years.
Around 17 percent of travel to work is made on public transport.
60 percent of Melburnians travel on public transport at least once a month.
Travel by car accounts for 77 percent of all weekday trips and this increases to 81 percent
on the weekends.
Almost 70 percent of all trips to the central city are made by sustainable forms of transport
(public transport, walking or cycling).
Walking is the main form of travel for trips less than one kilometre.
Here are some key facts about transport and the changes government, businesses and the community need to
The transport needs of Melburnians are increasing, particularly the demand for public transport, cycling and road
trips using the freeway network. How effectively we can travel is critical to our experience of living in Melbourne.
Planning for the future will need to consider the increase in transport use and existing pressures, in order to
direct transport solutions to where people and businesses need them.
Graphic showing trips per day and population growth from 2011 to 2041.
Source: Victoria in Future, 2012 and Department of Transport, 2012
Travel by car remains the dominant form of how people travel across Melbourne, providing cross-suburban
journeys. Suburban roads and the entire freeway network have seen increased usage and continue to have
capacity constraints. We need to consider how to improve traffic flows for the benefit of all road users.
Train patronage grew by over four percent in the 12 months to June 2011, contributing to a patronage growth of
44 percent since 2005. This is an unprecedented rate of train patronage growth for Melbourne and capacity
issues are being felt across many lines.
The growing trend for inner city living and recent developments along key tram lines are likely to further increase
tram patronage. The ability of trams to run on time has been affected by the need for trams to share the road
space with cars, buses, trucks and bicycles. With 78 percent of the tram network operating on shared roads,
congestion has reduced the speed and efficiency of trams over time.
Overall bus patronage has grown by more than 34 percent since 2005. Buses share road space and are
impacted by road congestion, with most routes having to share the road with cars, trucks, bicycles and trams.
Over the next 20 years, air passenger travel to and from Melbourne is expected to more than double, increasing
from 25 million passengers per year to around 56 million. We need to consider this increase in passengers,
particularly travel to and from the airport.
Over the past five years cycling has grown by about eight percent each year. Cyclists are some of our most
vulnerable road users and the increasing number of cyclists requires us to consider improving cycling
infrastructure. Walking is the main form of travel for trips less than one kilometre and importantly, is the most
common way people access public transport. Around 75 percent of all trips less than 400 metres are made by
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