CV_2015_DS54 - Faculty of Biosciences & Medical Engineering

Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Malarvili Bala Krishnan
Feb 2015
One Page Summary CV………………………………………………………………………………………2
Personal Data…………………………………………………………………………………………………3
Professional Membership…………………………………………………………………………………….4
Work Experience.…………………………………………………………………………………..………...5
Computer Skills……………………………………………………………………………………………....6
Administrative Experience……………………………………………………………………………...…....6
Consulting & Professional Activities………………………………………………………………………...7
Academic Teaching…………………………………………………………………………………………..7
Subject Taught……………………………………………………………………………………...8
Academic Supervision…………………………………………………………………………..………...8-10
Research Input…………………………………………………………………………...………………11-14
Research Output…………………………………………………………………………………………….14
Copyright/Intellectual Property…………………………………………………………..………..14
Journal Review………………………………………………………………………………..…...15
Journal Manuscripts ………………….……………………………………………...15-17
Conference Manuscripts ………………………………………………..……………17-20
Book Chapters…………………………………………………………………….……..20
One Page Summary CV
Malarvili Bala Krishnan, Dr. (Ph.D., M.Eng, B.Eng)
Senior Lecturer at Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering, UTM
Head of Biosignal Processing Research Group -Biotechnology Research Alliance UTM
Tel: +6 07 5535982
Fax: +6 07 5536222
Mob: +6 012-3722964
Website: &&
Academic/Professional Background
Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Sciences Engineering), The
University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia. 2008
Master of Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Signal
Processing), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. 2004
Bachelor of Electric and Electronics Engineering, Universiti
Teknologi Malaysia, Skudai, Johor. 2002
: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Biomedical and Health
Sciences Engineering,UTM
2008-2009: Lecturer, Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences
Engineering, UTM
2005-2008: Lecturer, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM
2002-2005: Tutor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UTM
Academic Supervision
PhD Students
Master Students
Undergraduate Students :15
Research Interests
Physiological signal processing, Pattern Recognition with
an emphasis on biomedical applications, Time-frequency
signal analysis, Multi-modal signal processing, Computer
aided medical diagnosis system, Biomedical data acquisition
Research Input
Founder and Head of Biosignal Processing Research
Group (BSP RG)
Total no of research Grant:15
Total no of grant achieved:10
Total Journal Publication: 14 (Total Impact factor: 7.5)
Total Conference Proceedings (ISI/SCOPUS Index): 20
Total Conference Proceedings (Non- Index): 10
Book Chapters: 2
Administrative Experience
Head of Research Group, Biosignal Processing (BSPRG)
Coordinator for Postgraduate Taught Course -programme
MMBC (Masters of Biomedical engineering)
Committee Member of Faculty Graduate Studies (JKPS)
Committee Member of Faculty Management (JKP)
IT Manager of FKBSK
Committee member of Open Courseware Committee
Committee member of EAC Committee
Industrial Training Committee Member, FKBSK, UTM
Copyright/Intellectual Property
 Total Patents Pending: 3
 Total Copyrights: 6
International Awards :1
National Awards
UTM Awards
Membership of Professional Bodies
Community Service
Consulting & Professional Activities
Technical Program Malaysian Liaison for ISSPA, 2010
& 2012
International Translational Medicine Conference, Nov 34, 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
conducted for undergraduate, postgraduate and staff of
UTM, Skudai and UTEM, Melaka.
Technical Reviewer - IEEE Transactions on Biomedical
Engineering and EURASIP.
Academic Facilitator of John Hopkins University-Center
for Talented Youth 2013
Panel for FRGS Proposal Evaluation
Editorial Board Member
o Biotechnology,
o FIJST Journal 2013
Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) Evaluator in
Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation
Tamil, English, Bahasa Melayu
IC Number
: 800626-14-5320
: Female
Date of Birth
: 26 June 1980
: Malaysian
Marital Status
: Married
Place of Birth
: Wilayah Persekutuan, Kuala
Research Interest
: Physiological signal processing, Pattern Recognition, Timefrequency signal analysis, Multi-modal signal processing,
Computer aided medical diagnosis system, Biomedical data
Contact Address
: Faculty of Biosciences & Medical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Senior lecturer
Ph: +6 07 5535982
Fax: +6 07 5558515
Mobile: +6 012-3722964
Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Skudai,
Bachelor of Electric and Electronics
Thesis: Feature Extraction of ECG
Jun 1998-Jun 2002
Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia, Skudai,
Master of Electrical Engineering
(Biomedical Signal Processing)
Thesis: Development of QT
Dispersion Algorithm as a Predictor
of Sudden Cardiac Death.
Aug 2002-Aug
Perinatal Research
Centre, Royal Brisbane
Women Hospital, The
University of
Queensland, Australia.
Doctor of Philosophy
(Medical Sciences Engineering)
Thesis: Combining Newborn EEG and
HRV for Automatic Seizure Detection
Oct 2004-March
The Institution of Engineers Malaysia , IEM: G 54349 (ELECTRONIC)
Board of Engineers Malaysia, BEM: GE 78430R
Biomedical Engineering Association Malaysia, BEAM: BEAM-0189
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET): 1100395405
The Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR): 4431
International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology
(IACSIT) : 80350264
Organisation/ Department
Department of Microelectronics and Jun 2002- Sept 2005
Computer Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Department of Microelectronics and Sept 2005-April 2008
Computer Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Faculty of Biomedical and Health
Sciences Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
May 2008-May 2009
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Biomedical and Health
Sciences Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Jun 2009- Dec 2012
IT Manager
Faculty of Biomedical and Health
Sciences Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Jun 2009- Dec 2012
Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Biosciences and
Medical Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Jan 2013-
Platforms: Windows 2000, 2003 Server and Professional, Windows XP (Pro and Home),
Windows 7, Win 3.11/95/98, Dos 6.22, Citrix ICA, MS Exchange 2000
Hardware: HP, IBM, Dell, and Intel Based Server and Desktop Platforms, Cisco 2500
Switches, HP Laser Jets, Toshiba E-310 Color Copier, Toshiba and Sony Laptops
Software: MS Office, Visio, Symantec: PC Anywhere, Antivirus, Utilities, Win fax;
McAfee Virus Scan, Adobe: Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop, Partition Magic, Adware,
Spyware, Malware, Virus-Removal, C/C++, Visual C++, Java, HTML, PSP, MySQL,
CMS (Joomla), Matlab, PSpice, Assembler, Tanner Tools, Max+Plus2.
 Head of Research Group, Biosignal Processing (BSP-RG)-Biotechnology Research
Alliance UTM
Founded RG at UTM in 2010
 Coordinator for Postgraduate Taught Course -programme MMBC (Masters of
Biomedical engineering) 2014 Committee Member of Faculty Graduate Studies (JKPS), FKBSK 2009 Committee Member of Faculty Management (JKP), FKBSK 2009-2012
 Committee Member- Penilaian Teknikal, FKBSK UTM 2010-2011-2013
 Chairman of WEB TV FKBSK 2011-2012
 IT Manager of FKBSK, UTM 2009-2012
Setup, install & configure network (LAN & WLAN) at FKBSK
Setup, install, configure & troubleshoot server BIOMEDICAL
Design & maintain BIOMEDICAL website-Webmaster
Setup, install, configure, troubleshoot & maintain BIOMEDICAL mailing
server-Google Apps platform
 Committee member of Open Courseware Committee (OCW) 2012
 Committee member of Taskforce Mini Conference of Bachelor’s Degree Program,
FBME 2014-2015
 Committee member of EAC Committee
 Committee member of Academic Committee Member 2011
 Committee member of Undergraduate Project Committee
 Industrial Training Committee Member, FKBSK, UTM 2009-2010
 Technical Program Malaysian Liaison, International Conference on Information
Science, Signal Processing and Their Application (ISSPA), 2010 & 2012
 Invited Speaker for International Translational Medicine Conference, Nov 3-4, 2011,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
PROCESSING were conducted for undergraduate, postgraduate and staff of UTM,
Skudai and UTEM, Melaka.
 Technical Reviewer for a number of International conference and journal with IF
such as IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering and EURASIP.
 Academic Facilitator of John Hopkins University-Center for Talented Youth 2013
 Assistant Chairman of Viva Session, 2013
 Associate member of UTM-IJN 2013
 Panel for FRGS Proposal Evaluation
 Project Advisor of Associate Faculty Member UTM Perdana School 2011-2013
 Editorial Board Member
o International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering, IJAREEIE
o Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering
o FIJST Journal 2013
 Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) Evaluator in Biomedical Engineering and
o Evaluator of Curriculum for Diploma in Biomedical Instrumentation
Engineering- MARA Ledang College 2012
o Evaluator of Curriculum for Bachelors of Biomedical Engineering- Universiti
Sultan Zainal Abidin 2013
 Developed three new courses and PBL labsheets for 3rd and 4th year:
Biomedical Signal Processing (final year undergraduate)
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (first year undergraduate)
Advanced Biosignal Processing (postgraduate)
PBL Labsheet
a. Analysis of ECG signal (3rd year)
b. Analysis of HRV (4th year)
c. Processing of EEG (4th year)
 Total teaching credits: 39
Subject Taught
Biomedical Signal Processing
Instrumentation and Measurement in Biomedical
Problem Based Medical Measurement Laboratory
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering
Technical Writing for Postgraduate Students
Research Methodology for Postgraduate Students
Basic Electronics
Doctor of Philosophy- 6
Masters by Research- 4
Undergraduate Project- 15
PG Thesis Examiner- 8
Name/Research Title
1Mohsen Kazemi
“New Prognostic Index to Detect the Severity of Asthma
Automatically using Signal Processing Techniques of Capnogram”
Graduated 2014
2Sazan Mumtaz Haidar
“Engineering Porous Silicon Nanoparticles by electrochemical
Etching as Drug Delivery Devices for Folic Acid and Anticancer
Drugs Tamoxifen, Mitomycin”
Graduated 2014
3Mohd Najeb Jamaludin
“Development of Spectral Delayed Luminescence System for Whole
Saliva Analysis: A Prototype Study”
Thesis correction
4Radha Swathe Priya Malon
Graduated, March 2015
5Noor Aimie Binti Salleh
“Heart Rate Variability as a Measure of Mental Stress”
6Ahmad Sh. Ahmad
“Identification of Human Pathogenic Aspergillosis by Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) for Early Diagnosis”
First year
Second year, semester 2
1Noor AimieSalleh
“Autonomic Function Assessment Tool using Time-Frequency
analysis of Heart Rate Variability”
2Nor Diana BintiZakaria
“A Development Of Prototype To Record Fetal Movement”
3Marzihan Bini AB Karim
“Analysis of occupational stress among UTM academic staff
diagnosed with hypertension using heart rate variability HRV”
4Nurul Emaan Ameen
“Automated Analysis of the Retinal Vasculature”
1Hanafi Musa
“Development of Decision Support System for Screening Potential
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receiver”
Graduated 2014
Writing up
Second year
First year
Graduated 2014
2Siti Zuleika Binti Zaharudin
“PC-Based Asthma Severity Monitoring Tool”
Graduated 2014
3Nur Ilham Imrah Binti Mou Yusof
“The Optimization of Asthma Diagnosis Tool to Monitor the
Severity of Asthma”
Graduated 2013
4Tan Wei Kiat
“Extraction of Physiological Parameters to Screen Potential
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receiver”
Graduated 2013
5Muhammad Farhan Bin Ishak
“Employee Medical History Management and Monitoring system”
Graduated 2012
6Mohammad Zarif Bin Abdul Aziz
“Design of Problem Based Learning Module: Analysis of
Electroencephalogram (EEG)”
Graduated 2012
7Abdul Hadi Bin Abdul Wahab
“Study of Relationship between Heart Rate Variability and
Automatic Nervous System”
Graduated 2012
8Suriaty Binti Ramli
“Analysis of Non-Stationary Properties of Capnogram for
Asthmatic Patient”
Graduated 2011
9Syarifah Nadia Binti Mohamad
“Design of Program Based Learning Laboratory Module: Analysis of
Electrocardiogram (ECG)”
Graduated 2011
10Wan Mahani Hafizah Binti Wan Mahmud
“Comparative Analysis for Quantification of Heart Rate Variability
Graduated 2010
11Tan Teik Keant
“Analysis of Capnography in Asthmatic Patient”
Graduated 2010
Norzahirah bt Mohd Rodi
“Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receiver Screening
Norshaliza Md Rosli
“Development of Respiratory CO2 Measurement Monitoring
Tool ”
Nor Alizah Zainuddin
“Analysis of Relationship of HRV and hypertension”
15- Hesham Darjham
“Detection of Ashma using MFCC”
International Awards
National Awards
UTM Awards
: 1
 UTM-PTP Fellowship Award 2001 (Master’s Program)
 Most Outstanding Award for the category of Science and Engineering for invention
of Development of QT Dispersion Algorithm as a Predictor of Sudden Cardiac
Death; IPTA Research & Development Exposition 2003, PWTC Kuala Lumpur.
 1st Runner-Up for Conference on Manufacturing & Electronic Technology, COMET
2004, UTM.
 UTM-SLAI Graduate Fellowship Award 2004 (PhD Program)
 Study Award 2011 on Controlling Infectious Disease for NAM member countries.
This award was presented by The NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women
(NIEW), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.
 Best Lecturer Award for the course of Biomedical Signal Processing – 2012
 Silver Award for invention of Heart rate Variability Diagnostic Tool for Assessment
of Autonomic Function at 14th Industrial Art & Technology Exhibition (INATEX)
INATEX 2012.
 Bronze Award for Intelligent Heart Rate Variability Analysis Diagnostic Tool For
Assessment Of Automatic Function, Innovation Awards For Medical Research, at
 Silver Award for New Prognostic Index to Detect the Severity of Asthma
Automatically at 24th International Invention, Innovation and Technology Exhibition
(ITEX), 2013, Malaysia.
 Gold Award for invention of Designing a Respiratory C02 Measurement for
Monitoring of Asthma Severity at 16th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition
(INATEX) 2014
 Certificate of Appreciation for Decision Support System to Screen Implantable
Cardiac Defibrillator Receiver at Novel Research & Innovation Competition 2014,
Universiti Sains Malaysia
 Winner of Zone Level for innovation of Decision Support System to Screen
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator Receiver at MyINOVASI 2014.
 Founder and Head of the Biosignal Processing Research Group
 Total no. of research grants: 15
 Total amount of grant received: RM 1 392 000.00
Title: “ Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Technique for Biomedical Signal
based on Time-Frequency Approach”
Source: NAS UTM RU
Project No: R.J130000.7736.3P051
Duration: 1 year
Grant received: RM 113 000
Title: “New Learning Algorithm Based Hidden Markov Model (HMM) As
Stochastic Modelling For Pattern Classification”
Source: FRGS, MOHE
Project No: R.J130000.7823.3F189
Duration: 2 year
Grant received: RM 78 000
Title: “Instantaneous Frequency Estimation Technique for Multicomponent
Biomedical Signal based on Time-Frequency Approach”
Source: FRGS, MOHE
Project No: R.J130000.7836.3F428
Duration: 2 year
Grant received: RM 50 000
Title: “Automatic Detection of Asthmatic Patient Using Digital Processing of
Source: GUP Tier 1, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2536.00H92
Duration: 1 year
Grant received: RM 113 000
Title: “Anti-Diabetic Effect of EPA/DHA (Omega 3) In Vivo and In Vitro”
Source: GUP Tier 1, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2536.01H78
Duration: 2 year 3 month
Grant received: RM 129 000
Title: “Novel method of assessing compliance levels and task performance of
incentive spirometry”
Source: GUP Tier 2, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2636.01J86
Duration: 1 year 6 month
Grant received: RM 40 000
Title: “Development Of Biophoton Emission Measurement System Using
Human Saliva”
Source: GUP Tier 2, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2636.05J78
Duration: 1 year
Grant received: RM 40 000
Title: “Development Of Decision Support System For Screening Potential
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receiver Based On Time-Frequency
Analysis Of Heart Rate Variability”
Source: GUP Tier 1, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2545.04H49
Duration: 2 year 1 month
Grant received: RM 199 200
Title: “FPGA Implementation of Electrocardiogram Biomedical Signal
Processing System-on-Chip Design for Portable Heart Monitoring System”
Source: NAS, UTM RU
Project No: R.J130000.7736.4P071
Duration: 1 year
Grant received: RM 20 000
10. Title: “A Novel Method to Analyze Instantaneous Properties of Physiological
Signal Using Time-Frequency Approach”
Source: FRGS, MOHE
Project No: R.J130000.7845.4F473
Duration: 2 years
Grant received: RM 60 000
11. Title: “Development of an Embedded System for portable Monitoring of
Asthma Severity”
Source: Sciencefund, MOSTI
Project No: R.J130000.7945.4S107
Duration: 2 year 6 month
Grant received: RM 231 500
12. Title: “Development Of Portable Asthma Severity Monitoring Tool For Home
Source: GUP Tier 1, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2545.07H29
Duration: 2 years
Grant received: RM 55 000
13. Title: “A Design Framework for Multi-Processor System-on-Chip
(MPSoC)Architecture Design-Space Exploration in Biomedical Application:
Human Heart ECG Monitoring and Processing”
Source: Sciencefund, MOSTI
Project No: R.J130000.7945.4S061
Duration: 2 year 6 month
Grant received: RM 155 400
Title: “Automated Intelligent System of Screening Potential Implantable
Cardiac Defibrillator ICD Receiver based on Bioengineering Approach for
Cardiac Electrophysiologist”
Source: Flagship, UTM RU
Project No: Q.J130000.2445.01G2
Duration: 1 year
Grant received: RM 30 000
15. Title: “Instantaneous Frequency(IF) Estimation of Time-Varying Signals using
Cross Time-Frequency Distribution (XTFD)”
Source: FRGS, MOHE
Project No: R.J130000.7823.4F188
Duration: 2 year
Grant received: RM 77 900
 Intellectual Property
Total Patents Pending: 3
Total Copyrights: 6
Patents Pending
1) Title: New Prognostics Index to Detect Severity of Asthma
PI Number: 20131220181
Role: Inventor
2) Title: Development of Decision Support System to Screen Potential Implantable
Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receiver
PI Number: 20131121119
Role: Inventor
3) Title: A System for Continuous Speech Recognition
PI Number: 2011003410
Role: Inventor
 Copyrights
1) Monitoring Severity of Asthma Using A New Prognostic Index
2) Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory Bachelor Student Pack_Analysis of
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
3) Biomedical Signal Processing Laboratory Bachelor Student Pack_Analysis of
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
4) Web Based Employee Medical History Management and Monitoring System
(MedMon System)
5) Intelligent Heart Rate Variability Analysis Diagnostic Tool for Early Assessment
of Autonomic Function
6) OCW Material-Biomedical Signal processing Lecture Notes
 Journal Review
Total journal reviewer: 6
1) Student Conference on Biomedical Engineering (SCBE) 2012
2) Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine- Elsevier Editorial System for
Computer Methods and Programs
3) Caspion Journal of Applied Sciences Research
4) International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET)
5) Extracting Fetal ECG from a Single Maternal Abdominal Record in 8th IEEE GCC
6) Matching Pursuit Based Time-Variant Bispectral Analysis and its Application to
Bimedical Signals
 Publications
Total Journal Publication: 14 (Total Impact factor: 7.5)
Total Conference Proceedings (ISI/SCOPUS Index): 20
Total Conference Proceedings (Non- Index): 10
Book Chapters: 2
Journal Manuscripts
M.B. Malarvili, S. Hussain, Ab. Rahim Ab. Rahman, Dato Prof Dr. Khalid Yusof.
“Development of Automated 12-Lead Qt Dispersion Algorithm For Sudden
Cardiac Death,” The Internet Journal of Medical Technology 2005, vol. 2, No.2.
M. B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah and B. Boashash, “Time-frequency analysis of heart rate
variability for neonatal seizure detection,” Journal of Australasian Physical &
Engineering Sciences in Medicine (APESM), October 2005. (Scopus indexed)
M. B. Malarvili, L. Rankine, M. Mesbah, B. Boashash, “Extraction of the Heart Rate
Variability Components Using a New Time-Frequency based Instantaneous
Frequency Estimation Technique,” Journal of Australasian Physical & Engineering
Sciences in Medicine (APESM), vol 29, No 4, pp. 375, December 2006. (Scopus
M. B. Malarvili, Mostefa Mesbah, and Boualem Boashash, “Time-Frequency Analysis of
Heart Rate Variability for Neonatal Seizure Detection,” EURASIP Journal on
Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2007, Article ID 50396, 10 pages, 2007.
doi:10.1155/2007/50396 (IF:0.81)
M. B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah and B. Boashash, “Neonatal Seizure Detection based on
Heart Rate Variability IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Accepted 2 Jun
2009, TBME-00876-2008-.R2, In Press. (IF: 2.496)
Kazemi M, Malarvili MB, “Analysis of Capnogram Using Linear Predictive Coding
(LPC) to Differentiate Asthmatic Conditions, J Tissue Sci Eng 2:111.
M. Mesbah, M. B. Malarvili, Paul Colditz, B. Boashash, “Automatic Seizure Detection
based on Combination of Newborn Multi-channel EEG and HRV
Information,”EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing , vol. 2012:215,
oct 2012. doi:10.1186/1687-6180-2012-215 (IF: 0.81)
Mohsen Kazemi, M. B. Malarvili, A. H. Teo “Frequency Analysis of Capnogram Signals
to Differentiate Asthmatic and Non-asthmatic Conditions using RBF Neural
Networks”, Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 2013, Vol. 12,
No. 3, pp. 236-246. (IF: 0.653)
Tan Wei Kiat, Megalla Pacrisamy, Malarvili Balakrishnan “Development of screening
tool to identify potential Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) receiver”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering, 2013, 2 (12). pp. 6390-6396. ISSN 2320-3765.
Nur Ilham Imarah, Malarvili Balakrishnan “Design of asthmatic severity monitoring
tool” International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical Electronics and
Instrumentation Engineering, 2013, 2 (12). pp. 5800-5809. ISSN 2320-3765
Mohsen Kazemi, Nur Ilham Imarah, M. B. Malarvili “Assessment on Methods Used to
Detect Asthmatic and Non-asthmatic Conditions using Capnogram Signal”,
Jurnal Teknologi, 2013, Vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 93-100, DOI: 10.11113/jt.v62.1179.
(Scopus indexed)
MN Jamaludin, M Balakrishnan “Development of Spectral Delayed Luminescence
System for Whole Saliva Analysis: A Prototype Study” Jurnal Teknologi, 2014,
Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 7-14. (Scopus indexed)
BalaKrishnan, M. , Colditz, P. and Boashash, B. (2014) A Multi-Channel Fusion Based
Newborn Seizure Detection. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Jun
2014, vol.7, No.8, pp. 533-545. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2014.78055.
Radha S. P. Malon, Sahba Sadir, Malarvili Balakrishnan, and Emma P. Córcoles, “SalivaBased Biosensors: Noninvasive Monitoring Tool for Clinical Diagnostics,”
BioMed Research International, vol. 2014, Article ID 962903, 20 pages, 2014.
doi:10.1155/2014/962903 (IF:2.706)
Conference Manuscripts
M. B. Malarvili, I Kamarulafizam, S Hussain, D Helmi, “Heart Sound Segmentation
Algorithm Based on Instantaneous Energy of Electrocardiogram”, The 30th
Annual Conference of Computers in Cardiology 2003. Thessalonoki, Greece.
M. B. Malarvili, Sh. Hussain, Ab. Rahim Ab. Rahman, I Kamarulafizam, “ ECG Baseline
Removal Using Adaptive Filtering”, Proceedings of Multimedia University (MMU)
International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies Conference.
2003. PJ Hilton Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
M. B. Malarvili, S. Hussain, “Development of a Prototype Intelligent Diagnostic Systems
of Heart Diseases Based on the ECG Waveform”, IPTA Research and Development
Exposition 2003. PWTC Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
M. B. Malarvili, M Najeb, I Kamarulafizam, Sh. Hussain, , “ Two Channel Acquisition
System for Heart Sound Segmentation Algorithm Nased on Instantaneous
Energy of Electrocardiogram”, Proceedings of Conference on Manufacturing &
Electronic Technology, COMET 2003 UTM Skudai.
M. B. Malarvili, Sh. Hussain, Ab. Rahim, I Kamarulafizam “Development of 12 Lead QT
Dispersion Algorithm”, Technical Postgraduate Sympossium 16th - 17th December
2003, TECHPOS’03, Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
M. B. Malarvili, S. Hussain. “Analysis of QT Dispersion for Myocardial Infarction”.
BioMed 2004 - Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Sept.
M .B. Malarvili, H. Hassanpour, M. Mesbah and B. Boashash, “A histogram-based
electroencephalogram spike detection,” Proceedings of 8th International Symposium
on Signal Processing and its applications, pp. 207-210, Sydney, Australia, August
M. B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah and B. Boashash, “'Time-Frequency Distribution Moments of
Heart Rate Variability for Neonatal Seizure Detection”. 31st International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), vol. 3, pp. 149-152,
France, 2006.
M. B. Malarvili, L. Rankine, M. Mesbah, B. Boashash, “Heart Rate Variability
Characterization using a Time-Frequency based Instantaneous Frequency
Estimation Technique,” Proceedings of the International Federation for Medical and
Biological Engineering (IFMBE), Vol.15, pp.432-436, 2006.
M. B. Malarvili, L. Rankine, M. Mesbah, B. Boashash, “Time- Frequency Based Renyi
Entropy of Heart Rate Variability for Newborn Seizure Detection” Proceedings of
the International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications (CD ROM) ,
Sharjah, UAE, February 2007.
M. B. Malarvili, V. Sucic, M. Mesbah, B. Boashash, “Rényi entropy of quadratic TFD:
effects of signal parameters”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signal
Processing and its Applications (CD ROM), Sharjah, UAE, February 2007.
M. B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah and B. Boashash, “HRV Feature Selection for Neonatal
Seizure Detection: A Wrapper Approach,” Proceedings Of IEEE International
Conference On Signal Processing And Communications (ICSPC 2007), pp. pp. 864-867,
Dubai, UAE.
M. B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah and B. Boashash, “HRV Feature Selection based on
Discriminant and Redundancy Analysis for Neonatal Seizure Detection,”
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information, Communications and
Signal Processing, (ICICS 2007), pp. 1-5, Singapore, Dec 2007.
M B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah, B. Boashash, “Newborn seizure detection based on fusion of
multi-channel EEG,” Procedings of the 5th International Workshop on Signal
Processing and it’s Application (WOSPA 08), Sharjah, UAE, March 2008.
M B. Malarvili, M. Mesbah, “Combining Newborn EEG and HRV Information for
Automatic Seizure Detection”, Proceedings of the 30th Annual International
Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Vancouver, Canada,
August 2008.
T. K Tan, M. B. Malarvili, “Analysis of Capnography for Ashmatic Patients,” The
International Conference on Signal & Image Processing Applications 2009
(ICSIPA 2009), Kuala Lumpur 2009.
T. K Tan, A. H. Teo, M. B. Malarvili, “Feature Extraction of Capnogram for Ashmatic
Patients,” The 2nd International Conference on computer and Electrical
Engineering (ICCEE 2009), Dubai, December 2009.
Wan Mahani Hafizah Wan Mahmud, M.B. Malarvili, “Comparative Analysis of
Preprocessing Techniques for Quantification of Heart Rate Variability”,
submitted to The International Conference on Computer, Electrical, and Systems
Science, and Engineering, Kuala Lumpur 2010.
N. Aimie-Salleh and M. B. Malarvili, "Study of relationship between heart rate
variability and autonomic function using cold pressor test for Malaysian
population," in IEEE Colloquium on Humanities, Science and Engineering
(CHUSER), 2011, pp. 351-354.
N. Aimie-Salleh and M. B. Malarvili, "Spectral analysis of HRV in the assessment of
autonomic function on normal subject," in IEEE International Conference on
Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE), 2012, pp. 263-266.
Desiree Wang Lee Yee, MB Malarvili, KIM Yun Jin and Hau Yuan Wen, “Investigation
of Electroacupuncture Effects on Heart Rate Variability in Healthy Volunteers,”
Proceedings of the 3rd International Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conference
& Exhibition (BIOJOHOR 2012)-scopus indexed
Mohsen Kazemi, MB Malarvili, “Feature Extraction of Capnogram Signal for Automatic
Detection of Asthma,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Biotechnology and
Biodiversity Conference & Exhibition (BIOJOHOR 2012) -scopus indexed
N. Aimie-Salleh and M. B. Malarvili, “Development of Heart Rate Variability Analysis
Tool For The Assessment of Autonomic Function,” Proceedings of the 3rd
International Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conference & Exhibition
(BIOJOHOR 2012) -scopus indexed
M. Paandian, Muhammad Farhan Ishak, M. B. Malarvili, “Online Employee Medical
History Management And Monitoring System,” Proceedings of the 3rd
International Biotechnology and Biodiversity Conference & Exhibition
(BIOJOHOR 2012) -scopus indexed
M. Paandian, M. B. Malarvili, “'A Web Based Employee Medical History Management
and Monitoring System,” Proceedings of the IEEE EMBS International
Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Science (IECBES), 2012, langkawi-scopus indexed
Mohsen Kazemi, M. B. Malarvili “Investigation of Capnogram Signal Characteristics
using Statistical Methods”, Proceedings of the IEEE-EMBS Conference on
Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), 2012, pp. 343-348, Langkawi,
Malaysia, DOI: 10.1109/IECBES.2012.6498020. -scopus indexed
Mohd Najeb Jamaludin, Mohsen Kazemi, M. B. Malarvili “Low Cost USB 16-bit
Photon Counter for Spectral Delayed Luminescence System”, IEEE International
Conference On Control System, Computing And Engineering (ICCSCE), 2014,
pp. 63-68, Penang, Malaysia. -scopus indexed
Nor Diana Zakaria, Mb Malarvili “Fetal Activity Recognition Using 3-Axis
Accelerometer Sensor”, IEEE Conference On Biomedical Engineering And
Sciences, 2014, Miri, Sarawak. -scopus indexed
Hanafi Musa, Mohsen Kazemi, Mb Malarvili “A New Algorithm to Screen Potential I
mplantable Cardiac Defibrillator (ICD) Receivers Using Artificial Neural
Networks”, IEEE Conference On Biomedical Engineering And Sciences, 2014,
Miri, Sarawak. -scopus indexed
Siti Zuleika binti Zaharudin, Mohsen Kazemi, Mb Malarvili “Designing a Respiratory
CO2 Measurement for Home Monitoring of Asthma Severity”, IEEE Conference
On Biomedical Engineering And Sciences, 2014, Miri, Sarawak. -scopus indexed
Book Chapters
M. Mesbah, B. Boashash, MB Malarvili, “Heart Rate Variability Time-Frequency
Analysis for Newborn Seizure Detection”, in A. Nait-Ali (ed.), Advanced Biosignal
Processing, pp. 95-121, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
Malarvili B, Kazemi M, Teo AH. A review of capnography in asthma: A
new approach on assessment of capnogram. Biotechnol. Bioinf. Bioeng.
2012, 2(1):555-566 ; pISSN 2249-9075, eISSN 2249-9938
Bahasa Melayu:
mother tongue
Prof. Dr. Jasmy Yunus
Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences Engineering,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
81300 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Prof. Paul Colditz,
Perinatal Research Centre,
Royal Brisbane Women Hospital
The University of Queensland.
Most Outstanding Award for the category of Science and Engineering; IPTA
Research & Development Exposition 2003, PWTC Kuala Lumpur.
Invention on Development of QT Dispersion Algorithm as a Predictor of Sudden
Cardiac Death.
1st Runner-Up for Conference on Manufacturing & Electronic Technology,
COMET 2004, UTM.
Invention on Development of QT Dispersion Algorithm as a Predictor of Sudden
Cardiac Death.
Study Award 2011on Controlling Infectious Disease for NAM member countries.
This award was presented by The NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women
(NIEW), Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development.
Invited Speaker for International Translational Medicine Conference, Nov 3-4, 2011,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Gold Award for invention of Designing a Respiratory C02 Measurement for
Monitoring of Asthma Severity at 16th Industrial Art and Technology Exhibition
(INATEX) 2014 Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM, Johor Bahru.
Winner of Zone Level for innovation of Decision Support System to Screen
Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator Receiver at MyINOVASI 2014.