New Oxford Renewal Underwriting & Renewal

New Oxford Renewal Underwriting & Renewal Procedures
Oxford Health Plan is changing its renewal procedures as of July 1, 2013.
Beginning with July 1, 2013 renewals, all groups must be renewed in the Oxford IDEA system. Failure to
do so and provide the new requirements and proper documents will result in termination of your group.
Groups will no longer be able to auto renew. Oxford strongly encourages you to discuss the new
requirements with your clients to assure that the proper information is provided for you to input into
IDEA and avoid a group's termination.
July renewals are now available on the IDEA system. All future renewals will be provided by Oxford, 60
days in advance. If you do not have a current log in, please call Andrew Itzler, the dedicated
Oxford/BenefitMall Rep., at (631) 348-5651 or Andrew is able to assist you with
setting up your log in, as well as assist with any questions you may have concerning the renewal process
in IDEA. Your BenefitMall Sales Team is also available to assist with questions pertaining to these new
For your reference a new proper procedures for renewing groups on the IDEA system document is
available. You must follow these procedures and upload any requested information to assure renewal of
your groups. Failure to do so will result in non renewal of the group (termination).
We have worked with Oxford to provide us with a list of groups with incomplete, missing and/or noncompliant information, based on your input into IDEA, which we will forward to you so that you may
complete the requirements for renewal and avoid termination.
We will be conducting webinars with Oxford to assist you in becoming familiar with the new process and
requirements. We strongly recommend that you and or your assistants attend one of these webinars. A
separate email will follow shortly announcing the dates of the webinars.
Thank you for your attention to this very important change in Oxford’s renewal process.