BDA Template Lesson Plan Template-(Inquiry) SUBJECT: Math First Grade TEACHERS: LeAnn Jack; Lauri Lonon STANDARD: 1.OA.1 Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems involving situations of adding to, taking from, putting together, taking apart, and comparing with unknowns in all positions, e.g., by using objects, drawings, and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem 1.NBT.1 Count to 120, starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and represent a number of objects with a written numeral. OBJECTIVE (EXPLICIT): Use addition to solve word problems using manipulatives (cubes) Write an addition equation Identify the symbols of an addition equation EVIDENCE OF MASTERY (MEASURABLE): BEFORE SUB-OBJECTIVES, SWBAT (SEQUENCED FROM BASIC TO COMPLEX): KEY VOCABULARY: MATERIALS: Add, equation, altogether, addends, sum Cubes White board or paper (individual) Story cards LINKS: TEACHER WILL: STUDENT WILL: Say: A child had 2 red apples and 3 green Orally answer the questions apples. How many apples does the child Students guide teacher through have? models using cubes. Ask: How many apples are red? How many apples are green? How many apples are there together? How do you know? How many cubes would you start with? Why? How many cubes would you add? Why? When you put the cubes together, how many cubes do you have altogether? How would we write an addition equation to represent this story problem? Provide additional examples if needed DURING CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE TEACHER WILL: Explain activity: In partners, one student will choose a word problem card from a pile and read it to their partner. The other student creates an equation using cubes. Both students write equation on white board/paper. Each student takes turns as the reader. STUDENT WILL: use cubes to represent story count how many cubes they have altogether write equation on white boards/paper AFTER CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE TEACHER WILL: Ask: What does it mean to add? What symbol do we use to show addition? What does altogether mean? What is an equation? Say: The numbers that are being added together are called addends Ask: What numbers in the equation would be the addends? (refer to first sample) What symbol do we use to show equal? Say: A sum is the answer to an addition equation. Ask: What is the sum in the equation? Say: Write a sentence to tell what an addition equation is using the words/phrases: putting together or combining, addends, and sum. Draw a picture of a story problem and write an equation to match the picture. CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE STUDENT WILL: Partner Share: Adding means putting together or combining or getting larger Show partner an addition symbol using fingers Altogether means putting things together, combining, or getting larger An equation is a set of numbers and symbols that equal The numbers 2 and 3 are the addends Show partner an equal sign using fingers The sum is 5 Math Journals: Write: An addition equation is putting together addends to find a sum.