Network Security Vocabulary: Cryptography Cryptanalysis Cipher Plaintext Ciphertext Encryption ≠ Decryption Classes of encryption algorithm 1. one – key cryptography ( symmetric cryptography) In this class used the same key for encryption and decryption. Plaintext Ciphertext Encryption Plaintext Decryption Symmetric cryptography 2. "Asymmetric cryptography" In this class used two keys called – public key and private key. Private key Plaintext Encryption Public Key Ciphertext Decryption Asymmetric cryptographyِِ Ciphertext Tradition cryptography could be divided into: - transposition ciphers - substitutions ciphers - Transposition ciphers: In Transposition Ciphers plain letters are simply rearranged In Substitution Ciphers same plain letters are replaced by same cipher letters. - Substitutions ciphers: Transposition cipher Meet me at noon Encoding Decoding noonta em teem Rail fence Algorithm Rail fence Algorithm divides the word/sentence into two rows and combines them. Example : Encode the following sentence using Rail fence Algorithm: "Transposition ciphers can easily be broken" t a s o i i n i h r c n a i y e r k r n p s t o c p e s a e s l b b o e The cipher text will be: "Tasoiinihrcnaiyerknrnpstocpesaealbboe" Rout cipher algorithm: In this algorithm, the letters divided into elements, the element could be only 1 letters then divide the elements into several levels and make a keyword on the rows to show the rows arranging. n (The size of matrix and keyword should be agreement between the sender and receiver) Example: "Transposition ciphers can easily be broken" Matrix will be 14(columns) * 3(rows) Keyword CAT C A T t r a n s p o s i t i o n c i p h e r s c a n e a s i l y b e b r o k e n X X The cipher text will be: "rssichsnsybkxtnotnpraaleonapioieceibrex" In order to decoding the ciphertext fill the following table by alphabet of CAT: C A T r s s i c h s n s y b k X Exercise: Cipher text: llcleafjlgaaoex Matrix : 3 (rows) – 5 (column) Keyword : CAT Encode the Cipher text using Rout cipher algorithm. ***** Transposition Cipher and Substitution Cipher at the same time (Fractionation systems) Example on Fractionation systems is a "ADFGVX Code": "ADFGVX Code" use matrix (6*6) to exchange 26 letters of English Language and 10 numbers. A D F G V X O r a n g e A B c d f h i D J k l m p q F S t u v w x G Y z 0 1 2 3 V 4 5 6 7 8 9 X The keyword Principle of coding using "ADFGVX Code" 1. In this method used keyword in the first row of matrix. 2. The initial ciphertext will be inserted into new matrix, where the letters' places will be exchange. Example: Encode the following word: "Cryptography", the keyword is "orange" Answer: A F G V X A O D D F G V X B J S Y 4 c k t z 5 d l u 0 6 f m v 1 7 h p w 2 8 i q x 3 9 The plaintext: r a c r y n p t g o g e r a p h y DD AD VA FV GD AA AV AD AF FV DV VA The initial ciphertext The initial ciphertext will be inserted into the column of a new matrix of exchange places (leftright) using new keyword (water: in our example). w a t e r 5 1 4 2 3 D D A D V A F V G D A A A V A D A F F V D V V A A تشير إلى الترتيب االبجدي للكلمة5 إلى1 االرقام من water The final ciphertext reading by alphabetic of keyword "water" ===> "DFAAVDGVFAVDAVAAVAFVDAADD" How decoding the final (DFAAVDGVFAVDAVAAVAFVDAADD)? 1. build the last matrix using keyword "water": w a t e r 5 1 4 2 3 D F A A ciphertext V تشير إلى الترتيب االبجدي للكلمة5 إلى1 االرقام من water 2. get the initial ciphertext DD AD VA FV GD AA AV AD AF FV DV VA 3. put the initial ciphertext into the first matrix using keyword"orange" A A O D r F a B c d D J k l F S t u G Y z 0 V 4 5 6 X 4. From this matrix get the plaintext. G V X f m v 1 7 h p w 2 8 i q x 3 9 n g e Exercise 1: Decode the following text: n a s e r "aadaa daaaa gfaaa ggaaa afaaa" First keyword: hadi Second keyword: naser 3 1 5 2 4 g a a d g f a f A g a d a a a a a a a a GAADGFAFAGADAAAAAAAAAAAAA A D F G E M S Y 4 f n t z 5 g o u 0 6 j p v 1 7 H A D F G V X a d i ga ad gf af ag ad aa aa s a u d i a h h h V b k q w 2 8 X c l r x 3 9 V b k q w 2 8 X c l r x 3 9 h Exercise 2: Encode the following word: "Saudia" First keyword: hadi Second keyword: naser A D F G V X A D F G E M S Y 4 f n t z 5 g o u 0 6 j p v 1 7 H The plaintext: The initial ciphertext a d i s a u d ga ad gf af ag ad f a n 3 g i a a a a a a a a a 1 a a d a a s 5 a f a a a e 2 d A a a a r 4 g g a a a The final ciphertext: aadaa daaaa gfaaa ggaaa afaaa