June 2014 - Montessori Children`s Garden


Montessori Children’s Garden

Summer of Science


What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a happenin’!

In Ms. Tina’s class they studied about spiders and In Ms. Emily’s (Ms. Cheryl’s) class they were studying ecology for the last two weeks. In practical life they were scooping and spooning spiders as well as playing with plastic spiders and scorpions in a spider habitat.

They had a “how to catch a bug work”, kinetic sand, and wrapping prey like a spider.

Sensorial: bug puzzles, shapes of webs, listening to cricket sounds.

Art: spider head band, the itsy bitsy spider, and wrapping yarn around popsicle sticks to make a web, and web marble painting.

Math: Fly catching cards, I see spiders stamp book, dice game using spiders

Science: all about spiders book to make, and life cycle of the spider.

For the ecology portion the children are sorting

“garbage”, playing an eco-friendly game, making books about the earth, and sorting pictures of plastic, glass, paper, and metal. They were also “cleaning up” an ocean by sorting objects that belong in the water and things that do not. about beetles and the weather. (last two weeks)

Subject: Weathers, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets

Practical life: Clipping ladybug, bugs in sand

Language: Learning weather vocabulary

Science: life cycles of firefly, parts of a cricket, life cycle of the ladybug, making their own thermometers, making weather wheels, and what to wear for different kinds of weather.

The children have been observing bugs outside by trapping them.

Group time: The children studied about different kinds of weather, in particular tornados, hurricanes, floods, and blizzards.

The children learned how to identify clouds by a song.

Art: Making rainbow clouds, “cloudy” necklace

Ms. Cathy’s class (last two weeks)

Subject: water cycle, earthworm, mealworm

Practical Life: bubble blowing, “Dirt” play dough, tweezing worms

Sensorial: bug sorting, puzzles, mystery bag

(identifying bugs by feel) Plastic, of course!

Math: raindrop counting, worm and beetle counting, measuring play dough worms

Language: W words, describing mealworms and earthworms (adjectives and verbs)

Science: Experiments, predictions, results. Do mealworms like wet or dry? Do worms like dark or light? Touching and observing mealworms and earthworms.

Songs: Pitter, patter. Herman the Worm.

Evaporation song (tune of Today is Monday):

Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, and it happens all over again. (Sing again)

Sam A., 5, is enjoying his summer. He told me that queen ants lay eggs and then it turns into larva, then pupa, then an ant, then it starts all over again. He knows the life cycle! His favorite plants are pokey prickly plants. He loves playing Power Rangers outside and his favorite bug is the grasshopper. He likes playing with Jack M.

Lila Z., 5, would like her summer to include going to

Disney. She has learned that ladybugs eat aphis and that they fly and they live in leaves. Her favorite thing to do outside is the monkey bars and her best bug is the ladybug. She likes playing with Amara and

Ruby at school.

Fritz tells me he is one, two, three birthdays. He likes playing with mommy and daddy outside in the summer.

He has learned that ants go under the ground. His favorite thing to do outside is the little slide. He likes ladybugs and ants. He likes playing with Jack J. at school.

Ben, 4, likes playing in the rain in the summer. He has learned that ladybugs eat aphids and bugs, they live on the ground. He’s also learned that thermometers can tell us how hot or cold it is outside. His favorite thing to do outside is the slide. He likes playing with

Eli and his favorite bug is the worm!

Millie, 3, likes playing in water in the summer. She has learned that bugs fly, fly around in the air. She claims she makes a fire when it storms. Her favorite thing to do outside is slide and play with fire. (I assure you, we have no fire at school!) Her favorite bug is the fly.

Duncan, 5, likes going to the park and playing outside in the summer. Duncan shared that he had a tractor at his house called Dumper. He likes playing with Ben at school and his favorite bug is the ladybug.

Peyten wants everyone to know that she is five 1/2.

She has learned that ants have an ant queen. They search for food for the ant queen and she is the boss of everyone. She also knows that dirt grows from flowers (her words) and that she has a flower at home so it can cool down in the shade and it doesn’t even die. She also has a mint plant at home and her mommy only lets her water it. Her favorite bug is the bee.

She likes playing on the monkey bars with Lila B,

Morgan, Rowan, Reece, Emily, Jack, Caitlin, and last of all Peyten.

Eva, 3, likes ladybugs that crawl around. She shared that weather is cold and hots and that lightning and raining make storms. Her favorite thing to do outside is the monkey bars. Her favorite bug is the fire ant.

She plays with Ryan and Jack J. at school.

Ryan, 4, likes playing with Eli on the monkey bars. He has learned that grasshopper don’t bite and that he likes spiders. He said that his baby sometimes get scared of storms but that he gets just a “yittle” bit scared.
