University Honors Academic Merit Scholarship


University Honors Academic Merit Scholarship

“Make yourself interesting”

A University Honors Academic Merit Scholarship provides funding to rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors in

University Honors who have gone above and beyond academically to “make themselves interesting.” This scholarship allows high-achieving Honors students to self-nominate for Honors funding. For this scholarship, we define a sophomore as a student entering his/her second year at university, a junior as entering his/her third year, etc.

The number of scholarships awarded each year will vary, and scholarship amounts will be $2,000 for the following academic year. The total scholarship will be split to provide $1000 toward both the following fall and spring semesters.

This is a one-year scholarship. Winners are welcome to apply again in subsequent years. Applicant information will be cross-checked with the Office of University Scholarships and Financial Aid to ensure that this scholarship does not interfere with a student’s existing financial aid.

Application Guidelines

A University Honors Academic Merit Scholarship application is available each year after the fall semester. Qualified applicants must have an overall GPA of 3.7 or higher. Please fully complete each of the four application sections and pay close attention to the directions for each section. You must attach your current unofficial transcript and curriculum vitae to this application.

Applications are due to 135C Hillcrest Hall no later than 5:00 p.m. on the third Monday in

March. Decisions will be made by early April.

SECTION I: Applicant Information

Please type/print:

First MI

Student ID #


Permanent (home) address





State Zip

Expected graduation semester & year Minor(s)

Intended Honors diploma Current cumulative GPA

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SECTION II: Report your need calculation and residency

While this is a merit-based scholarship, we ask you to report this information so that we can find the best funding source.

1) To look up your need calculation, go to:

Hokie Spa > Financial Aid Information > My Award Information >

Award Package by Aid Year > Select Aid Year > Award Overview.

Scroll down to Need Calculation, and report the last line .

Simply put “$0” if you have no need reported

Need Calculation

Cost of Attendance

Estimated Family Contribution

Initial Need

Outside Resources

Need: $

2) Please circle your residency: In-state Out-of-state International student

SECTION III: Short essay

On a separate sheet, please type an essay on the following prompt in about 500 words. The essay should be single-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font and attached to this application along with your unofficial transcript and CV.

In what ways have you made yourself interesting, or what has been the best way? Note that we are not necessarily talking about the 11 ways to earn Honors credit. How have these interesting choices affected your academic or co-curricular life? How does this contribute to what you think it means to be a University Honors student?

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SECTION IV: How have you earned Honors credit?

Include every experience for which you have earned Honors credit. You may include in-progress credit. For each experience in Categories A and B, include which of the 11 ways each experience fulfills, course designators and numbers (i.e., ENGL 1204H, UH 4994, etc.), and the number of Honors credits earned. For each experience in Category C, include which of the 11 ways each experience fulfills, a title/brief description, and its duration of time. Please refer to the University Honors website or your Course of Study Planner to review the details of the 11 ways to earn Honors credit.

Category A: Coursework

Category B: Individualized Learning

Category C: Non-Classroom Experience

Other: E.g.

UH 3204 Honors Service Learning (formerly UH 4984 Head Start), Corps of Cadets leadership positions, Partners in the Parks, and Writing Center coaching.

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