NJHS_Induction Ceremony Speech

Welcome to the National Junior Honors Society Induction Ceremony
Assembly. We are really excited to be up here today.
The National Honors Society is a national organization with chapters
in almost every junior high and high school in the nation. It’s dedicated to
helping those who value their education and bettering their community
through academic excellence in school and community service. The
National Honors Society is by invitation only, and only those students who
excel in the four pillars of National Honors Society values are the ones that
were selected to be part of this group. The four pillars of value are:
scholarship, service, leadership, and character.
Scholarship means those who value their education. Those who have
academic integrity, value excellence, push themselves to continually do
better in their academic endeavors, and enjoy working hard to achieve
academic success. Scholarship is characterized by a commitment to
learning. A student is willing to spend the necessary time to cultivate his/
her mind in the quest for knowledge. This pillar can only be achieved
through diligence and effort. Scholarship means always doing the best
work possible, regardless of impending reward.
Service means those who go out of their way to assist those in need,
or do what they see that needs doing without being asked, or without
requirement of recognition or reward. They do it because it’s the right
thing to do and because they are capable of making a positive difference in
the community around them. The willingness to work for the benefit of
those in need without compensation or recognition of any kind is a quality
that is essential in NHS members. As a service club, the National Honor
Society is highly concerned with giving its all to the school and community
at large. Service does not include performances of any kind, playing a
sport, or the simple act of being a member of another club.
Leadership means those who take initiative to handle situations and
ensure that tasks get accomplished. Leadership is knowing when to stand
up and fight for what’s right, and when to lead others into working
together to accomplish a common goal. Leadership is being a good leader,
but also being a good team player. Leaders are people that can be relied
upon and trusted. Leaders take the initiative to aid others in a wholesome
manner throughout their daily activities. Leaders sacrifice their personal
interests in order to yield to the needs of others. Leaders need wisdom
and self-confidence to effect change in all aspects of their lives. Some
examples of leadership can include, but are not limited to leading group
activities in the classroom and in the community, being an officer in a club,
being a primary chair or drum major of the band or orchestra, or being the
captain of a sports team.
Character means those that are looked up to as people that care
about others, are trusted, and responsible for their own actions and
decisions. Those that stand up for what’s right, even if they are standing
alone. Character means dreaming big, believing in themselves, and
inspiring others. Character is what distinguishes one individual from
another. It is the product of constant striving to make the right choices
day after day. Students with good character demonstrate respect,
responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship in all of
their actions. Character is what makes people look up to them as those
they strive to be like.
This year, between grades 7, 8 and 9 there were 289 eligible
students that were considered for honors society. Of those 289, 64 were
selected. I will now read the names of the students that have been
selected to be part of this elite group. When your name is said, please
stand and remain standing - Please hold your applause until all the names
have been presented.
Mark Ahrens
Dallin Isaac
Jacob Savage
Kaycie Aston
Devin Johnson
Dallen Short
Erickson Blair
Jennifer Johnson
Hannah Stewart
Gabrielle Braun
Sarah Judd
Sierra Stites
Jessica Brown
Joseph Kaiser
Taelor Stoddard
Esther Browning
Maharlika Kauwe
Alyssa Tanner
Whitney Buck
Angela Lacek
Wyatt Thomas
Olivia Cheney
Laricia Lamb
Gabriel Thurston
James Cheshire
Austin Lewis
David Trent
Connor Creighton
Catelin Lundell
Olivia Trent
Kaitlyn Cushing
Karissa Lunt
Michael Van
Clarissa DeSantiago
Manae Madson
Matthew Desantiago
Jonathan Masters
Michelle Veater
Emmalee Dorius
Vanessa Morales
Patricia Villalobos
Sara Fitzgerald
Ondine Morgan
Hailey Wamboldt
Matthew Fjerstad
Chantel Olsen
Naomi Watson
Emily Fullmer
Jessica Orton
Morgan Weatherred
Daniela Garcia
Duncan Osborn
Cedar Williams
Ashley Goodwin
Ethan Packer
Cody Woodhouse
Warren Goodwin
Jared Peterson
Alexis Wride
Mykenna Holman
Bailee Robertson
Hannah Huhtala
Duncan Rushton
National Junior Honor Society inductees please raise your right hand and repeat after me:
I have been chosen, to be one of the elite, as a model of leadership, scholarship, service,
and character. I will uphold these values, and be a model example for others. I will dream
big, I will believe in myself, and I will inspire others. I am one in a community, of bright
futures, and I will do my best, to support my friends, in their efforts to succeed, as I push
myself to excellence. Knowledge is power, and without service, the world around me will
not improve. I will be the beacon of light, that guides others to follow, my example of
excellence. Today I pledge, but forever I serve.
Congratulations members of National Junior Honor Society!
--Dismiss general audience but ask the members to stay for a quick meeting.--