bYTEBoss Online document search engine; Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint Home Upload Report abuse Contact Search PDF DOC XLS RTF PPT All M.a. Study Guide 2 Key Open document | View with Google Docs | Download document | Copyright abuse Content preview English 4. Middle Ages. Study Guide. Name ____KEY________________________________ Class _______ Date ______. Background Info. What economic system did England adopt after William the Conqueror triumphed at the Battle of Hastings? Feudalism. Which system featured overlords, vassals, and serfs? Feudalism. What determined a woman’s social rank in the Middle Ages? The social rank of her husband or father. List three things that the growth of cities led to during the Middle Ages. The development of lower, middle and upper class; a rise in people’s art; and the collapse of the feudal system. How did the Crusades influence everyday life in the Middle Ages? It exposed England to other cultures, specifically new ideas about arithmetic, astronomy, and architecture. The murder of which archbishop led to greater power for the Church of Rome? Thomas à Becket. What was the most positive effect of the medieval church? It fostered a common system of beliefs symbols . Which event signaled a renewal of older, democratic ideals? The signing of the Magna Carta. Which event led to the development of an English national consciousness? The 100 Years’ War. What freed the serfs and gave greater power to the lower classes? The Black Death. The Canterbury Tales Prologue. What is Chaucer’s main objective in “The Prologue―? To introduce the reader to the cast of characters. Why are the pilgrims traveling to Canterbury? To visit the shrine of St. Thomas à Becket. Why do the pilgrims agree to tell tales during the journey? For entertainment and to win a free meal at the inn.. How does Chaucer imply that the Cook’s dishes are not appetizing? Because he has an ulcer on his knee. Which character is a veteran of several marriages and pilgrimages? The Wife of Bath. List three things that Chaucer does to reveal his characters. Describes the characters clothes, physical features and their occupations.. Which characterizations does Chaucer portray realistically? Those of the church. What is imagery? The use of language that appeals to the senses.. Which member of the clergy is given the most admiring, flattering description? The Parson. “The Pardoner’s Tale―. Why is it ironic that the Pardoner preaches against avarice? Because he is particularly greedy. The Pardoner is an official of the church. List three ways that the Pardoner earns money. Preaches, begs, takes money from the poor, sells fake relics, sells pardons. Why do the rioters go looking for death? To avenge the deaths of their friends. In “The Pardoner’s Tale,― how is death portrayed? Both as a person and the price for wickedness. What is the ironic ending of “The Pardoner’s Tale―? They rioters find death by killing each other. The Pardoner’s pious story reveals what about himself? That he is greedy. Who prevents a fight between the Pardoner and the Host? Knight. What happens to the rioters at the end of the tale? They kill each other, finding death. After telling his tale, what does the Pardoner offer to do for his fellow pilgrims? Sell them pardons for their sins. What is ironic about the attitude that the old man has toward Death? He is seeking death because he wants to die; he’s lived his life.. After the rioters abandon their search for Death, they murder one another. This act is an example of which type of irony? situational. “The Wife of Bath’s Tale―. Who assigns the knight his quest? The queen. The knight undertakes a quest to find what women want most.. What does the knight see before he finds the old woman? 24 dancing women. According to the tale, what is it that women really want? Self-same sovereignty; mastery over their husbands/lovers. What does the old woman demand as a reward for giving the knight the correct answer? She wants to marry him. Why does the Wife of Bath tell her story? To entertain the others. How does the knight show that he learned his lesson? By letting his wife make the decision about which form she would take. About which topic does the old woman speak eloquently? True and false gentility. What is satire? How does Chaucer use it in his story? A form of writing that makes fun of human folly. He uses it to portray hypocrisy, especially that of the church.. Who narrates the tale about the knight and the old woman? The Wife of Bath. Vocabulary. Define each word.. engendering –creating. stature –height. personable –amiable. accrue –to increase over time. statute –law. benign –kind. guile –sly dealings. diligent –hard working. adversity –misfortune. disdainful –scornful. discreet –cautious. obstinate –stubborn. frugal thrifty. duress –pressure. deferred –postponed. avarice –greed. covetousness –to great a desire for material things. carouses –parties noisily. abominable –loathsome. superfluity –excess; overflowing. blasphemy –sacrilege . pallor –pale. sauntered –strolled. transcend –to climb across. absolution –forgiveness. implored –begged. concede –to grant. extort – to obtain by threats of violence. void –empty. bequest –inheritance. prowess –power. temporal –worldly. lineage –ancestry. suffices –satisfies. pestilence –plague. . . . . . . . . . # missed: ___________. . . . Get the Thug Notes BOOK here! ▻▻ Join Wisecrack! ▻▻ From plot debriefs to key motifs, Thug Notes' Macbeth ... 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