Honors Biology Quarter 2 Table of Contents 10/8/12 Finish transport lab with handout $- 47 Oral 6-1 Review $ - 54 HW: Interest Inventory form 10/9/12 Write paragraph on back of Interest Inventory Form TURN IN Cornell Notes Photosynthesis $-56 HW: Research topic, take notes, list resources used 10/10/12 Finish Photosynthesis Cornell notes $ -56 Activity Photosynthesis overview $- 55 HW: Continue research of topic. Look for experiments, take notes, list resources used 10/11/12 Turn in Research Finish Activity Photosynthesis overview $ - 55 HW: Study acting role 10/12/12 DVD Photosynthesis quiz handout $- 58 Act out Photosynthesis Write a one page $-57 10/15/12 DVD quiz TURN IN One-Pager $ - 57 Copy homework questions from board $ - 60 1. 2. 3. 4. What is cellular respiration? Identify the two major steps of cellular respiration. What is aerobic respiration? List the equation for cellular respiration. 10/16/12 Feel the Burn Lab $ - 59 One – Pager $ - 57 NOTEBOOK DUE Wednesday October 17th $Pages 47-60 10/17/12 Turn in Notebook Complete viewer challenge “All you can eat” Turn in Absent students will need to get a current event form the blue drawer and complete on the topic of Genetics Absent students will turn in notebook when they return HW: Photosynthesis and Respiration handout 10/18/12 Start New table of contents Finish Feel the Burn $ -59 Review $ - 61 Photosynthesis and Respiration Handout Fold its $ -63 & 64 Page 151 vocabulary HW: Study for test Friday Photo and Resp 10/19/12 Test need pencil and ½ sheet of paper Fill out form letter Fold its $ -63 & 64 Page 151 vocabulary 10/22/12 Inquiry-based science investigation -Annotated Bibliography Due 10/30/12 -Research Paper Due 11/14/12 -----Cornell Notes $-68 HW: Look for more research sources 10/23/12 Finish Cornell notes $ - 68 Make sure Fold its are complete Study Guide 8-3 $-66 Syllabus for Inquiry-based Science Investigation $ - 67 HW: Finish 8-3 Study Guide 10/24/12 Meiosis Quiz Turn In Complete page 153 questions 1-8 on $ - 70 HW: finish p. 153 and work on Research 10/25/12 Read Chapter 9 section 1. Complete handout 9-1 Review $ - 72 HW: Work on Bibliography 10/26/12 Mitosis Summary $ - 71 Review vocabulary for fold its Annotated Bibliography due 10/30 10/29/12 Meiosis pictures and questions $ -71 World of Genetics wordsearch $ -69 Annotated Bibliography due 10/30 10/30/12 Turn In Bibliography Group Hunt Turn In Read page 178 World of Genetics wordsearch $ -69 Genetics Problems Vocabulary $ -74 HW: Solve problems 1-4 from genetics paper $- 73 and 74 10/31/12 Get stamp for genetics problems 1-4 $- 74 Start Making Reindeer HW: BE SAFE 11/1/12 $ - 76 problems 5 and 6 with dihybrid notes DVD meiosis quiz attach to $ -65 if you want to make corrections use the Quiz and Test Corrections Format from Mrs. Reisbig’s webpage Making Reindeer $- 78 attach the Zygote page. Assemble and Illustrate on construction paper TURN IN HW: Genetics Problems 7-10 do on $- 75 and $ - 76 11/2/12 Notebook due Answer Geometry of Life video questions on your own paper TURN IN 11/5/12 Finish Reindeer egg and sperm and zygote $ - 78 Glue to construction paper the parts of Reindeer and Illustrate a background TURN IN Geometry of life video questions $ - 80 HW: Study $ 63-76 for test Tuesday 11/6 11/6/12 Meiosis test need paper Read MLA guide pages 24-27 DNA structure handout $ - 79 HW: work on Research Paper due Nov. 14th 11/7/12 Lab Crude Extraction of DNA $ -81 Finish DNA structure handout $ -79 HW: work on research paper 11/8/12 Complete all Lab questions $-81 Finish DNA structure handout $-79 Notes DNA vocabulary $- 82 RESEARCH PAPERS DUE NOV. 14TH 11/13/12 DNA Kits $- 84 Meiosis test $ - 77 HW: Research Paper use Spiral 67 and 68 to make sure you have proper format DUE 11/14 11/14/12 TURN in Research paper with title page and bibliography DNA kit Part II $ - 84 Handout Chemical Basis of Genetics front side $ -83 HW: work on experiment for Inquiry Investigation 11/15/12 Cornell notes Protein Synthesis $- 86 HW: work on experiment 11/16/12 Turkey DNA $- 87 Complete back of Chemical Basis of genetics $- 83 11/26/12 $ - 86 Finish Protein Synthesis notes Research Design samples Protein synthesis worksheet $ - 85 HW: Research Design Due any day this week 11/27/12 Oral Protein synthesis worksheet $- 85 Read pages 204-205 Complete DNA/RNA chart handout both sides $- 88 HW: Research Design due this week 1st results due 12/4/12 11/28/12 $- 88 Two good questions about protein synthesis write HW: Research Design due this week. 1st results due 12/4/12 11/29/12 Turn in Research design Edit three research papers Textbook p. 240-------Mutation handout $- 90 HW: make sure all work is complete in Spiral pages 78-90 11/30/12 Turn in research design Protein Word sort $-89 Notebook due 12/3/12 Finish Protein word sort $-89 Notebook grade stamps $-78 and $-79 1st results due Tuesday Dec. 4th 12/4/12 Turn In 1st results Gene Expression Lab $- 91 and $- 92 HW: Study for Test $- 79---92 Last Notebook of semester due Wed. 12/5/12 Last day for test corrections 12/6/12 12/5/12 TURN IN NOTEBOOK PUT IT ON THE CART Clone video list on a T-chart the Pros and Cons Turn in HW: study for test $-79-92 Last day for test corrections 12/6/12 12/6/12 Finish Gene Expression Lab $-91 and $-92 Test DNA, RNA, Protein and stuff Review handout for the Final Exam 12/7/12 Review for final Exam 200 points 12/10/12 Review for final Exam 200 points 12/11/12 Review for final Exam 200 points December 12 thru the 14th FINALS Get a new Spiral for second semester