Speed of wave lab

Speed of Wave Lab 1
Principles of Physics
First and Last Name: _____________________________
PART 1 - Goal: determine the speed of a wave pulse traveling in a slinky.
A wave pulse is made in a slinky by quickly moving the slinky to one side and then snapping it back into
place. Practice a few times until you can make a quick, clean pulse.
Watch how the wave pulse travels back and forth on the slinky; eventually it will stop.
Question: How does it stop? Does it slow down until it stops or does it fade away to nothing?
If the wave does not slow down, then we can assume that it travels at a constant velocity, and we can
therefore use the equation 饾懀 = 饾憽 .
Question: Why do you think that the wave eventually stops?
Now, use a stopwatch and timer to collect data that will allow you to calculate the velocity of the wave
pulse. Do at least 5 trials and get an average velocity.
Data Collected:
Calculations (show your work!)
Average calculated velocity: ________________
PART 2 - Goal: Identify which factor/factors determine(s) the velocity of a wave.
Not all waves travel at the same velocity. Talk to your lab group and try to think of things that you can
change about your wave pulse that might change the velocity.
List your ideas here:
Choose one of these factors to test. The variable that we will change is _______________.
You must have data to back up your findings. In other words, collect data and calculate the velocity
when changing the variable by different amounts. Do multiple trials and SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK.
Data Collected:
Calculations (show your work!)
Summarize your findings. If your variable does affect wave velocity, describe the relationship.